Just joined. Current system as follows:
CD player: Marantz CD7
Pre amp: Van den Hul Array A-1
Power amp: Van den Hul Array S-1
Speakers: Harbeth Compact 7ES-2
This might ring bells with a couple of you, whom I bought the CD player and speakers from. (Hi Alan and Matt!)
Like many of you, the system is the outcome of many years buying (and selling) gear to play music on. I've had a fair range over the years, including:
Systemdek (original),
Linn Sondek,
Michell Focus 1 'S'.
I currently have three turntables - I don't really know why - Systemdek IIX with Rega arm, Michell Focus 1 'S' (my second one) with Mission 774LC, and Pink Triangle PT Too with Syrinx PU3. I'm ashamed to say I don't play that much vinyl, and am trying to decide which one to keep.
Previous CD spinners:
Various Philips, Mission and Ariston
Panasonic DVD 110 (surprisingly good)
Pioneer DVD717 (not as good)
Meridian 506
Sony SCD777ES
PC using RME Digi 96/8 PAD soundcard
Amps have included, in no particular order:
various Musical Fidelity
TVA1 (shudder!)
Radford solid state integrated (yes, really)
Leak Stereo 20
Quad valve set
Copland CSA14
several PS audio preamps
Quad 303 and 405
Assemblage (Sonic Frontiers) L-1
Graaf WFB Two,
home built Tripath based poweramp (still got that one).
Previous speakers include: Celestion SL6S, Celestion SL600, LS3/5a (twice, once with AB1s), Quad ELS57, KEF 107, Tannoy Devons, AR12, Harbeth HL-P3ES, Harbeth K6 (still got those).
You can probably tell quite a lot about me from that list, not least (a) I'm not greatly into snakeoil and accessories, (though I do have some Transparent cables which I like) (b) I tend to go for classics rather than cutting edge, but occasionally get dazzled by the promise of new technology, and (c) I change my gear too often.
My current system is undoubtedly the best music playing system I've ever used. Having said that, I'm about to wreak havoc upon it by disposing of bits of it in favour of Tact room correction. Ill advised? Time will tell, but hopefully it'll be fun finding out.