Show us Your Kit!

quick pic of one of my new speakers...

Levi_501 said:
Rock - Are they home made plynths ?

BTW, nice Exposure !

Cheers, the plinths are home made, I just ordered the granite cut to size, and bought the heavy rubber material from b&q. The hard bit was cutting the rubber!! Thick heavy stuff.

Nice speakers Mr Cat, hope they're running in nicely?
rockhopper said:
Nice speakers Mr Cat, hope they're running in nicely?

yeah, cheers!

they are - been running them in whilst at work this week - had a good listening session last night - in fact - had the sub turned off...didn't have the music on loud tho...

I still think they've got a bit to go tho before they really sing! :D
Bit of a lurker - thought I'd post system:

Marantz CD6000ki (product most in danger of replacement)
Sugden A21a
B&W Matrix 805's (love 'em)

Cables: sceptic

Speaker/amp synergy is highly recommended to anyone with either product.
Updated piccy including my new LCD TV (apologies for the flash reflection). Next toy is the 160GB HDD/DVD recorder from Sony with an HDMI connection. I'll use an HDMI - DVI adapter to connect it to the TV, as there is no HDMI socket:

Bit of a change :D:D

Unison research S6/Electro Harmonix EL34/EEC82
NAS Spacedeck/RB300/Denon DL110/E.A.R 834P Sig
Heed Orbit 2
Meridian 206/Audio Synthesis Dax Ultra/Monarchy DIP
Audio Physic Padua
Audioquest Crystal
Black Rhodium
Henley Designs.



The music centre, as it currently stands, at Gromit Towers...


DV17's away at the mender's so the trusty old MC15 Super Mk1 is playing away. The Icon MC34-A gets fired up for late-night music, the Exposures are for the air-guitar stuff. :)

Kans are up for sale so I've got an old pair of re-wired Mission 760's hooked up for now. Don't sound half bad tbh.
perpetual work in progress.


Cambridge Audio, (don't laugh until you try one) 840c.
Tag Mclaren PA20r
Tag Monoblocks.
Kef reference 203's


Home brew silver power leads and interconnects.
cat6 Ubyte speaker wire.
Home brew TNT flexy rack.


the next upgrade will be moving house.
Main source : Technics SL1210Mk2 with KAB silicone arm damping trough, shielded mains cable, Goldring 1012GX cartridge.

Phono stage : Goldring PA 1

Phono stage to integrated amp : Audioquest G-Snake interconnect.

Integrated amp : Rotel RA-1060 with Russ Andrews 'Yellow' power woven cable ( actually black..??!! ) sat on Polipods.

Other : Cambridge Audio Azur 540D ( CD/DVD player ) with Vandamme interconnect...rarely used....sat on polipods.

Speaker cable : Very soon to be 2 x 5mtrs of Kimber 4PR, Shark bananna plugs.

Speakers : Little baby Mission M30i's blue tacked on Atacama Nexus 7 stands which are partley sand filled and spiked to a concrete floor.

Other stuff : A couple of RA Silencers dotted about, modified cheap 4 way mains strip, dioxit cleaned contacts everywhere. Mega clamp double adapter. Unswitched socket.

It's modest, but it fits in the house and doesn't upset the neighbours to much ( or my wife and bank manager ! ):) , and it sounds suprisingly good !

Memorex ST-350 Tuner
NAD C320BEE Amplifier
Philips (ancient) FC567 Dual Logic Casette Deck
Marantz CD5400 CD Player
Sony MDJ-SE480 Minidisc Deck


Sony SS-176EB Floorstanding speakers
Levi_501 said:
Bow down to the Exposure IV's !

Nice set Gromit !

Thanks :)

Just bought a pair of these off a mate to replace the Kans - I've modded the ports to stop them booming (filled them with small-size drinking straws) and now they sound quite fast and detailed when driven by the Exposure rig; in fact they've ended up sounding better than I first though they would. :)


Did a bit of valve-dabbling recently - bought a very sweet Icon MC34-A (think it belonged to someone on here originally) which sounded gorgeous. On problem, great though it is, it wasn't really my thang. Still, worth a shot and lots of fun comapring tubes. :)

Not been on in a while, and my kit has changed a lot since my original post in page 25 so I thought I'd do an update...

2 channel
Mark Levinson 390s CD
Nordost Valhalla balanced
Mark Levinson 334 power amp
Nordost Valhalla biwire cable
Wilson Benesch Discovery speakers

Sony QS DVD player [waiting for HS/Bluray to settle before changing]
Vanden hul digital coaxial
Meridian 568.2 surround processor
Digital cable to the 390s carrying the front channel outputs
Nordost Solar Wind interconnects for centre and rears
Yamaha AV amp acting as a processor until I can find a good Rotel 3 channel power
Kef 200c Reference centre wired with 79 strand for now
Wharfdale Loudpanel rears wired with rubish

Sanyo projector on 60" screen

Nice balance as I mainly use it for music, but I thin kthe films sound amazing on it.
Hi Im a new member.
I mainly like 2 channel audio.
Heres my kit:

Musical Fidelity X-Pre 3 V3 pre-amp
Musical Fidelity A3.5 CD player
X2 Rotel RB981 mono blocs
Sound Organisation stand
Merlin Chopin interconnect
Brilliance Synergy interconnect
QED Silver Anniversary XT Speaker cable
Clearer Audio Copper Line power lead
Cheap nasty Yamaha tuner
Acoustic Energy Aelite 3 Speakers


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