Show us Your Kit!

lordsummit said:
Nice wallpaper!
Are you going to tell us what they are then?
Hope you enjoy the forum.

Its a mix of old and new. TT is an 18 year old LP12/Ittok/K18. Amps are Audiolab 8000C&P also 18 years old. CDP is a Marantz 63KI with a couple of DIY tweaks. Speakers are brand new Quad 11L. Having a hard time with these though . Swayed by enthusiastic reviews I bought these without really finding out what else was out there. Have a pair of Dynaudio 52SE on home loan this weekend :D

Nothing wrong with the speakers but i need to get them nearer the rear wall. Have taken them off the stands and put them on the surface behind the stands. This has improved the tonal balance but has cost focus and definition. Am making modified stands at work using the top and bottom plates off the soundstyles with homemade mini uprights. Hopefully this will be good enough.
Diy Pedja Rogic dac using TDA1541 double crown,Reclocker etc
Diy TDA1543 dac with Reclocker
Currently using a modified dvd player as a transport which could do with being upgraded :)

Highly modified diy WAD KiT88 valve amp with custom Sowter output transformers.
Diy Avondale NCC200 amp with modified Naim Nac pre
Diy J-fet buffered GC with zerofeedback regulators
Diy 41hz Amp3 modified :D

Diy IPL S3tlm Ribbon speakers
My kit

Turntable: - SME 20/2
Cartridge: - Lyra Helicon SL
Phono stage: - Tom Evans Grove
CD player: - Cyrus CD6
Pre amp: - Audio Synthesis Passion Ultimate
Amp: - Audio Synthesis Desire Decade
Headphones: - Stax SR-007 Earspeakers
Headphone Amp: - Stax SRM-007t
Speakers: - PMC FB1

Audio Cables
Nordost Blue Heaven (pre to power, cd to pre, speaker cables)
Nordost Red Dawn (pre to headphone)
Nordost Quattro Fil (Phono to pre)

Nordost Shiva Mains
Russ Andrews Power Block
Russ Andrews SuperPurifier + mega clamp
Dedicated mains supply using kimber mains cable

Odds and sods
Milty Zerostat
Lyra SPT Stylus Cleaner
VPI HW-16.5 record cleaner
Martina Schoener L'Art du Son Record Cleaner
Caig Laboratories, Inc. ProGold
Mr Sheen wipes

Stand: - forget who made it but its black and modular.

Things on the never ending, forever changing wish list

Townsend Super Tweeters
Mana wall mounted turntable support
Upgrade the Groove to a +

Things to decide
New stand. I'm torn between the Mana stands or Townsend, but I'm erring upon the Townsend as I am really lazy so I like the idea of self levelling.

And after thatââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦.

Pioneer DV575 universal disc player
Monarchy Audio DIP Classic
Monarchy Audio M22C Dac
Bent Audio NOH pre-amp
Bryston 3B SST power amp
Wilson-Benesch Orator speakers
Rega Ear headphone amp
Beyer DT531 phones

Interconnects: Van den Hul Optocoupler (transport - DIP), Van den Hul D102III XLR (DIP - dac), DIY VH Audio Silver XLR (dac-pre and pre-power), Cyrus i/c (dac-headphone amp)
Speaker cable: DNM Reson

Mains: Blackcurrent 8-way block, VH Audio Flavor 2 on power amp
Support: StandsUnique Sound Tower on a concrete slab on PerfectSound Spikes (wooden floor!) Speakers on concrete slabs on PerfectSound spikes.

Supplementary bits for AV system (source and fronts as above): Marantz 5200 receiver, Toshiba 32" TV, KEF speakers (Q95 centre, 2 x Q85 rear, 1 model 60s centre rear), Yamaha YST SW80 sub. I/C's are QED Qnex 2, spkr cable QED Silver Anniv.
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Pioneer DVD Player Transport
Pink Triangle Dacapo DA converter
Brinkmann Lagrange Turntable
Brinkmann 10.5 Tonearm
Brinkmann EMT Cartridge
White Noise Audio Custom built Preamplifier
Bryston 4B-ST Amplifier
Bryston 7B-ST Amplifier
PMC MB2 Speaker
Townshend Seimic sink Stand
WNA Custom built Speaker cable
Michell Gyro SE (DC version) + HR Power Supply
Michell TecnoArm
Benz Micro ACE L

Resolution Audio Opus 21 + PS

Living Voice Auditorium in Maple

Resolution Audio S30 + XS

Power cords on Opus 21 PS:
Lavardin CMR 150

Loudspeaker cables:
DNM Reson


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Update as of a few days ago...


