New to this site. My normal haunt is Audio Asylum, but a friend mentioned this site for folks in the UK. I am a Yank that has lived over in London for 6 years. I have gone through various speakers and amps since I have been here (really impressed with the British brands I have used so far: Monitor Audio GR 60 and the Musical Fidelity Nuvista 300). My current system happens to be all US (not by design - by ear). The system is as follows: VPI TNT HRX Turntable with a Benz Micro Ebony LP cartridge (I am a vinyl fanatic), Manley Steelhead Phonostage (also acting as preamp), Musical Fidelity Tri Vista SACD player, Tenor Audio 300hp tube/ss hybrid (small company in Canada), Revel Ultima Salon Speakers and Silversmith Audio interconnects and speaker cables (amazing ICs and cables). I listen to practically everything - mostly Jazz, Rock and Classical. Would be interested in communicating with other audiophiles in or around London - nobody I know really gives a hoot.
New to this site. My normal haunt is Audio Asylum, but a friend mentioned this site for folks in the UK. I am a Yank that has lived over in London for 6 years. I have gone through various speakers and amps since I have been here (really impressed with the British brands I have used so far: Monitor Audio GR 60 and the Musical Fidelity Nuvista 300). My current system happens to be all US (not by design - by ear). The system is as follows: VPI TNT HRX Turntable with a Benz Micro Ebony LP cartridge (I am a vinyl fanatic), Manley Steelhead Phonostage (also acting as preamp), Musical Fidelity Tri Vista SACD player, Tenor Audio 300hp tube/ss hybrid (small company in Canada), Revel Ultima Salon Speakers and Silversmith Audio interconnects and speaker cables (amazing ICs and cables). I listen to practically everything - mostly Jazz, Rock and Classical. Would be interested in communicating with other audiophiles in or around London - nobody I know really gives a hoot.