Show us Your Kit!

Stereo Stuff
Pro-ject RPM 9 Turntable (Ortofon Rohmann Cartridge)
EAR 834P Phono Stage
Arcam CD82T CD Player (as transport)
Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista 21 DAC
Arcam DT81 DAB Radio
Musical Fidelity A308 Pre - Amplifier
Musical Fidelity A308 Power Amplifier
Graham Slee Solo Headphone Amplifier

Multi Channel Stuff
Arcam DV88 DVD Player
Marantz DV8300 DVD Player (SACD/DVD-A duties)
Marantz SR9200 AV Receiver (with SR9300 upgrade)
PACE (Sky) Digibox
Philips DVDR880 Recorder
Philips 32" (Blue) T.V. (6 yrs+ old)

Speaker Stuff
B&W CDM 9NT (Front)
B&W CDM 1NT (Side)
B&W CDM CNT (Centre)
REL Storm III Sub woofer
Grado RS-1 Headphones

Glue Stuff
Chord Co. cables (Stereo Stuff/DVD Player)
Chord Co. & Black Rhodium cables (Multi-channel Stuff)
Chord Co. & Black Rhodium cables (SCARTs and Subwoofer)
QED X-Tube 400 and QED X-Tube 300 Speaker Stuff

More Stuff
Audiophile BASE Starbase Support
Audiophile BASE Standard Support
Atacama SE24 (sides)
Black Rhodium Supermains 25 Mains Blocks
Black Rhodium Supermains 25 Mains Cables

2nd System (Bedroom)
Cyrus Dad3Q CD Player + PSX-R
Cyrus FM 7 Tuner
Cyrus 7 Amplifier + PSX-R
Cyrus Power Amplifier
Cyrus DVD7 DVD Player
Cyrus CLS50 Speakers
Cyrus Hark Rack
Something Solid Speaker Stands
Cabling by Chord Co., IXOS and Subzero.
Power cables by Subzero
Hi all, new here, and below is a list of my kit, if anyone has any questions / suggestions feel free...

Arcam, CD93T
Arcam, A85
Arcam, P85

All connections Audioquest and QED.

Sited on a Soundstyle Status ST 100 with (soon to be replaced with Partington Dreadnought) Atacama SE24 filled speaker stands.

hi, first post so here goes.

Meridian 206 cdp
Naim nac 92
Naim flatcap
Naim nap 90
Mission 752f rewired with qed silver anniversary
QED cable
Henley designs equipment support
QED cable
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Shanling scd-t200c CD/SACD player
Musical Fidelity x-p100 pre-amp
MF A3cr power amp and MF x-as100 power amp
Spendor S9 speakers, bi-amped
Rega p2 turntable with MF X-LPS and X-PSU
MF X-CANSv3 headphone amp with Sennheiser HD-600 phones
Chord Chorus interconnects and QED XT-400 cable
Russ Andrews classic powercords and Sounds Fantastic distribution block, with a silencer

Multi-channel and cinema/ other room:

Pioneer DV-757 multi-disc player
MF A3/24 DAC for stereo purposes
Pioneer VSX-D2011 AV amp
MF X-A1 for stereo purposes
Philips DVD-R75 dvd burner
Castle Inversion 50's, Inversion Centre, Inversion Sub
Castle Pembroke rears
Monitor Audio Silver FX/i surrounds
QED silver anniversary and IXOS cables
Sounds Fantastic Distribution block and Silencer
Panasonic PT-AE300 projector


Creative Audigy 2 NX external soundcard and Marantz SR4400 av receiver with assorted speakers left over from upgrades ( including AE-109's )

michaelab said:
They're not all Rush fans are they? :D


Running gun get the spoon out Mike needs beheaded.

Mike Digriz is a friend of mine, recently used ZG to ease his mind about a purchase from China, so I reckoned he wanted to take part, besides he's into a lot of music that not many of us are, so some unusual postings on the music forum possibly.

I often send people over from HFC, and a few have stuck around, the more the merrier I say, have we reached 1000 yet.
ok mine consists of

2ch music
sony ta-fe370 (ok its cheap but it does not sound half bad)
nad 521bbe cd player
Yamaha mdx 596 minidisc recorder
mission 771e bookshelf speakers
pc running a sound blaster 16 (stop laughing :) )
cambridge audio interconnects
issac sibson cat5 speaker cable

av system
Nokia ondigital decoder for freeview
prima by pace satellite deocder (currently positioned at 19.2east for german television)
pro line vhs recorder
technics dv250 component setup handling surround and dvd duties
ruark vita 100 sub
technics speakers
sanyo 28inch widescreen (dont use the internal tuner or speakers)
thor scart cable between freeview decoder and tv
s video cable connecting the dvd player to the tv
throwaway scart cables on the video and space
profiled gold cable linking the pc to the tv

both systems are linked togeter so i can record the audio from tv to my yamaha md recorder and when i jsut want to get everythign as loud as possible they can playt he same source
built it up over the past few years (mostly when i was out of work)

ok its not an impressive setup but it rases a smile after a hard day at work and thats all i want (for now)
it's not how much the gear costs, it's how much you enjoy it. if it makes you smile then that's what matters.

Julian, how are the TLs now that you've had them running for a while? Any further settling-in improvements? Mine are due for delivery on Tuesday/Wednesday, can't wait. Hopefully get some pics posted real soon.
mr. c,
i'm very happy with them. bass response is fantastic and for such wide speakers they give a massive soundstage - and time well too. you need to fiddle with the wool wadding, i went for minimal behind the bass driver and a lot behind the mid which gives me fatter bass and good mid control but the bass can be a little uncontrolled at times. adding more behind the bass tightens things up but looses some of the 'fun factor' that i enjoy. i may play a little more with this but i'm about 95% happy now so may wait until i sort out phase 2 - external x/o's and better wires as no doubt this will alter things once more.
which speakers have you gone for?

