Main source : Technics SL1210Mk2 with KAB silicone arm damping trough, shielded mains cable, Goldring 1012GX cartridge.
Phono stage : Goldring PA 1
Phono stage to integrated amp : Audioquest G-Snake interconnect.
Integrated amp : Rotel RA-1060 with Russ Andrews 'Yellow' power woven cable ( actually black..??!! ) sat on Polipods.
Other : Cambridge Audio Azur 540D ( CD/DVD player ) with Vandamme interconnect...rarely used....sat on polipods.
Speaker cable : Very soon to be 2 x 5mtrs of Kimber 4PR, Shark bananna plugs.
Speakers : Little baby Mission M30i's blue tacked on Atacama Nexus 7 stands which are partley sand filled and spiked to a concrete floor.
Other stuff : A couple of RA Silencers dotted about, modified cheap 4 way mains strip, dioxit cleaned contacts everywhere. Mega clamp double adapter. Unswitched socket.
It's modest, but it fits in the house and doesn't upset the neighbours to much ( or my wife and bank manager ! )

, and it sounds suprisingly good !