Show us Your Kit!

Some very nice systems listed on here, nice to see some passion in people's interest. Only problem with this is that some members may be a little put off by the apparent 'cost' of other members system and reluctant to post their own so I will list my modest system hoping that other members who do not have an esoteric system will follow:

Musical Fidelity X-A2 integrated

Teac VRDS 10 CD player (fully modified by Audiocom)
Borrowing a Rega Planar 3 but looking for suitable TT

Von Schweikert VR-1 monitors on iF Designs custom made reference stands
Von Schweikert VR-S/3 subwoofer (2-channel use only)

Eichmann series 6 interconnects
Eichmann series 6 speaker (not bi-wired)
Eichmann power cables
Wall mains outlets replaced with clean-room mains filter sockets

Quite a simple set-up and it works extremely well in all areas.
Hi there, just joined as I have been lurking for a while and found I kept coming back for more of this excellent forum.

My kit:

- Philips CDR796 CD Recorder <Missing Link Dark Art>;
- Perpetual Technologies P1A Interpolating Upsampler (replacement/upgraded 3.5A PSU, most cost effective upgrade to date) <Kimber D60>;
- Musical Fidelity Trivista 21 DAC, now with Audiocom level 3 mods (upsampling to 192kHz a noticeable improvement with the P1A, negligible without) <Audioquest Diamond X3>.

- Rega Planar 3 / RB200 / Linn K90 (disused for several years due to dead motor, awaiting replacement).
- Creek OBH-8SE <Precious Metals SS52>

- Sony ST-D777ES FM/DAB <VdH D102MkIII>

- Technics RSBX-404 cassette deck <Cambridge Tape Solution>

- AVI S21 Laboratory Series Integrated

- Acoustic Energy AE3 Reference Mk1, on dedicated AE stands <biwired, Nordost Solar Wind for mid / treble; QED SA for bass>

- Chord Clearway filter feeding cheapo 6-way panel
- Missing Link Orbit cable to amp (a very cost-effective upgrade)
- Missing Link Opus cable to DAC (negligible improvement, presumably due to built in choke filtering)

Accessories / tweaks
- Peter Boffin CD Sound Improvement Disc
- Foculpods & Polipods for isolating electronics
- small Michell Tenderfeet for speaker / stand interface (more convenient than spikes for such heavy (70lb/30kg) speakers)
- Caig Deoxit / Progold for connectors

System strengths: superb detail resolution, yet natural and unfatiguing, wide & deep soundstage, transparency and dynamics.
Shortcomings due to speakers: slightly exaggerated bass, only noticeable above medium listening levels, and slightly bright upper mid/lower treble.

Improvements being considered
- Reduce speaker bass output with high power resistor in parallel with driver
- A decent rack, as currently two stacks on a large built-in alcove shelf
- replace dead motor in Planar 3 so I can transcribe remaining vinyl to CD
- upgrade mains conditioning / distribution
- (longer term) might replace metal dome tweeters with soft domes or ribbons

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I couldn't help notice Listeningear's comments about cost,and would like to add this....I've actually had some of the best listening recently,with some of the cheaper components in my system,i.e.and old pair of Quad ESLs and partnering Quad II amps...still detailed and relaxing,if a bit rolled off and obviously lacking in power,but the imaging is lovely.

Roll on the hour when the 300Bs are run-in sufficiently!
My system

Digital source :
Linn Mimik
Denon DVD2900 - used mostly for dvd and sacd

Linn lp12/lingo/Akito + Goldring Elite
Michell Mycro/rb300 + Denon DL304
Magnum Dynalab tuner

Amps :
Linn Majik/Lk100/Lk140
Trichord Dino+

Linn Keilidh - tri-amped and active

Mostly Linn But KoolKables Insight between Dino+ and Majik, Cardas Quadlink between Magnum Dynalab and Majik.
RA powerKords for the amps and Nordost Shiva for the Dino+

Ixos deadrock
RA Torlyte for LP12
Voodoo air isolation platforms for DVD2900 and Dino+

Recently bought a Theta DS Pro Prime IIa dac for the DVD players cd output but bit disappointed in it and prefer it without.

i have just bought a marantz pm 510 amplifier and it is astounding i was wondering how much it is worth because i got it of a friend for 20 quid!! :MILD:

hello i have just bought a marantz pm 510 amplifier and it sounds absolutely amazing and i was wondering if anyone has any idea on how much it is worth because i dont have a clue because i bout it off a friend for 20 quid!!! :MILD:
Very nice pics, but i just can't be doing with bloody big speakers sitting on top of tv sets. The sound may be wonderful but the aesthetics are all wrong.
Well from what I have seen i can expect a flaming but this was the best setup for my ears at my budget:

MF X-Ray v3
MF X-150
MF X-Can v3
Kef Q7's

Home Entertainment:
Toshiba 32" TV, 32zd26p (or something like that!)
Sony DAV-S 550 (something to tide me over until lottery pays out)

On the go:
4th Gen 20GB iPod
Sony in ear speakers

In car:
Rainbow Pro's 5.25 Components
Image Dynamics ID10 Sub.
DLS A5 3-Channel Amp
Pioner 77mp Head unit

Personally there is nothing I would change, well with the funds available to me (i.e. None due to wedding in May!)
first post for me, and hello to everyone :)
heres my kit as now:



with a sound they produce, the quality of the build, (especially the transport) and the smooth, natural open presentation, its hard not to like. still wipes the floor with many players today.i wont be changing unless it goes tits up big time, even then, i'll consider another 206.

