Show us Your Kit!

Hello, hello, hello, testing testing ...

Some of you may know me from Pink Fish times.

If this posting works, below should be a list of my current system:

Main system: Roksan Xerxes X turntable, Rega RB600 arm; Dynavector DV XX2 cartridge; Exposure CD player, Tom Evans Vibe pre-amp , Exposure XVIII power amplifier, Tom Evans Audio Design Groove phono stage, bi-wired Castle Chester speakers, Velodyne sub-woofer, Musical Fidelity X-Cans headphone amp.

No pictures I'm afraid so you'll have to conjure the kit up for yourselves.
OK, got my digital camera (at last). Here are some piccies of my modest setup:
Firstly the Hi-Fi
The silver box is my DVD player that is completely seperate and powered from a socket across the room.

You've all seen the CD5i so now the amplifier

You can just about make out the Isotek IsoPlug in background (no fancy mains block yet...just a simple non-fused double plug for the naim cd5i and amp)
Here's the amp all aglow and lovely in the dark

The Rack is simple glass shelves on metal frame, with halved squash balls trying to increase the isolation further

The following cabling shot allows you to see the custom made chameleon Din:Phono Silver + cable (from Chord) along with the biwiring of the quads and the "piggy back" banana plugs supplying the passive sub...

...which you can see hiding under the table in this shot from my listening position (speakers slightly toed in)

Simple but effective.
Noise Making machines consist of
PC - MusicMaker, FLAC & 2TB disc space
Pink Triangle Integral
Celestion Kingstons

Wires, some expensive some cheap all seem to do pretty much the same thing.
just to report a couple of upgrades of speakers:
1) Epos ES22s floorstanders for JMLab Electra 905 standmounts
2) Gallo Due for Gallo A'Diva as AV centre
Current System,

Arcam 7 CD Player (Transport)
NOS DAC DAC-AH with many mods

Lightspeed passive pre

Cymar PSE 300B Mono blocks. 4 300B's per amp


Quad ESL-63 with many mods
REL Stentor II sub

Audioquest VDM-5 CD to DAC
Supra EFF-1 DAC to Pre
Audioquest Jaguar Pre to Power
Audioquest CV-6 Power to Speakers
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Current System details:-

Reimyo CDP-777 'Red Book' CD player/transport
Oxford Acoustics Crystal Reference turntable
SME V pickup arm
Koetsu Rosewood Signature moving-coil cartridge
Tom Evans Audio Design Groove phono stage
Tom Evans Audio Design Vibe line stage
Tom Evans Audio Design Pulse power supply
Conrad Johnson Premier 350 stereo power amp
Amphion Krypton loudspeaker system
REL Stentor III Sub-bass system
Townshend Maximum Supertweeters
Meridian 598DP DVD-Audio player
Meridian 568.2MM Digital Surround Controller
Meridian M60C active centre channel
Meridian M60 active speakers (used for rear effects in 5.1 system)
Cardas Golden Cross speaker cables
Nordost Valhalla & Valkyrja interconnects
Nordost Thor mains distribution unit
Nordost Valhalla & Vishnu power cords
VPI HW-16.5 record cleaning machine
Resonance control from Finite Elemente, Stillpoints and Clearlight RDC
Karan Acoustics LF-2 line filter (on turntable power supply)
HNE bespoke granite & sycamore 6-level equipment rack
Isotek GII Vision mains distribution (on A/V equipment)
Missing Link Reference & Orbit power cords (on A/V equipment)
Tweaks by Shakti & Marigo Labs

System photos here:-[/b]
Marantz CD 52 MKII CD player.

Philips DVD 950 DVD player.

Philips DTR 500 freeview.

Sony PS 2 slimline silver console.

Marantz PM 7200 amp.

B&W 603 s3 speakers.

Sonic Link & Qed cables.


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Snoopdog said:

It compensates for my small todger!

Hi Snoop.

I notice you use the Conrad Johnson Permier 350 FET amp.

I tried the CJ MF2500 once, and was very impressed.

I imagine the 350 FET is better still? - did you have to get it imported from the states?
bottleneck said:
Hi Snoop.

I notice you use the Conrad Johnson Permier 350 FET amp.

I tried the CJ MF2500 once, and was very impressed.

I imagine the 350 FET is better still? - did you have to get it imported from the states?

The CJ Premier 350 uses a FET voltage gain stage and Bi Polar devices in the output stage for high power output (good for around 400 watts into 8 ohms!).

I bought it from Audiofreaks, the UK importer and it is a very transparent amp, offering excellent detail and definition across the frequency range and an airy, layered soundstage.

I auditioned it on the strength of hearing the tube Premier 140, which I feel it betters :)

This is my first post on this Forum - glad to meet you all!

My kit comprisees the following:-

Audio-Note CD2.1x CD Player
Audio-Note AN-Vx interconnect
Audio-Note M1 pre-amp
Precious Metals interconnect
World Audio Designs KaT6550 power amp
Mountain Snow Atlas 2 speaker cable
B&W Nautilus 804 loudspeakers :D

The pre-amp is modified with Audio-Note Paper-In-Oil caps, silver wire, uprated transformer. (Soon to have PP PSU caps, Alps Blue volume/balance controls, new selector switches, Audio-Note Tantalum resistors, Black Gate caps (where appropriate!!)) :)

The World Audio Designs KAT6550 power amp is sensational. I built it from a kit in about 40 hours (maybe more). I use Svetlana 6550C, Electro Harmonix KT88, Valve Art 6550A and Tung Sol 6550 power valves, with a range of 5U4G NOS rectifiers and E80CFs from Mullard. Superb sound - miles better than any transistor amp I've heard and bettered my old Aura PA200 monoblocks by a country mile!

I am busy with mains cables at the moment along with sorting out the small issue of matching input sensitivities an impedances!




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Here's the latest addition to my system,
passive pre-amp using the kyc stepped ladder attenuator with a Elma selector switch and silver wiring,



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My listening den

Greetings from Singapore! :)


Audio Research LS3 Pre Amp
Plinius SA100 II Power Amp
Musical Fidelity X-LP Phono Stage
Musical Fidelity A3 CD Player
Pioneer PDR509G CD Recorder
Linn LP12
SME 3009 Tonearm
Sumiko Blue Point Cartridge
ATC SCM20 Speakers
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Some changes.

System now...

Marantz PM17 Integrated Amp
Marantz SM17 Power Amp
Castle Conway 3 Speakers

Linn LP12 with Linn Valhalla/Akito/K9 & Ringmat XLR Turntable
Pro-ject Phono Box SE TT Preamp

Arcam DV89 CD/DVD Player

Sagem 6240T Set Top Box

Van Den Hul D102 mkIII Interconnect Cables
Van Den Hul CS122 Speaker Cable

QED AV21 Scart Leads
QED RVR Aerial Leads

Russ Andrews Classic with Wattgate Mains Leads
Russ Andrews Silencer Block Mains Block

Sound Organisation Z530 AV Rack

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Update -
New power amp and phono stage

Source -

rega Jupiter CDP
DIT Scheu TT

Amps -

Transendant Grounded Grid

Bel Canto Evo4

Phono -
Tom evans Micro groove plus

Speakers -
Medowlark Kesterl Hotrods

Cables -

Omiga Mosquito

Omiga Deliverance/Gutwire G-clef/Eupens

Power conditioning-
Omiga thingy (works well, no idea what its called)
2KVA Iso TX for power amp

Atacama equinox rack
Siesmic sink under pre amp

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