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Bottleneck, notice you have some similarities to my system, amp in particular,I thought about Audionote ane's ,I know this is hijacking the thread slightly, but whats your thoughts on them? I never loved their looks and once heard Anj's at a show and thought they were dreadful.I was considering a backloaded horn or Living voice , has anybody any experience of the Klipsch f2,3 etc?
Would appreciate your thoughts.
Bit of a change... all Meridian 200 series electronics now :)

That System looks fantastic,

McIntosh are (yet another) a brand I'd love to hear, as incidentaly are Accuphase, or Luxman, etc.

Here's my considerably less impressive kit, it should be significantly updated in the next few weeks.



It isn't just my crap photography skills, my room is darker than a nine inch nails album and my camera doesn't focus so well since it went sea kayaking.

My eclectic kit.
Avid Diva TT/Origin Live Encounter arm/Ortofon Kontrapunkt C , all on a Townshend Seismic sink and oak board.
Whest PS.20 Phono Stage & Power Supply.
2 x PrimaLuna Prologue Six monoblocks (one on the floor) , Alchemist Forseti Pre amp, Musical Fidelity A3.5 CD (on another seismic sink..hence the stone to keep it horizontal)
Grado RS1 cans and RA1 9v H/phone amp.
ATC SCM 40 speakers (yes there are 2!)
VdH and Origin Live interconnects, Odyssey 2 speaker cables.
(Alchemist Forseti Signature Tim de Paravicici Power amp currently boxed up ready for sale).

Apologies for the quality of the image.
Stick a fork in me, I'm done, , , for now.

At last here is my updated system:


Amps - Crimson 640D 200w monos
Pre - Cyrus ACA 7.5 + PSXR (behind the rack)
Digital - Cambridge A840C, fully Dynamated and Coherent Systems modded.
Analogue -

TT - Technics SP10 MKII w/ SH10-B3 Obsidian Plinth, refurbished and repaired by Richard at Vantage Audio - full post soon.
ARM - Dynavector DV505
CART - Einstein / Tubaphon EMT TU2
P/STAGE - Dussun 3i MM / MC
TONEARM CABLE - Vantage Audio 'Marina' tonearm lead w/ Clearaudio terminations and Neutrick plugs.

Speakers Revel M22 Performa
Mains Isotek GII Cleanline
Cables JPS Labs speaker cable, Zanash Ag / Au IC Chord Power Cord, Freebies, Chord Chrysalis, Ebay silvers etc.
Supports Hutter Racktime.



I'm pretty happy with the way it sounds and I've been listening to loads and loads of vinyl all weekend.
Here's a link to pictures of my little system nowa days:-

Technics SL1210mk2, AT95e

Rotel RA-01 integrated amp

Kimber 4 PR speaker cable

Mission M30i Blu-Tacked on partly sand filled Atacama Nexus stands spiked to floor.

2 x Russ Andrews Silencers, one at the system and one in the kitchen near 'noisy stuff'.

Russ Andrews Yello power cable on Rotel amp and shielded cable on Turnatble.
High quality felt mat on Turntable instead of rubber !

Cambridge Audio Azur DVD thing which doesn't get used alot....
First post. Here's mine;


It's a bit dark in here but I like it that way. Light is from a custom neon sign off-camera.

The kit;

On the rack:
Rega Planar 3, RB300, Denon DL-110
Cambridge Audio 640P
Naim HiCap
Naim NAC82
Naim NAP250
Quadraspire rack

In the meat locker:
MacMini G4/1.25GHz with iTunes
Lacie 500Gb external drive stuffed with lossless audio
Apogee MiniDAC FireWire DAC
Crossover ethernet / WiFi into other Macs for remote control

Acoustic Energy AE1 mk2
Partington Dreadnought Ultima stands

Homebrew Mogami/Preh/Neutrik/Eichmann Bullet interconnects
NACA5 cable
Olson power block

Hardwood parquet on solid concrete floor, ceramic tiles from the 1800's (it's an old stable, designed for horses).

It's very reflective but I still get lots of pleasure.
LP12 with Grace 707
Teac VRDS 7
Unison Research Unico
Tannoy Monitor Gold 12" DC in DIY cabs
Ecosse speaker cables, diy interconnects...:


Not quite the fancy pants system of many of you, but it makes good noises :). Will add a new cartridge & phono stage and maybe DAC when I'm not so penniless..:mad: Recently stuffed it all into the fireplace so that the other half could finally regain the built in cupboards after 4 years of hifi occupation.

P.S. dunno why my pic only appears as a link...ho hum
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here a photo of my system (of 6 weeks ago)

Clearaudio Master solution
SME seriesV
clearaudio virtuoso ..replaced by Lyra argo i

Aesthetix Rhea phono stage
Chord spm600 power amp

Chord cpm 2600 integrated ...replaced by Aesthetix calypso
B&W 805s ...replaced by Sonus Faber Amati

New room location
pictures to follow

How do i get bigger pictures on sight?


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system and new LP racks that are superb






LP12/Ekos2/DV20X (whilst Lyra Clavis DC gets retipped)
Prima Luna Prologue 2 with Winged C KT88s and Telefunken ECC82 and 83s
Rogers LS5/9 speakers
Traxaudio CD recorder
X-cans and HD 600
Good morning everyone,i am new in this forum.
Pardon me about my english wich probably could be write wrongly,but im Italian and i live in London from few years.
I introduce myself for the first time describing my kit.

Analogoue(just started):
Dual CS 5000 with Ortofon 2M Blue

Grundig CD7500(vintage but great)
Philips CD100

Pre amp:
Audible Illusions M3A with gold phono section

MF NuVista 300

Eben X-Centric

Nordost Valhalla speakers,interconnect
Nordost Thor
Valhalla and Brahma AC.

By the way congratulations to all of you, for your very nice and interesting systems.

Best regards
My Exposure rig is sold so I've decided to hit the bottle...



NAS Spacedeck (with Heavy Kit)
Pro-Ject Speedbox SE
Lyra Dorian
Dynavector P75

Cambridge Audio Azur 840C

WAD KEL84 integrated (with Black Gates, silver-wired etc)

Audio Note AX2's
Slee Solo (with PSU1)
Grado SR80's & Senn HD650's

Interconnects: P75 - amp Deltec Slink
840C - amp Chord Chorus 2

Chord PowerCord mains cables, Exposure speaker cable.
That looks very nice you must be pleased.

Have you tinkered with the Cambridge yet?

Well chuffed Scott, thanks. I got the KEL off eBay (just arrived today) and it sings quite beautifully. It's a gutsy little thing too - those 15w/ch must be quite big. :)

As to the CA - I've damped the casework and transport mounting area with Dynamat which has tightened up the sound quite noticably. It's not as soft-edged now and gained some drive and punch as a result - one criticism that people often aim at the 840. I reckon it's a fabulous player, and for the money a complete steal. It totally murders my old Naim CDI (which I had for several years and liked hugely).

Electrically tinkered - think I'd better leave that to folk with more knowledge than me!! :D

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