Religion Debate


As per the forums AUP

As I am the Author and copyright holder of my work/words, the permission originally given to quote such is now withdrawn in the matter of the religion debate.

AUP Rules of Conduct

And I quote

"A Forum member shall not upload, (post), or otherwise make available on ZGforum any material protected by copyright------ or other right without the express permission ( which I withdraw as of now ) of the owner of such ( Me D Louth 77 )-----"

I also feel that some content of the devils posts also contravene other aspects of the AUP in regard to offensive language/content. I think those items are obvious so I don't think it necessary for me to highlight them.

As permission is now withdrawn, I would ask that the devil deletes all material containing my work in this debate, General Chat- Religion debate foa Dlouth, or failing that that the Moderators do so.

D Louth 77
As per the forums AUP

As I am the Author and copyright holder of my work/words, the permission originally given to quote such is now withdrawn in the matter of the religion debate.

AUP Rules of Conduct

And I quote

"A Forum member shall not upload, (post), or otherwise make available on ZGforum any material protected by copyright------ or other right without the express permission ( which I withdraw as of now ) of the owner of such ( Me D Louth 77 )-----"

I also feel that some content of the devils posts also contravene other aspects of the AUP in regard to offensive language/content. I think those items are obvious so I don't think it necessary for me to highlight them.

As permission is now withdrawn, I would ask that the devil deletes all material containing my work in this debate, General Chat- Religion debate foa Dlouth, or failing that that the Moderators do so.

D Louth 77

Are you feeling OK? Posts on internet forums are not covered by copyright. Not even very silly ones.
Do as you are asked

Further debate is over, if you wish to continue you can do so without the use of my work/words. You may no longer quote me.

Again I ask that all material in this debate which I am the copyright holder of be removed. Or I will consider it a breach of copyright and act accordingly.

This withdrawal of quoting permission only pertains to this debate and no other on this forum

D Louth 77

The forum AUP is quite clear on this matter. As I am the author of my work I am the copyright holder of said, and can legally decide how it may or may not be used. As all you seek to do and probably did from day one is to deride me and my religious faith I withdraw permission as of now.
You've indicated that you believe in a creator god, so who created the creator? It leads to an infinite regress.

I reckon that the G*D in all it's timeless non decay must be the unquestionable owner of the patent of nothingness, thus what was before or after would be of no matter..a little like the before the existence of life the universe and etc etc - unknown nothingness being unknown. :)
Further debate is over, if you wish to continue you can do so without the use of my work/words. You may no longer quote me.

Again I ask that all material in this debate which I am the copyright holder of be removed. Or I will consider it a breach of copyright and act accordingly.

This withdrawal of quoting permission only pertains to this debate and no other on this forum

D Louth 77

The forum AUP is quite clear on this matter. As I am the author of my work I am the copyright holder of said, and can legally decide how it may or may not be used. As all you seek to do and probably did from day one is to deride me and my religious faith I withdraw permission as of now.

There's no copyright on your posts, nor anybody else's. Lighten up. All I have been doing is illustrating how incredibly stupid the "intelligent design" / creationist arguments actually are. I hope it has given you food for thought.
Are you feeling OK? Posts on internet forums are not covered by copyright. Not even very silly ones.

D Louth 77,

The Devil is correct.

You stated an opinion(s) and when challenged by The Devil for hard evidence, you deleted your posts. You may withdraw from the debate but cannot justifiably ask anyone to unquote your deleted posts.
It's really depressing to think that there are people alive in the 21st century who believe that the theory of evolution is not correct. There's a mountain of evidence, all of it pointing the same way.

And I have never encountered anyone who thinks the speed of light is variable! It just shows how completely desperate some fundamentalist christians have become, I guess.
And I have never encountered anyone who thinks the speed of light is variable! It just shows how completely desperate some fundamentalist christians have become, I guess.

Well, on that very specific point, I think DL did have a reasonable claim. John Moffat and others have proposed that the speed of light shortly after the big band was considerably higher than its current (constant) value. Thus explaining the otherwise troublesome distribution of matter in the universe.
Well, on that very specific point, I think DL did have a reasonable claim. John Moffat and others have proposed that the speed of light shortly after the big band was considerably higher than its current (constant) value. Thus explaining the otherwise troublesome distribution of matter in the universe.

THE big BAND theory I knew it all began with music. I wonder what interconnects were used to record the BIG BAND!!
awww im gutted i missed this thread for so long, i love a heated god/nogod debate!

still, its an interesting read.
It wasn't *that* good.

Logic vs faith never comes to a suitable conclusion. Both have their good points and bad points.
I think you missed the point, Seeker. The thread is primarily about religion, not god.

It exposes the crass, ignorant creationist propaganda about evolution. It's not as if evolution discounts the possibility that a god exists. These lunatic fundamentalists are now infiltrating American politics, and they really ought to be shown up for what they are & seen off.
I think you missed the point, Seeker. The thread is primarily about religion, not god.

That's why I said faith.

You may not like what some people believe or have faith in but for you to bang away at their faith makes you no better than them with respect to pushing a world view.

Just because you think you have logic and reason on your side doesn't make you right. :)

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