Scientific Method?
See effect; repeat effect; formulate theory to explain effect.
Non-Scientific Method?
Deny effect occurs; assume effect is non-existent; adopt superior attitude that others are misguided.
This non-scientific method is very prevalent.
E.g. millions claim to have a 'personal experience' of religion, which is, for them, a real experience. It is repeated millions of times over, but the 'scientific' community will deny it occurs as they cannot explain it. Anything 'inexplicable' does not occur, according to the scientific community.
This also affects any research which challenges currently accepted theory. It has to be mighty strong to break through the 'scientific' mind-set that puts science in the position of god.
E.g.(1) Recent research suggests that our ancestors did not walk on their knuckles as previously thought; but there is no rush to amend the 'scientific' displays in museums etc to reflect the latest research.
E.g.(2) Fossil discoveries have demoted many proto-humans previously thought to be in the direct line of descent to homo sapiens, but they continue to be shown in new text-books and museums to bolster the position of 'science'.
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy" - Hamlet