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New to this site. My normal haunt is Audio Asylum, but a friend mentioned this site for folks in the UK. I am a Yank that has lived over in London for 6 years. I have gone through various speakers and amps since I have been here (really impressed with the British brands I have used so far: Monitor Audio GR 60 and the Musical Fidelity Nuvista 300). My current system happens to be all US (not by design - by ear). The system is as follows: VPI TNT HRX Turntable with a Benz Micro Ebony LP cartridge (I am a vinyl fanatic), Manley Steelhead Phonostage (also acting as preamp), Musical Fidelity Tri Vista SACD player, Tenor Audio 300hp tube/ss hybrid (small company in Canada), Revel Ultima Salon Speakers and Silversmith Audio interconnects and speaker cables (amazing ICs and cables). I listen to practically everything - mostly Jazz, Rock and Classical. Would be interested in communicating with other audiophiles in or around London - nobody I know really gives a hoot.
Ultrasonic said:
Hey analogue, i know what ur thinking! Having both pairs side by side is a no go zone in the realms of hifi, its gona cause thickening of mid bass and colouration etc etc! But to my surprise, it didnt cause any sonic nasties at all!

whys that?? do the magnets attract or repel each other and cause the drive units to behave strangely??
Time for an update me thinks, my rigs undergone quite a few changes since my original post!

2 channel system

CD player:
Marantz cd6000Ki signature on Atacama statistage

Black Rhodium Oratorio Interconnects terminated in bullets

Marantz PM7200 on Atacama statistage and Nordost pulsar points

Speaker cable:
Qed silver anniversary Biwire

Tannoy sensys DC1 on Atacama BD21 stands

Rel Strata III

Av system

Dvd player:
Pioneer DV444 (long due for an upgrade!) probs 1 of the new universal Denons

Av amp
Yamaha rvx496rds (also long due for upgrade-probs the new 7ch Sony with DAB)

Main: Mission m53/ Centre: Mission m7c2/ Rear: Mission m71 on Atacama nexus 6 and stools :o

Rel Strata III from 2ch is also used but via lo level connection

Phillips p6006 28" widescreen

Cambridge audio/QED/ixos cables all round

Silver with ice blue glass Sound organisation Z530 AV rack

Update -

Source -

rega Jupiter CDP
DIT Scheu TT

Amps -

Transendant Grounded Grid

Rotel RB1090

Speakers -
Medowlark Kesterl Hotrods

Cables -

Omiga Mosquito

Omiga Deliverance/Gutwire G-clef/Eupens

Power conditioning-
Omiga thingy (works well, no idea what its called)
2KVA Iso TX for power amp

Atacama equinox rack
Siesmic sink under pre amp
jimmymcfarrell said:
whys that?? do the magnets attract or repel each other and cause the drive units to behave strangely??

No Jimmy sometimes the other box can resonate in sympathy with the one thats playing, and add unwanted colouration, and also may have issues with dispersion as one side has another flat surface next to it and other doesn't, this does not seem to be a problem for Ultra.

Hello everyone!

This is my first post so I'll start with my system...

Meridian 506.24 CD Player
PACE digital receiver for radio.
Sony PS2
Yamaha DSP-A5

Audio Synthesis Passion preamp [all Vishay, all silver wired version]

Mark Levinson No.334 power amp

Wilson Benesch Discovery speakers

Mission M7C1 Centre

Wharfdale loudpanel rear speakers

Nordost Valhalla interconnects for CD-Pre and Pre-Power with silver Eichmanns
Nordost SPM Reference speaker cable biwired with silver Audio Note spades and bananas

Looking forward to the Heathrow show next weekend as I want to start looking at CD player options wiht built in volume so I can remove the Passion and 1 Valhalla from the system and drive the Levinson direct...
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here goes

CDP ==== Merdian 506.24
AMP ==== Quad 909
PRE ==== Musical Fidelity PRE 3.2
SPK ==== KEF XQ1 on XQ Stands.

Isotek GII Minisub
Mains Cables by Lat International (x4)

Lat International IC-200 (x2 pairs)
Van de Hul Carbon (x2 pairs)
Chord Chameleon (x2 pairs)

Speaker Cable.
Chord Rumour bi-wire.

Modified techlink+ replaced glass shelves with treated MDF
use 8 Argos Granite boards.

(wanted Valve Pre-amp! pm or email please)

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'bout time I posted the system details up for dissection :-)

Turntable - Linn LP12, Ittok, DV17d2
Phonostage - Trichord Dino
CDP - Rega Planet 2k
Tuner - Pioneer TX-608
Amplifiers - Rega Cursa & Maia 2k
Speakers - Klipsch Heresy 2

Also about to set up a surround sound system with Pioneer DV-626 DVD, Onkyo something-or-other surround amp and a set of little Polk speakers I picked up cheap last week.

new (rack) systempics...

Hi Y'all,

I just got me new rack 2 days ago.
(well, it's actually old stock, but it's new to me :cool: )

I've been looking for a good looking and good 'sounding' rack.
Most of the racks I saw were either too high, too deep, had too many shelves, were too ugly or way too expensive. (Naim Fraim, Copulare)

So,...after a short visit to my Sonneteer dealer I discovered he had just one of these Sound-Factory 'Tripod' stand left:


As if it was made for my small system :)



That's all, folks

My first system is complete :D

Marantz CD-63 SE
Denon TU-215RD
Cyrus One
Mission 760i

Qunex One interconnects
Ixos 610 speaker cable

All bought 2nd hand off ebay, for a total price of £235 :D

I smile every time i think of all the people spending that sort of money in Dixons, when they could be listening to this instead!

hifi photo.jpg
Cyrus DAC XP
Cyrus AV8 <- 5.1 only from now on
Cyrus DVD8
Cyrus Smartpower x 3
Cyrus PSXr feeding the DVD8
Dyanudio Contour 1.3 mkII's L & R
M & K K17 center
M & K K4 rear L & R
M & K VX100 Sub

Yea picked up my DAC/ Pre last night from Audio Ex :-


Its the DAC X with dual mono, fully balanced, preamplifier cards, gotta say so far my CD's have never sounded so good :)

I now just need to change the centre speaker.
My kit:- XTC PRE1/ XTC POW1
Iso Hera HR phono stage
Marantz CD10 Trichord modded
Gyro SE/Technoarm Ortofon
Kef Reference 4.2 speakers (albina burr)
All cables by The MISSING LINK (I think the best)
Music room built 3yrs ago (self built house extension)3 pitch ceiling,dedicated ringmain, acousticly treated and soundproofed from the rest of the house. Can you tell me how to put pic's on here?
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Current kit as follows:

Primare 30.2 CD Player
Primare A30.1 Amplifier
Castle Avon II Speakers
QED X-Tube Bi-Wire
Custom made DCT'd Interconnect

Next change will be speakers.
More changes.




Michell Gyro/Orbe platter/VC PSU/Hadcock 242SE/Ortofon Rohmann/Tom Evans Microgroove Plus


Onix BWD1 tuner. Or Pioneer TX-9800. Or Leak Troughline II.


47 Labs Shigaraki transport and DAC


Yamaha CDR-HD1300 hard disk/CD recorder


Sonneteer Bronte digital integrated


Harbeth K6

-- Ian
Hi there Ian,

Doesn't your Quadraspire get a little bit wobbly, now that it's 7 shelves high ?

Didn't you own a Sonneteer Byron CD-player recenly ?


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