Show us Your Kit!

Nice and simple:

CD Player Naim CD5i
CD interconnect Chord Co Chameleon Silver Plus
Valve Amp AVC EL34 Ultralinear Push-Pull 40Wpc
Spkr Wire Chord Co Carnival Bi-Wire
Speakers Quad 12L
on Target TR50 stands and with a Wilmslow Audio passive sub in parallel (tri-wired)

Naim PR&T allied to Valve warmth/midrange......mmmmmmmmm! :cool:
Hi Guys,
As an intrduction here is a list of my current equipment,

Glasshouse 300b
Avreavox Pre amp

Garrard 401 in solid birch ply plinth (6x 18mm)
SME M2-9 Ortofon mc25fl
Linsley Hood phono with regulated PSU

Marantz 6000ki

DIY floorstanding with Scan-speak 95000 tweaters and Seas W18E001 Mid/bass units with outboard hard wired cross overs
Van den Hul I/C and Kimber speaker cables

Speakers DIY floorstanding with Scan-speak 95000 tweaters and Seas W18E001 Mid/bass units with outboard hard wired cross overs

Any photo of this masterpiece of yours?
Here are a couple of photos of my speakers
the cabinets are 18 mm MDF with cherry veneer
the x-overs are a bit of a mess at the moment(sorry about the choc block connectors), when I have the time I am going to build a mk.2 version with Hovlands and mount them in boxes.
Although in theory they present a bit of a load for my amp, IMO they sound very open with lots of air and great detail


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Wow. That is quite a nice looking loudspeaker. It might be an interesting read should you decide to write up how you put it all together in the DIY section some day.
big changes to my kit recently....
it now consists of.

pII 400 server with 0.5Tb of storage storing flacs.
Slim Devices Squeezebox
Audio Synthesis Dax Decade
Naim Nap 250
IPL S5TL speakers.

Home Made Digital i/c using shark wire and bullet plugs.
Home made Analogue i/c using shark wire, bullet plugs and neutrik xlr.
Home Made Maplins hydra powering squeezebox, dax and 250.
Regulated 4amp switch mode psu on squeezebox.
Townshend Isolda Speaker cable.

panasonic 24inch 4:3 tv
panasonic av amp / speaker in a box package
Toshiba D-R1 DVD-Ram recorder / player.
NTL Cable box.

2x Alphason 5 tier racks

upgrades comming to speakers and squeezebox in the near future.
main entry on p1 with pics etc. will be updated soon once i've sorted some new pics out.


My kit:

Linn LP12 with Grace G707 arm
Arcam Alpha 6 CD
Luminous audio axiom pre amp
Quad II monoblock power amps
Tannoy Cheviot 12" DC HPD's

DIY silver cable interconnects & silver wire speaker cable.

Silky smooth, rich and velvety from top to bottom!
Vibbles - how do you find your glasshouse amp?

I live near Nick of hifi collective and reccomend these amps a lot for people looking for a 300B amp without the price tag.

Interesting to see someone make their own speakers too. Nice one.
I must admit I'm really impressed with my Glasshouse 300b, From the quality of the kit to the way it sounds it was a great investment, I think Nick has a winner.
Some pictures here

I thought it about time I put my own system up here.

I don't have any photographs, so have included links to similar products for people in case something is of interest.

Source 1)
Nottingham Analogue Mentor
Cant find picture ââ'¬â€œ looks a lot like the hyperspace shown, except colour is green, motor is separate to plinth and plinth is larger.

Kuzma Stogi tonearm

Ortofohn Kontrapunkt B cartridge

Source 2)

California Audiolabs Alpha DAC

Meridian 500 v2 Transport


Consonance Basie

EAR 834P

Power Amp

Border Patrol 300BSE


Altec Valencia, Voice of the theatre (846B)


HNE AV size.

Canare speaker cable,
Musical Fidelity interconnects
Copland CDA288 (soon to be clocked and PSU'ed)
Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista m3 integrated
Quad ESL988's

Ecosse monocrysal IC'c, speaker and mains cables
Dezorel mains filter
Home made isolation rack
love that minimalist look there alco fantastic,

rsand, another simple set up with just source amp and speakers, maybe we should start a reduce the boxes campaign :-)
Philip King said:
rsand, another simple set up with just source amp and speakers, maybe we should start a reduce the boxes campaign :-)

Reduce the boxes? The MF is 2 huge heavy boxes in itself couple that with the mains filter and you get a 4 box 2 component system :( Its in a cupboard appart from the cd though ;)
Philip King said:
love that minimalist look there alco fantastic,

rsand, another simple set up with just source amp and speakers, maybe we should start a reduce the boxes campaign :-)

Nah if it doesn't take over your entire room it doesn't impress people as much when they walk in. As we all know THAT is the most important thing in hifi. :D
My setup is just source amp and speakers too, I just happen to have two sources and my amps occupy 5 boxes,
Peoples conceptions do amuse me though. Last night the girlfriend had a mobile beautician over who took one look at the Quads esl988's and said 'wow they're big I bet their really powerful' :D
Then here parents turned up and her dad wanted to see my new plasma in action and was impressed until he found out I don't have a receiver. Its the lack of trestrial tv I like. Ie watch what I wan't, no arsenders et al and no liscence fee.

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