Show us Your Kit!

Hi Guys, new member here.

Look forward to some interesting threads.

Here are my two current systems:

System 1:

Rega Ela MK1s (purchased direct from Derek Frost)

Exposure XI & XIV Pre-Amps

x2 Exposure IX PSUs

Exposure Dual IV Non-Reg Power Amp (Exposure XVIs due to arrive early next year)

Rega Planar 3 (un-modded RB300 & Super Elys)

x2 Technics 1210s (un-modded)

Exposure XIII phono stage (due to be sent to Italy)

Exposure CD Player

All Exposure speaker and interconnect cables on the amplification side of things.

Straightthru Interconnect CD source to amp.

Atacama Equinox stands

Photo (although not all is shown, excuse the aiwa stack system not mine but my in=laws):

System 2:

Rega Ela MK1s

Exposure VII Dual Pre-Amp

Exposure XII PSU

Exposure Super VIII Power Amp

All exposure cables


Glad to come on board guys.

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Hi Mo, thanks for the welcome.

The furry thing is my wife's music loving rabbit. A particular fan of Beth Orton TBH.

Robosapien is still under training to bring my music as and when required, difficult bugger he is but learning fairly quickly.:D
Hi Mo, thanks for the welcome.

The furry thing is my wife's music loving rabbit. A particular fan of Beth Orton TBH.

Robosapien is still under training to bring my music as and when required, difficult bugger he is but learning fairly quickly.:D

I had my tonsils out a few years ago and had to stay indoors, and try and minimise contact with other people for a while after while it healed. One of my brothers bought me a robosapien to keep me company :)
I think where you could improve his capabilities would be introduce the rabbit! You control the robosapien, and get him to control the rabbit. The rabbit has the advantage of being able to climb and may be better at collecting your music of choice.

Maybe invest in some spider monkeys too!
Just for a laugh really...

Lev and Thumpbots kit!

and I thought I didn't really get out much! :D

Top stuff!
New to the forum and here's my gear :rolleyes:

Arcam FMJ MS250 Music server/cd
Arcam Diva A90 Amp
Chord Chameleon interconnect
ATC SCM-11 speakers on Soundstyle stands with Chord Carnival Silverscreen cables
VertexAQ Taga mains block (Not cheap but very nice improvement)
Chord Company Power Chord & Nordost Shiva (on the CDP)

Apple iMac into Musical Fidelity X-Can V8 Headphone amplifier
AKG 702 Headphones

Sony 40" LCD Tv
Sony PS3 and Sky HD
Yamaha RX-V1700 AV amplifier
KEF 1005.2 5.1 speaker system, wired with Chord cables
My new racks

Very Nice


Well, very nice indeed. How does the Audio Valve pre go with the Electrocompaniet power amp. I have an Audio Valve RKV head phone amp mk 2 its very good. The Well Tempered Turntable :)looks nice(I think that what it is). Years ago when I first got into the trade we used to sell these. Weird arm that looked like it would not work but it did, Bill's a very clever designer. How do you finfd the Finite Element stands, are they a big improvement on what you had before?

Regards D Louth 77:)

Well, very nice indeed. How does the Audio Valve pre go with the Electrocompaniet power amp. I have an Audio Valve RKV head phone amp mk 2 its very good. The Well Tempered Turntable :)looks nice(I think that what it is). Years ago when I first got into the trade we used to sell these. Weird arm that looked like it would not work but it did, Bill's a very clever designer. How do you finfd the Finite Element stands, are they a big improvement on what you had before?

Regards D Louth

Answer to first question Very good a really nice smooth and also dynamic sound in to my Sonus Faber Cremonas

The finite stands are awesome and i was once a skeptic with regard to stands but when you try these stands you just smile :)and if your patient (they dont come up for sale often) you can obtain them at the right price

Thanks for your comments
H Koi

Hi KOI your very welcome, looks like a nice system. Just before I was made redundant I had heard the Electrocompaniet kit at last years Sept hi-fi show. I was very impressed with it and the owner of the company Mikial. I got to have a play around with some of the kit in my own set up and I liked it very much. however I did not get round to trying it with other makes of kit.

It does not take much imagination to feel that you have a very good sounding system. ENJOY.

Regards D Louth 77

Hello, I'm new to this forum, but it's good to be here. Living in Devon in remote inspiring location, I'm listening to:

Epos ES11s
Audiolab 8000a
Sugden SDT1
Van Hul interconnects

Also working in studio with Event monitoring and TC Electronic Digital to Audio conversion.

Also hoping at some point someone will sell me a Sugden A21a.

Oh, and I have an old pair of ARC 101 speakers from years ago - any opinion on them?

i use an sdt1 with an a21ai, brilliant player and the synergy between the two is good, in my system they also respond to power cable changes ? uses a philips 1541a , very nice.
Hi, another new member here.

This is my current set:

C.E.C. AMP3300 amp
C.E.C. CD3300 cd-player
Revolver Music 3 Loudspeakers
Epos Stands
QED Silver Anniversary XT Loudspeakercable
Audioquest Jade interlink (which is the first thing I'm gonna replace)
Mike it

Good greetings tide!

Just joined the forum here today so as is seemingly the custom.

Linn LP12 (2003)


Ekos 2

AT33PTG / Rohmann


Delphini Mk 2 c/w Never Connected PS

Lavardin IS Reference



Silver discs currently being played on a Pioneer PDR 609. (I'm attempting to burn over 3000 LPs to digital)

Home made interconnects (some ex RAF high fallutin space age wanky wire that started a whole new way of thinkin for some people a few years ago)

Phillips 963A for SACD purposes ( that sounds a bit grand but I only have 3 - DSOTM , Norah Jones and Thomas Tallis lol) [PS if anyone's interested I'm open to offers on this as a job lot DSOTM in 5.1 is errmmm - quite an experience?]


Forgot to add (my how this seems so unimportant now) everything sits on a 5 shelf Fraim
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Hello guys,

Just registered to this Forum
I live in northern Italy and I'm an old Vinyl Addict
My loved hi-fi setup :

TW Acustic Raven One turntable with Michell Tecnoarm and Grado Statement Master cartridge
Grado PH1 Phono Stage

Pass Labs X1 preamp

Parasound Halos JC1s monoblocks amps

Thiel 2.4 louspeakers

Philips CD 882 transport and Philips Dac 960 (heavily modified)

IC Cables all balanced Mogami Neglex 2534
Speaker cables Anti Cables 7ft.

Happy New Vinyl Year to EveryOne


Here with my loved Technics SL1210 Kab Mods and Groneberg Quattro Reference speaker cables
System as of today...



SL1210 (one week old and growing on me)
Ortofon MC15 Super/Isolator or DL103
NVA Phono2/Psu
NVA P90sa
NVA A40 & A80 mono's (bi-amped). Pair of A40's built into a single A80 box at my request.
Squeezebox 3/Beresford DAC
Royd Merlins


Audiotech for the turntable
QS4 for the other bits
Something Solid SL stands for the speakers

NVA Soundcord for pre-powers
NVA Soundcord (digital) for SB3 - DAC
NVA SuperSoundpipe for Phono2 to pre.

Speaker cable:

LS5 for the A80's
LS1 for the A40

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