Nice and simple:
CD Player Naim CD5i
CD interconnect Chord Co Chameleon Silver Plus
Valve Amp AVC EL34 Ultralinear Push-Pull 40Wpc
Spkr Wire Chord Co Carnival Bi-Wire
Speakers Quad 12L
on Target TR50 stands and with a Wilmslow Audio passive sub in parallel (tri-wired)
Naim PR&T allied to Valve warmth/midrange......mmmmmmmmm!
CD Player Naim CD5i
CD interconnect Chord Co Chameleon Silver Plus
Valve Amp AVC EL34 Ultralinear Push-Pull 40Wpc
Spkr Wire Chord Co Carnival Bi-Wire
Speakers Quad 12L
on Target TR50 stands and with a Wilmslow Audio passive sub in parallel (tri-wired)
Naim PR&T allied to Valve warmth/midrange......mmmmmmmmm!