Remembering the 80's

Totaly agree there Ron. There are some cracking bands in the kist as well. Why do they feel the need to make a compilation? This genre was never meant for the compilation buying public.....maybe this public grew up and had there brains/taste/decision making skills removed?

The record industry can save itself from the download culture.......lower the prices.
i see you have some big issues with this music. i on the other hand wallow in the the nostalgia and memories that were part of my teenage life in the 80's. i like being reminded of zmw (i actually have his 1st album on cd... it was one of those albums that is on your 'to get' list and you look for everytime you go into somewhere selling cd's then experience elation when you find it) the mission, fields, the cure etc. all remind me of mates, places, pubs, girls, women and holidays so for a tenner it was a marvelous trip down memory lane.

to be honest it's this kind of niche compilation that people like me sometimes buy for the nostalgia factor that allows labels to put out more experimental stuff like the abysmal flaming lips and radioshod. so i think it's about evens really. there is a place for both and without the revenue generated by one the other wouldn;t exist and you'd be reduced to listening to 96k mp3s made by a 12 year old with no talent. sorry but that's the way the world works... sad perhaps, but true.

what is the problem with cds being available in tesco's? it makes buying them easy, they are cheaper. ohhhhh i didn;t go into a dingy independant record shop and pay over the odds for it... therefore the cd must be sh*te? i'll let you into a little secret... they were also selling the latest... steely dan, radiohead, yeah yeah yeahs, dark side sacd, flaming lips, and a lot more acknowledged good music too. all at less than indy backstreet records, hmv, mvc or andys.

as for the la's being dark? well compared to kylie and jason....

not popping at you ron but those kind of comments get my goat, as you can tell, it's all right i'm going to lie down....

Originally posted by My name is Ron

Really, who needs to be reminded of ....... New Model Army
Errr...... well actually I went to see them a couple of times about two years ago and they were in fact superb. Also try listening to some of their more recent albums ( Strange Brotherhood or Thunder and Consolation). Excellent stuff by a band with integrity and true to what they believe in !!!!:guitar:
Look we've filled umpteen pages about 80's music and no-ones mentioned a few stalwarts. Where's Mel and Kim, Pepsi and Shirley. I've seen no-one mention that great hopeful Rick Astley, the 80's just like the 70's before them and the 90's after them were full of tat. On the other hand.......
The Smiths
The Happy Mondays
Dire Straits
New Order
Guns and Roses

Loads of great ground breaking bands came out then just like the decades before and after. You always get tat and you always get quality.
Another group/person not mentioned so far is Ultravox and Midge Ure. I used to really like Ultravox but I heard some of their stuff recently and thought it was utter cack :eek: I rememberd their synth sound as being quite "lush" but it was so sparse and empty - like, did you foget to mix in the other 8 tracks or something?? :D

Lordsummit, there's already been a few mentions of SAW already, so I guess most people have lumped most of their puppets :eek: into the same pile. Must admit, I did really like their, I guess you could call it "cameo" appearance in their very own "Roadblock" track. Was probably the best thing to come out of The Hit Factory. :)

Dire Straits, yep "the" AOR band of the 80's. What did they brand them, "Yuppie Rock" because they were apparently very popular with the young and upwardly mobile trend set. Yuppie or not yuppie, I'm happy to admit to being a big fan.

How about Jean-Michel Jarre then as another 80's (electronic) music icon. Obviously, he first emerged into the limelight in the mid 70's, but was synonomous for 2 of the decades highest profile outdoor concerts (after Live Aid?). Houston and Docklands in London. :MILD:
I can't believe the longest thread on here, is about 80s tack!
Am wondering whether I need to be devastated as about 6 months ago I threw a whole load of 80's tat into a skip, including Now 4 on immaculate vinyl and a best of SAW. Were these really worth money:confused:
You Threw Now 4 away, Your NUTS!

Ya I liked the 80's a lot, again like most, probably because I was going through school at the time and it holds good memories, but "some" of the music was really good, people trying to push out of the mould, boy george for one comes to mind, ya there was some real tat, just like there is now, I had to enduce that parc "fast food song" which somehow got into today's chart, but at least the number one is good, nice hard ROCK, anyway back to the thread.

