Just joined, but I just love to look at other peoples kit, that's Hi Fi kit I'm talking about here...
Main System
Speakers: Sonus Faber Concerto Grand Piano plus spikes and stone base.
Speaker cables: Yamamura Millenium 4000
CD: Bel Canto CD-1
Pre Amp: Conrad Johnson PV15
Power Amp: Conrad Johnson MV60SE
Interconnects: Audioquest Anaconda
Main Cleaner: Iso Tek Sigmas
Power Cords: All kimber PK14
Rack: Supermarket chrome rack by Metro Wire
I also have a pair of silver night mono blocks with golden dragon 300b tubes, I cannot bring myself to sell these, so I am building a analogue system around them. I have added a pair of yamaha NS10's they are on my design table, so the are about as near field as you can get. This is coupled with an old technics 120 DD turntable/SME/ShureV15 combo. I also have an old Sony stacking system with a DAT recorder that I use to add to my DAT collection off the wireless, plus a Sont Reel to Reel. I blame ebay for all this.
I have an AV system which I will add later ... you don't know how addicted you are until you start to list it all down

... I will post some pictures later