Show us Your Kit!

Hi John,

No valves in the CDP but there is 2 in the intergated. Know what you mean about listening to music. I have been buying new and listening to old and the older stuff is such a revelation.
Been busy over last couple of weeks tarting the loft up a bit. Also added new custom made speaker stands. Actually, since my last lot of photos here i've changed a lot!!









Sub haters look away!
nice set up, just out of interest, where is the tv/ hi fi stand from?

i love the speaker stands , nice.
Just thought I would post pics of my current kit and changes that have made huge improvements.Bought a pair of new speaker stands from Rockhopper and made granite bases for them and they support the speakers far better than the Atacama and also have them at the right height.Big improvement and better bass.AndyE made me a new mains cable for filter and for the money probably the best buy.And without creating a major discussion I was loaned some of the "infamous" ZANASH cables.Must say huge improvement and increased volume which I didnt expect.Kept the auag and will be getting some more.Anyway if anyone is interested the speakers are Clarvox or Audiovolta,NAS deck,Shaling cdt80,TVC pre and Dynavector phono.Amop is currently a GRAAF and I have a 300b just about finished.Switched it on today and it didnt blow up,always a good sign.Cables are jsp and now Zanash.Hope pic link works.

Currently got the home loan of the A30 and an Icon PS1 phonostage...


The A30's a cracker - it's looking like I may have finally found a valve amp which gives me what I want. :)
panneauman little kit

power amp = Bow Technologies Wazoo XL

cd player = Conrad Johnson DV2B

speakers = Magnepan 1.6QR

lots and lots and lots of Jazz cd's

Hi all.
My kit (built during the last two years)

Amp: Primaluna Prologue one (with upgraded tubes :cool:)
FM Tuner: Denon TU-245
Loudspeakers: Audio Note AZ-two
Interconnects: Van Den Hul D102 III (from the cdp), Monster Interlinks (from the tuner)
Speaker cables: QED XT-400
Mains cables and block: Wireworld, QED and Tacima

Having two spare inputs, I also connected to the Primaluna my video kit:
LCD-TV: Panasonic - TX32LX70F
DVDP: Pioneer DV-530
My Kit

Just joined, but I just love to look at other peoples kit, that's Hi Fi kit I'm talking about here...

Main System

Speakers: Sonus Faber Concerto Grand Piano plus spikes and stone base.
Speaker cables: Yamamura Millenium 4000
CD: Bel Canto CD-1
Pre Amp: Conrad Johnson PV15
Power Amp: Conrad Johnson MV60SE
Interconnects: Audioquest Anaconda
Main Cleaner: Iso Tek Sigmas
Power Cords: All kimber PK14
Rack: Supermarket chrome rack by Metro Wire

I also have a pair of silver night mono blocks with golden dragon 300b tubes, I cannot bring myself to sell these, so I am building a analogue system around them. I have added a pair of yamaha NS10's they are on my design table, so the are about as near field as you can get. This is coupled with an old technics 120 DD turntable/SME/ShureV15 combo. I also have an old Sony stacking system with a DAT recorder that I use to add to my DAT collection off the wireless, plus a Sont Reel to Reel. I blame ebay for all this.

I have an AV system which I will add later ... you don't know how addicted you are until you start to list it all down:( ... I will post some pictures later
Just joined, but I just love to look at other peoples kit, that's Hi Fi kit I'm talking about here...

Main System

Speakers: Sonus Faber Concerto Grand Piano plus spikes and stone base.
Speaker cables: Yamamura Millenium 4000
CD: Bel Canto CD-1
Pre Amp: Conrad Johnson PV15
Power Amp: Conrad Johnson MV60SE
Interconnects: Audioquest Anaconda
Main Cleaner: Iso Tek Sigmas
Power Cords: All kimber PK14
Rack: Supermarket chrome rack by Metro Wire

I also have a pair of silver night mono blocks with golden dragon 300b tubes, I cannot bring myself to sell these, so I am building a analogue system around them. I have added a pair of yamaha NS10's they are on my design table, so the are about as near field as you can get. This is coupled with an old technics 120 DD turntable/SME/ShureV15 combo. I also have an old Sony stacking system with a DAT recorder that I use to add to my DAT collection off the wireless, plus a Sont Reel to Reel. I blame ebay for all this.

I have an AV system which I will add later ... you don't know how addicted you are until you start to list it all down:( ... I will post some pictures later

Sonus Faber with Conrad Johnson boy what a match made in heaven i am not crazy about boxed speakers but i have to admit Sonus Faber is one of the few i could live with all models sound great your only worry is your budget but very important don't forget you have only one life to live and audio my friend is the best you can do for stress and if you don't take care of your stress you will leave this planet at a very young age so go for it enjoy

Fujifilmgloss wrote -

I blame ebay for all this

Aah yes, there is surely a new multi-page thread in these few words!

It does become addictive doesn't it - I have junk (aka 'vintage hifi') all over the place. Really ought to sell some on....

It appears you keep the main system 'pure' - or do you re-listen to the DAT collection via the main system?

A quick list.. just started going back into a 2 Channel Hifi setup (on a budget of sorts) to run alongside my AV kit.

2 Channel (so far)

Qinpu A-10 amp
Aurum Cantus Leisure 2 SV-S (In High Gloss Black)
Speaker stands from Ebay which match the speakers so well..thought they were a bargain

Source is currently my dvd (universal) player a Lexicon RT-10.
Cables are whatever I had lying around, power and interconnects by Mark Grant and Scorpion Cables.

Next I would like to get a dedicated cd or cd/sacd player.

Av wise :

7 channel Lexicon RV8 amp
Lexicon RT-10 DVD player
Anthony Gallo speakers (3 x Due and 2 x Diva Ti's)
Audiopro Qube speakers (for 7.1)
Velodyne CHT-12R + SMS
Squeezebox 3 for music from Mac Mini
DVHS Player for Hidef tapes.


Click links for more info-

Main system
CDP - dCS p8i
Amp - Accuphase E-307
Speakers - Exterminate!
IC - Siltech Forbes Lake
Speaker wire - Townsend Isolda DCT
Stands / Mains - Musicworks/Quadraspire stand combo, Musicworks mains stuff





Background music / not being used mode -


The mrs choosing the next cd....


Bedroom system

LP12/Ittok LVII/Ortofon 520
Pro-ject phono stage
Cyrus CD6
Arcam Alpha one amp
Focal Electra 907be speakers
Siltech ICs
Chord Rumour speaker wire
Quadraspire reference supports

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Well, finally got sorted with a new system.

''moving house'' seems to be happening slowly, so I just went ahead and got sorted out.

I sold my old glasshouse power amp. I still think it's the best amp I've heard in it's price range (if you dont need loads of watts), I bought another one :P

Here it is on the rack with my other stuff.

A space has been made for a squeezebox which has just been ordered.


..and on the end of all that, I've bought some Audionote AN/E's. I've always found them very listenable at shows, and also a friends house. They just seem to let you sit back and enjoy the music.

I also like the way they go next to a wall, meaning you get suprisingly full range sounds from an efficient speaker that doesn't take up much floor space. A good trade-off I think.


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