Lots of my cd collection feature bands from the 80's, dIRE sTRAITS, Pet Shop Boys and plenty more, some real good music back then.

Music hasn't moved on that far now it seems, as most are using 80's covers, ran out of original material it seems.:D
Originally posted by robert_cyrus
so my double lp (me ? own vinyl ? yes, but not many !) of now 9 in mint condition - is this actually worth anything ?
Yeah, should be worth something down your local second hand record shop. Although if you really wanted to sell it to get some money in, I'd put it on E-bay. The CDs are worth more, they go for circa £30-40+, and often more. Not sure about the LPs.

Originally posted by MO!
I can't believe the longest thread on here, is about 80s tack!
I had a bet with myself that this thread might be a bit popular, just going by the number of people who admitted they were closet 80's fans in the new members thread. Guess, I just happened to catch the mood of the forum!! ;)

Originally posted by lordsummit
Am wondering whether I need to be devastated as about 6 months ago I threw a whole load of 80's tat into a skip, including Now 4 on immaculate vinyl and a best of SAW. Were these really worth money:confused:
Now 4, yes, but doubt you'd have gotten anything for the SAW album, but then again, on E-pay, you never know. :D
If my missus (should I ever find one dumb enough to go out with me) tried throwing any of my music out, she'd be dropped hotter than a hot potatoe... No compromise (it's a word I don't believe in).

Back on topic - the early Now LPs are worth next to nothing - no more than a fiver to a tenner each on Ebay. Like Henry says, the CDs are the valuables - 8 and 9 tend to go for ~80 quid, but NOW '86 (the ORIGINAL, single disc white cover version) seems to go for a lot less - around ~20. NOW The Christmas Compact Disc I've NEVER seen second hand (you're a lucky sod Henry!) so I'd guess it would be expensive now...

I bought my copy of NOW 4 on vinyl from Ebay for £4 - mint. I got NOW 3, NOW 10 and NOW Dance for 70p EACH from British Heart Foundation recently and they are the best NOW records in my collection condition/crackle wise - almost as silent as CD!

I'd like NOW 14 on CD though - rarer than rocking horse poo it would appear...

The pigs disappeared after NOW 5 (the first NOW tape I got) - the cover of NOW 5 is flipping HORRID so I'm not surprised the pig had to die. The best earlier NOW covers for me have got to be 10, 11 and 12 - that whole yuppie culture covers thing really worked for me :)

Does anyone know if "Safety Dance" by Men without hats is on CD anywhere? My copy of NOW 1 on vinyl is getting overplayed on that track!
For remembering the 80's has anyone bought the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City soundtracks? :cool: If you haven't yet but have a PS2 you might want to just hook up an optical lead to your MD or CDR deck and do your own recordings (FS 48 KHz!) You probably have to put each radio station into a separate disc but it sounds good! Flash FM...
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Originally posted by domfjbrown
NOW The Christmas Compact Disc I've NEVER seen second hand (you're a lucky sod Henry!) so I'd guess it would be expensive now...
I'm not that lucky, it's the only rare Now album that I've managed to track down by myself. You've found loads for me, including 8 (single disc version ;)), 10, 11, 13 and 14 (even though it's still got library barcode sticker on the actual discs themselves which can't be removed without leaving sticky mess, it had to be snapped up as I knew I'd never be seen again). Your lucky with 9, and I'm still after a copy of 12 on CD (at a sensible price i.e. less than £15).

Originally posted by domfjbrown
Does anyone know if "Safety Dance" by Men without hats is on CD anywhere? My copy of NOW 1 on vinyl is getting overplayed on that track!
I thought I had this on a compilation CD somewhere, but it seems not. A quick search on Amazon has revealed a couple of best of album by Men Without Hats, so it looks like that that is your options.
The 4cd sets are just the first 2 2cd sets in a slipcase and the last 2 in a similar fashion. Gotta be the best value way to get these... might have to visit smiths later in the week.
I am NOW 19 and Now 20 on CD, but I am guessing these won't be worth much as a lot of people had CD players by 1991. Does anybody know what your the last NOW vynils came out? I am guessing around 1988-90 would this be correct?

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