Your question has been answered, it's just that you can't read.
So, for the last time:
People who sincerely report hearing something which turns out to be down to expectation or placebo are not lying, but they are mistaken. To be mistaken is not to be a liar. People hold beliefs about all sorts of things which later turn out to be false, but if they sincerely hold that belief they are not lying. Lying is deliberately and consciously saying something that one knows at the time to be false, rather than sincerely and honestly saying something which turns out to be an error.
Now, stop trying to provoke by putting words into other people's mouths. It's childish.
I haven't said at any point that people are imagining the effects of the animator, btw, but merely pointed out where the theories allegedly justifying it are wanting. My experience with other tweaks suggests that it's almost certainly the usual audiophool hoopla, however.
Is that clear enough for you? If it isn't, do me a favour and just ignore me, as I really can't be bothered to type all this out again.
-- Ian