Mine are a custom design. Only one pair currently in existence! Made from top quality birch-ply with a very intricate cabinet construction, which is largely responsible for how well they perform. They've taken several months to build since I ordered them back in May (makes your build seem kind of quick ;) ), but I have seen the finished, bare cabinets a few weeks ago and they look to have been worth the wait. Everything has been machined via CNC and the tolerances are very tight indeed, the construction is to as high a standard as I've seen with any piece of serious engineering. Veneer is beautiful (bird's eye maple), with a few nice touches like carbon fibre speaker terminals, and the designer has promised me that any upgrades in the next 3 years will be free of charge.

I can't wait to post some pics though - partly bragging rights :D but also as credit to the designer who has been developing these speakers for the last 3 odd years. I'm worried about annoying the neighbours though - the designer reckons they will hit 10Hz!!

Update to include new TT, still waiting on Shure V15 so have installed a Pickering V15TE, am I impressed with the sound, you bet, not as good as my CDP but for the money not as far away as it has any right to be, early days but as good as £2k cd players and thats with a cheap cart, phonobox also set by experimentation rather than 3 standard settings, made enormous difference, can't wait to try the new cart.


Bow Technologies Wizard 2 CDP
Michell Tecnodec/RB250*(modded)/Shure V15 VxMR/Pro-Ject Phonobox SE (Pickering V15 TE spare cart)
Pure 701 Dab Tuner
Sony MDS JE 480 Minidisk (for wife's aerobics)


Bow Technologies Warlock Pre
Bow Technologies Walrus Power

ART Expression 3-way

JPSLabs Superconductor FX Balanced (CDP-Pre)
JPSLabs Superconductor FX Balanced (Pre-Power)

Chord Chameleon 2 (Phono-pre)
Chord Chameleon 2 (Tuner)

Chord Cobra2/QED Qnect3 (MD)

JPSLabs Superconductor FX (14ft pair bi wire shotgunned)(bananas)

JPSLabs Digital AC cable to CDP
JPSLabs Analog AC to Pre
JPSLabs Power+ AC to Power
AudioSource integra AC to Dab tuner

Mains Conditioner:

Audiosource E4-6 6 way


Soundations F1 (900mm version)

Various ââ'¬Å"argosââ'¬Â Granites, also used as speaker plinths

RB250 mods ââ'¬â€œ Michel tecnoweight, Mitchell VTA adjuster, michell locknut.





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Hello all, thought it was about time I got my act together and posted. Been looking for a while now and I must say you gents arn't shy in comming forward, which in hifi is fairly unique!
Go easy on me will you,

my system as of this morning consists of

Meridian G08 for a cd player, Manley Stingray amplifier and my speakers are Audio Physics Virgo III's
It makes me smile when I listen, so I'm happy.
Nice to be here.

Rosy Glow
welcome rosy glow.
the manley stingray has always intrigued me with it's mad looks i'd love to hear more on your impressions of how its sounds (what you've compared it to - or was it an impulse buy ;) ) the fact that it makes you smile is great.

Better late than never:

Krell SACD......Nordost Shiva, VdH First Ultimate
Thorens TD166.....Audioquest Quartz
Michell Orca pre .........Trichord Pulsewire
Bryston 7BSST monoblock powers.....VdH revelation
B&W Nautilus 802
Kimber mains cables and powerblock
discrete electrical circuit

in the gym:

Pioneer DV656a
Marantx PM7200
Mission M53
julian2002 said:
welcome rosy glow.
the manley stingray has always intrigued me with it's mad looks i'd love to hear more on your impressions of how its sounds (what you've compared it to - or was it an impulse buy ;) ) the fact that it makes you smile is great.


Thank you Julian,
It wasn't an impluse buy, from the moment I first heard one, I knew I was going to own it!
The sound is simply gorgeous, with a very large image and sumptious vocal feeling. Plus it does look rather special too, in the evening when its dusk, its eerie presence seems to add to the arual sensation.

Rosy glow
Also time for me to stop lurking and having joined the forum,here's my selection of old and new:

Headphone system:
Perpetual Technologies P1A/P3A DAC and Upsampler
Earmax H/phone amp
Sennheiser HD600
Nordost RedDawn I/connects
Audio Synthesis Passive pre

The other system:
Krell KMA 100's
Quad II's(for the ESLs below)
Quad ESL 57s
B&W Nautilus 805s
Meridian M3s
REL sub
Kimber and Nordost interconnects and Kimber 8TC speaker cable.

Also most of the way through a set of WAD 300B amps....assuming I dont electrocute myself soon.
I've recently had to simplify my system due to new living arrangements, but I have been able to find a system that works very well for me in my room. It is a modest system, but does gel really well. It is amazing what can be achieved for a relatively small outlay. My current system is at least as 'good' as some that I've had costing multiples of the sum spent on this system.

Squeezebox SB3/ ALW super eg power supply
Bereford TC7510 Mk6/2 DAC
Audion Stereo Mk 1 amplifier
Castle Compact Column speakers
Speaker cable: Kimber 4TC
I/C: Profigold 3000
Mains is a Robert Schofield multi way and home made, but basic, cables (MK plug top, good quality copper cable and Wattgate IEC)
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