Show us Your Kit!

Strewth - just checked when I lost logged in to ZG, it was on 22nd May :eek: the meantime my stuff has changed to this:

Pioneer PL71 turntable/DL103/Sumiko headshell inc Thrunobulaxx's super-duper headshell weight plus extra tonearm counterweights.
NVA Phono2/psu
NVA P50sa pre (P90sa arrives shortly)
NVA A80 mono's
Cambridge 840C CD player which is also doing DAC duties for...
Squeezebox 3
Slee Solo/psu1 phones amp
Royd Merlin
NVA SSP i/cs and LS5 bi-wire speaker cable.


Hi Gromit, interesting deck, DD I take it? did this replace your NAS? wondered what its like, and the phono stage sounds interesting also.
nice set up,
Hi All, my current set-up

Bow Technologies Wazoo XL amplifier
Shanling CDT100C UK CD Player with MODS
Focal JMLab 927 BE Speakers
JPS Superconductor Cables
Townshend Isolda DCT 300 Cables
Russ Andrews Power
Primare T20 Tuner
Atacama Equinox Rack
Michell Isolation Spikes
2 inch think Slate slabs




2nd system
Quad 304 Power Amp
Quad 34 pre-amp
Cura CA21 Speakers
2 X Technics SL1210 Mk2
Rotel RCD 965BX CD player with MODS
DNM Reson cables throughout
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Here's my modest system

Advantage S101 integrated
Spendor S9e
Mac Mini with 2TB storage (80,000 tracks)
Edirol FA66 Soundcard+DAC



Welcome to the forum Jack. Nice neat setup you have.

Ah cheers Dev - nice of you to say so. Taken me long enough to build it up. Started years ago with a Cambridge audio/Gale set up (about 8 years ago) which sounded OK actually.. moved on to B&W 601s, then Acoustic Energy, Monitor Audio Gold sigs with a big ol' Vincent integrated ..

Now very happy with the Spendors, but thinking the Advantage S101 is a little underpowered for them at 150w - the bass sounds a little wooly and uncontrolled. Actually thinking of moving to pro amplification now - maybe something from Mackie or Crown

I must confess. I'm a bit of an audio gear junkie. Am putting together my 'final' rig for retirement and will get it all arranged over the next couple of weeks and post. In the meantime, here are a few pic's of some of the far too many pieces of wonderful audio gear I am honored to own. First up is a Sony SCD-777ES above a Sony TA-E86B above a Yamaha B-2 100wpc VFET amp. I've gone through the preamp and amp and cleaned and done the Deoxit treatment, along with some needed upgrade to modern Panasonic FM, Nichicon and Black Gate caps. Wonderful stuff, all. The second pic is the vintage Sony TA-2000F/TA-3200F/ST-5000FW set. The preamp/amp have been cleaned and had their Deoxit and the tuner has been completely gone through with a Black Gate upgrade and alignment. Have about 30 more pieces to show, but size limits prevent doing so. Perhaps I'll come back to this post and rotate pic's every few weeks. Happy listening!!


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try getting a 'photobucket' account (or similar). You can upload your pics there and then use the square yellow icon on the thread reply / create panel to link the pictures to the thread, no limits.

The TA E86B looks nice. How do you think it compares with today's kit?
Newbie to ZG

Though not to Forums, there are quite a few names here I recognise from another place!

(No not the House of Lords) :)

Kit List

Kuzma Stabi S, Stogi, Shelter 901, Puresound P10,
Rega Saturn, Audio Research LS15, Conrad Johnson Premier 11A
Living Voice OBX-R2, ANUK and Kondo wires.

A few random pics



Just joined up as I am a lover of what I think is good music, and I try to listen to it on equipment that mirrors my financial status! Hello all!
Currently I am listening on:
Marantz CD5000 CDP
MarantzPM4200 Amp
Kenwood Trio KD-1033 Turntable with Audio Technica AT3600 cart
Currently feeding Mission M71i speakers with QED Micro cable.
As for interconnects, they were supplied when I bought the Marantz kit, about four years ago in Sevenoaks Exeter. So Im not sure on them. I hope to upgrade them soon.
I also have a Sony ST-S370 Tuner.
As you can now gather, Im not the richest man in the world, but I am enjoying my music at the mo, and hope to upgrade in the future. Hello again.
you might not be the richest, but you are all the richer for loving good music. You can easily get carried away with this stuff, its good to keep a sensible head on your shoulders. The number of people in the trade I've spoken to about upgrades that have just said, save your money for the return you'll get, just buy more music!
you might not be the richest, but you are all the richer for loving good music. You can easily get carried away with this stuff, its good to keep a sensible head on your shoulders. The number of people in the trade I've spoken to about upgrades that have just said, save your money for the return you'll get, just buy more music!
Thanks for the reply, I am getting back into vinyl after a break of about 13 years. I must admit, I thought it was dead, but just looking in shops shows that it is alive and well. Even at my level of equipment, I just enjoy the beatiful sound that reverberates around my front room, as opposed to CD. Take for example, The Final Cut by Pink Floyd, I own this on vinyl, CD and on my Ipod. The differences in sound, even to a layman are amazing. Next stop, a bit of Aretha Franklin gospel, which I never thought I would enjoy, but I can only imagine how good she is going to sound on vinyl!
Just joined up as I am a lover of what I think is good music, and I try to listen to it on equipment that mirrors my financial status! Hello all!

As for interconnects, they were supplied when I bought the Marantz kit, about four years ago in Sevenoaks Exeter.

ever looked in on the hifi emporium (exeter)
ever looked in on the hifi emporium (exeter)
No, I moved away with my job a couple of years ago, but I get back to Plymouth every few months so I will check it out when Im next there. Thanks for the info.
my system

Whest 2
Vac Auricle II


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very nice system, tasteful and considered, i am thinking of an s9 myself at the mo, but dont think funds would permit. bet it sounds superb.
most enjoyable record player i've ever heard. totally involving and just fun. stretch!! it's worth it. don't think it will ever be replaced. so on that basis it will probably work out pretty good value.

the pre and the phono will probably be upgraded at some stage, but the vac and the thiels work beautifully together!

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