Just came across this forum recently, and it looks really interesting.
I've been a long road from simple analogue, through SET/ Horns, before marrying and settling down into more wife friendly kit.
I subsequently became more interested in AV, and built up this side of the system, whilst hanging on to my WAdia 6, and Living Voice Auditoriums, to try to keep the music up to speed. This culminated in an Arcam Alpha10/Dave/10p3, which is streets ahead of the Denon/Pioneer crowd, but still a little lacking.
My hi-fi interest was really rekindled by an effort last year to upgrade this Arcam, with the initial thought that the AV8/P7 would really bring my music back to a high level. However, it really disappointed me, sounding over-bright and scratchy, as did the Tag, and, to a lesser extent, the Meridian.
I then happened across a Proceed AVP/AMP5 ex-dem for similar money, and the music had returned!!
I'm really pleased with the lush valve-like sound, coupled with a trult 3D soundstage, and it works beautifully with TV and DVD as well. It may not have the latest Prologic2 etc, but the quality of the sound is just great.
Naturally this has led to further expense, with subwoofers(forAV only), and lots of new cabling.

So the current state of play is:

Wadia 6 CD player (still prettty much as good as I have heard)
Arcam fmj DV27 DVD player
Tivo box
Digifusion FVRT 100 Freeview box/HDD

Proceed AVP pre/pro
Proceed AMP5

Living Voice Auditorium L/R
M&K K4 rears
Spendor C5e Centre (very natural)
B&W ASW CM Subwoofer (similar to ASW 675)

Philips 36" CRT (no idea of the model number)
Infocus 5700 Projector
Owl 7ft wide electric screen

Nordost Silver shadow digital I/C DVD to pre/pro (the only Nordost cable I like)
Living Voice interconnect CD to Pre/pro Balanced
Audionote ANS silver interconnect L/R pre to Amp, Balanced
Audionote ANV interconnect rear pre to amp
Kimber timber interconnect centre pre to amp
KImber Hero interconnect Tivo to Pre
Kimber Silverstreak interconnect Freeview to Pre
Hitachi LC-OFC speaker cable, bi-wired

Well that's exhausted me so I'm off for a lay down
My kit:

Avid volvere TT with Morch DP6 Lyra Dorian and a 5751 phono stage brewed in the bath.
Marantz CD63KI 2
WAD Kel84 power amp

Sonus Faber concertinos
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Here is my set up, still working on things though

Source - Thorens 125 mk11; New plinth and some tweaking
- Original arm
- Denon DL 103

- Naim 3.5
- flatcap 2

Pre amp- Naim 32.5; modded caps and reistors
- MC boards; new caps
- flatcap 2

Amp - Cary Rocket 88; some tube ( valve ) rolling

Speakers - Spendor SP 3/5se
- Lovan stands

Speaker cables - X connected Belden 89259

interconnects - made from stripped Belden 89259

Power conditioner - Inouye

Rack - Lovan


JVC - 32" TV
Toshiba DVD player
Hitachi vhs
Toshiba 24" TV
My kit

Here is my set:

turntable THORENS TD 521
arm SME III rewired with signal Pure Silver with CARDAS
cartridge NAKAMICHI MC 1000

cd SONY CDP XA 555ES with power chord SUPRA LORAD
dac SENTEC DiAna
optical cable SUPRA Zac, coax SUPRA Trico, signal Pure Silver with CARDAS, other signal cable WBT 2016

tuner SONY ST 5ES
antenna COBRA FM 409

preamplifier ROTEL RHA-10 "Michi"
RIAA module ROTEL RHQ-10 "Michi"
with power chords AUDIOCOSTRUZIONI
signal Pure Silver with CARDAS

headphone SENNHEISER HD 580 Precision with Enhanced CMoy Headamp connected with signal Pure Silver with CARDAS

powered subwoofer AUDIO-PRO B4-200
powered loudspeakers AUDIO-PRO 14-14 MK III

H.T. extension:


central channel AUDIO-PRO FOCUS SA-3
powered with mono amplifier MARANTZ MA 500 THX
signal cable MONSTER CABLE Interlink CD

rear channels AUDIO-PRO S2-7
powered with SONIC IMPACT T-AMP
signal cables APATURE with SUPRA PPX

SUPRA loudspeakers cables

3 inertial power filters TECNOS ââ'¬Å"The Kidââ'¬Â


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Bow Technologies Wizard 2 CDP
Pure 701 Dab Tuner


Jeff Rowland Concentra MKII


ART Emotion signatures



JPSLabs Superconductor FX Balanced (CDP)
Nordost Blue Heaven (Tuner)


JPSLabs Superconductor FX (14ft pair bi wire shotgunned)(WBT bananas/spades)


JPSLabs Digital AC to CDP
JPSLabs Analog AC to Amp
AudioSource integra AC to Dab tuner
Audiosource E4-6 6 way Mains disti/filter


BOW Technologies

JPS Labs cables

Jeff Rowland Concentra MKII
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