Dave Simpson
Plywood King
I'd like to know why some believe an intelligent entity would be required to construct the universe when there's no such requirement anywhere else in nature.
I'd like to know why some believe an intelligent entity would be required to construct the universe when there's no such requirement anywhere else in nature.
Where else exists in nature outside the universe?
True. However, when searching for an explanation to a set of observed phenomena, I'll take facts, logic and reason over blind (and ignorant) faith any day.
I'd like to know why some believe an intelligent entity would be required to construct the universe when there's no such requirement anywhere else in nature.
And if facts, logic and reason can't explain it?
Sorry Seeker, I can buy into just about anything but the idea some guy in white robes held his hand out and planets suddenly poofed out of nowhere.
Sorry Seeker, I can buy into just about anything but the idea some guy in white robes held his hand out and planets suddenly poofed out of nowhere.
Those who believe the Bible believe that ... [etc]
And this is less likely than planets poofing out of nowhere without any outside intervention?
Natural selection explains, for example, how the giraffe got its long neck, Seeker. What else would you like explained? The origin of the universe? We don't yet fully know, and may never know, but the beginning seems to have been something we call the big bang.
The problem with "god", as pointed out earlier, is that if you insist that every complex thing must have a creator, then that leaves the question: who or what created god? Saying "god has always existed" means that not every complex thing requires a creator, which was the initial premise.
None of this disproves god, just as no-one can prove that there isn't a 1955 Cadillac in orbit around Saturn, for instance. The Cadillac & god seem equally unlikely, but neither can ever be ruled out.
Yes it's very much less likely.
That is a good start.
What causes the genetic mutations that are required for a long neck?
Then, what happens to me when I die?
Do I have free will?
Those who believe the Bible believe that God is a source of infinite power and energy, who has always existed, but at one point decided to create other beings to enjoy life with him.
OK, you'll have to explain that.
What's more likely to happen: A piece of wood spontaneously combusting or a piece of wood combusting after I intervene and add heat?
What happens when you die? Nothing. Game over. Remember before you were born? Me neither.
You have free will, sadly.