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Naim Nait-5i, CD5x + FC2 and Naim N-Sats.

My most recent (2 weeks ago) purchase: Naim N-Sats.


Alco :)
Found this pic of the TV on the old server -


The "low-rez" sharp P50E is a lost gem the the sea of "hd ready" tv's, i love this set, it looks great with SD dvd and even better with blu-ray :cool:

New boy

New here.
In line with this thread, wanted to share with you:

Roksan Radius 5 (Nima arm)
Sumiko BPS Evo3 MC
NVA P90 Passive preamp
Musical Findelity A3.2 integrated (used largely as power)
Marantz CD63SE (Trichord Clock 2)
Musical Fidelity A3 24 192k upsampling DAC
Isotek Cleanline
All NVA cabling
Dynaudio Audience 82 speakers



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Going to try and have a listen to some Siltech 'Forbes Lake' Interconnects in my system very soon, see what they do. I've heard very very good things about them. I use a Siltech SQ28 at the moment. I will let you know how I get on...
Pics take on saturday, after a couple of new additions...


The Speedbox is on loan from Noteworthy - unlike the somewhat negatvie experience I had with the Heed Orbit a couple of years ago, this little box of tricks does all the 'hifi' stuff. Bigger soundstage, more locked-down stereo image position, more air and detail, MUCH lower surface noise and doesn't chop up the musical fabric like the Heed seemed to do.

Also got myself a new 103R - I love the DL110 very much; it's a cleaner, slightly clearer cartridge than the 103 but it just doesn't have the balls of its slightly more expensive brother. The 103R is also more musical in my system.

The AX2's have been quite a discovery - just how good are these little things for 350 quid??? Peter & Tony at Noteworthy were bang-on with their very enthusiastic recommendation of them. They also like open stands which is conveniant. :)


Kit list is therefore...
NA Spacedeck/Heavy Kit, Spacearm, DL103R, Pro-Ject Speedbox SE
Naim CDI
Exposure IXPMS/XI pre/IV Dual-reg power or Sugden A21 (1971 vintage!)
Graham Slee Solo Monitor Class headphone amp/Grado SR80 or Sennheiser HD265
Audio Note AX-Two speakers on Kan II stands
NVA Soundpipes between CDI & pre and pre-power
Exposure speaker cable.
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My Kit, eventually

Hello all, been looking but not contributing for a long while and its about time I posted my kit on here too.

Cambridge Audio Azur 840C
Pioneer PDS505 (to be sold soon)
M-Audio Superdac (to be sold soon)
Michell Syncro / Linn Basic+ / Denon DL304 (to be sold soon)
Technics SP10 MkII / Obsidian base / EPA 100 / no cart yet
Garrard 401 /project, no arm, no plinth, great condition TT though

Pre Amp(s):
Cyrus aCA 7.5 / PSX-R
Dussun 3i Phono (not arrived yet)

Crimson 640E Mono

Revel M22 Performa

Mix of Chord Co interconnects, Freebies, Zanash's AG/AU and QED Silver anniversary Speaker Cable

Atacama equinox, (but not for long).

EDITED to put my new speakers and phono pre into the post

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T/T Sp10 arm rega rb250 cart K18 all in bodged tempory plinth. WhestTwo Phono (in post) Amps Audio Synthesis propassion KT90 home built Power amp Digital Trichord CD player Dax Decade DAC Speakers Quad ELS57 2 pairs.
My kit

Bit 'n' pieces
Turntable = Garrard 401 mounted in custom oak Loricraft plinth
Tonearm = SME 3012 Mk2 with Cardas wiring and SME phono kit.
Cartridge = Denon DL103
Headshell = Orson Av-1b
Phono Pre-amp = Lehmann Audio Black Cube SE
CD Player = Musical Fidelity A5
Cassette Deck = Nakamichi CR4

Musical Fidelity A5

Tannoy System 15
Yamaha NS-1000M

Headphone Pre-amp = Musical Fidelity X-Cans v3
Headphone = Sennheiser HD650

Quite happy with the set up, nothing needs changing yet:D

Gone are the Audiolabs, the Marantz and the Quads. LP12 now sports a Dynavector 10x5. A JVC tuner from Ebay also added as well as the Coplands:cool:
Andi - is that one of the valve Copland CD players? Happy with it? I've just got a s/h CD823 and I haven't listened to so many CDs in months. =John

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