NAS Spacedeck inc heavy kit
Spacearm & Denon DL103R
Exposure Dual VII pre & 2xVI power supplies
IV Dual Regulated power amp
Linn Kan Mk1's
Arcam Alpha 1 CD thingy.
Hi folks - I am a complete newbie here (first post)

I am basically a Linnie after many years of owning a variety of different stuff.

Currently, and probably for many years to come, my boxes are:

Karik III with Numerik dac
Exotik pre-amp
2250 amp
Katan speakers with Sizmik sub
Nakamichi DVD player
Sony mini disc player for recording music from digital tv or FM tuner.

Barring any accidents or 'curling up of toes' of any of the boxes I only intend to spend my 'spondoolics' on redbook CDs or the occasional DVD.


Thank you for the welcome, penance. I sincerely hope these were not famous last words, but what the heck. My main reason for being here is not the boxes but to be able to read the words of sages in the world of music (thanks to a steer from tones). I am learning to appreciate classical music (and lots of other styles of music) but am coming to it later in life. However, as they say, it's never too late to learn.
...Newsflash.... :cool:

Well, I finally jumped the vinyl bandwagon.

This week I was just shopping in town, when I met an old friend who's also into Naim/HiFi and music.
I asked him about his system, and he told me:
"I hardly ever have the time to listen to music anymore, so...I think I'm gonna sell the whole stuff" :eek:
(so,...anyone interested in a Nait-2... :rolleyes: )

He said I could buy his Rega Planar3, for a fair price, if I was interested.
So, make a long story (a little) shorter, he came by this thirsday evening and brought along his (absolutely mint) TT.
Along with it came a brandnew Goldring G1042 cartridge.

First, I wasn't sure if this Planar3 (with the motor mounted on the plinth,so more like the P3) was up to my demands, considering I'm used to listening music through my CDX.
My conclusions are: The P(lanar)3 does not sound as open and dynamic als the CDX, but it sound quite good, and ofcourse it does have that kinda 'vinyl warmth/magic'(?)

So,...with the lack of a serious system support, I placed the system in/on an Ikea Corras.

Here are some first snapshots I took:






that's all for now,

Nice system Alco!

Also try the turntable with it's original feet, they do seem to be perfectly tuned to the sound of the P3.
dave said:
herewith my current rig....not as detailed as others but none the less i like it!

cd :
naim CDI

linn axis, basic plus arm with K9

naim 42.5/ hicap / 110

all naim cables on a no naim support

Dave :MILD:

when can i get my own avatar?

When are you going to get some speakers! :D :D

CD source
TEAC VRDS-10 with Trichord Clock 4 and Never Connected power supply upgrade
MIT digital reference cable
Chord DAC64

Chord Signature

McIntosh MA6900 (just replaced an MF Trivista 300)

Chord Odyssey cable

Vertex AQ Jaya mains conditioning x 2
Vertex AQ Roraima for DAC64
Vertex AQ Roraima+ for the amplifier
Vertex AQ Kinabalu

Next step :

Selling home cinema kit.
Upgrading power regulator + recapping CD.

Any suggestions on improving on the speaker cable ? Tried Vertex AQ Moncayo - good but damn expensive.

Here goes......

LP12, Ekos, Arkiv B, Lingo, Linto

CDS2, XPS, Chord Anthem

52,S.Cap, 135's, Hydra

N803, Chord Rumour biwire

Currently trying to make up my mind about......

Musical Fidelity KW500 Integrated
Modified LP12
Avondale TAPS
Naim Aro
Linn Akiva
Naim Prefix K
Epona Prefix PS

Naim CDS2

Naim NAC 52

Leak Troughline


Mana supports & wanky (but cheap) interconnect cable throughout.

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