Show us Your Kit!

I've always been curious about the WD kit but too lazy to build one as yet.

I've double layer dynamatted mine as well, huge improvement. I was just going to reccomend that :D

WM changed loads of parts for me, that improved the top end again.

If you fancy getting some electrical stuff done try asking WM, he did a great job on mine, SQ23249 has had some tentlabs mods done too.

If not then just enjoy.
Heres my main kit......
Consonance Reference CD 2.2

Classe CP 47.5 Pre

Lyngdorf SDA 2175 Power

PMC FB1+ Speakers

Chord Anthem, Chameleon Silver Plus, Chord prototype (Signature) Speaker Cable
Made a few changes so i am updating my listing...

Brinkmann Lagrange
Brinkmann 10.5
Brinkmann EMT
Bryston 3B-SST
Bryston 7B-SST
Bryston 10B crossovers
Townshend Seismic sink
WNA Custom built cables
Hifi Collective Balanced Switch
Pink Triangle DaCapo II (inc digital volume control)
Tom Evans Microgroove Plus (into HFC passive volume pot)
Rothwell 10 dB Attenuators on crossover inputs

Just need to find a balanced phono stage with an integral volume control now I no longer use a preamp...
updated pictures of new room/equipment

Clearaudio Master solution
SME seriesV
Lyra argo i

Aesthetix Rhea phono stage
Chord spm600 power amp

Aesthetix calypso
Sonus Faber Amati
M& K sub 350


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LP: SME-30, SME IV.Vi, Cardas Heart
CD: Sony CDP 707ESD, Audio Note DAC 1.2
Pre: Hovland HP-100 (with MC phono stage)
Amp: Art Audio Jota (monoblocks)
Speakers: Avantgarde Acoustic Trio (Omega)
Stands: Grand Prix Audio Monaco
Interconnect, speaker cable, and power cord: DIY
UPS: APC R1-1500
Other: Tuner, cassette tape, and seven or eight other DACs
(After trying dozens of DACs and not finding anything acceptable I've decided to make my own and I've kept some of the contenders for reference.)
Thorens TD125 Turntable
SME 3012 Series II Tone-Arm
Ortofon MC Rondo Blue Cartridge
Pro-Ject Phonobox II Phono-stage
Valve Audio Exclame 100 Amplifier
Bowers & Wilkins Preference 6 Speakers
Sealion's main

Amplifier: BAT Vk-60 with (8)WESTINGHOUSE 6sn7 gtb Nos +(4)stock Ulianov 6C33b tubes.
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): BAT Vk-5 with (2) 5881 Jan SYLVANIA Nos + (8)SIEMENS e88cc Nos tubes.
Speakers: Dynaudio 1.3 SE monitors, on Dynaudio STAND2.
CD Player/DAC: Audio Analogue MAESTRO,Digital Sound Processor.
Turntable/Phono Stage: THORENS TD850 with MAGNEPAN Unitrac-1 arm + DV Karat 17D2 MkII cart.
Elac MIRACORD 660 with stock arm + ORTOFON 520MkII cart.
Clearaudio BALANCE phonostage (balanced XLR outputs).
Other Source(s): Hitachi HiFi VCR.
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: 1.Kimber MONOCLE XL.
2.Kimber SILVER STREAK Xlr, from pre;

3.Kimber SILVER STREAK Xlr, -19dB attenuated, from CD deck;

4.Kimber HERO from TT;

5.Kimber SILVER STREAK xlr from phono pre;

6.Kimber HERO from VCR.

Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): Rotel RLC-1050, fed from mains with SUPRA's 'LoRad Screened Mains Flex' cable.
SOUND ORGANIZATION rack + Dynaudio STAND2 for spkrs.

Tweaks: Power amp BAT Vk-60 directly fed from mains with SUPRA's 'LoRad Screened Mains Flex' cable.

Room Size (LxWxH): 10' x 13' x 9.5'
Room Comments/Treatments: Bookshelves, curtains and goatskin rugs on 90% of floor area.
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): M U S I C!
System Goals/Comments: Saving for a better TT, under target is an Avid DIVA with a Cardas GOLDEN CROSS phono IC!... Change of plans for the moment with a new line THORENS TD850 table...
Already got a Magnepan UNITRAC-1 arm plus a DV KARAT 17MkII cart.
Sealion's second system (living spaces)!

Amplifier: Musical Fidelity E-300 for HF and MF;
2xVincent 991 mono amps for LF.

Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): Musical Fidelity E-200.
Speakers: KEF 104.3, bi-amplificated.
CD Player/DAC: Pioneer DV-717.
Turntable/Phono Stage: Pioneer PL-L50, stock arm with an Ortofon OMP10 cart.
Other Source(s): Pioner K7 CT-3070R
Sony VCR SLV SF-990.

Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: 1.Kimber MONOCLE X for LF+MF;
2.Kimber 8TC for LF;

3.Kimber HERO elsewhere.

Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): Rotel RLC-1050 fed from mains with SUPRA's 'LoRad Screened Mains Flex' cable.
Tweaks: ---
Room Size (LxWxH): 18,5' x 12,5' x 9,5'
Room Comments/Treatments: Common furniture, rugs over 90% floor area (handmade wool) and curtains.
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): M U S I C!
System Goals/Comments: Enjoyment.
System Strengths: ---
System Weaknesses: Some hardware to be bettered.
Video/HT System: Integrated
TV/Projector: Sony KV-29FS60E.
Processor/Receiver/Amplifiers: ---
Speakers (Center, Surrounds, Sub): ---
Sources (DVD/VCR): Pioneer DV717.

Only a few weeks into 2008 and my system has changed with the addition of a LAMM LL2 preamp. My system now comprises of:

  • Apple Mac Mini
  • Benchmark DAC1 USB
  • LAMM LL2 preamp
  • Dave Berning ZH-270 amp
  • Melin VSM MX speakers

All my CDs are now as lossless files on Drobo 2TB hard disk.

I've never been happier with the sound of my system!

All the best MontyW
Vpi HW19 mark4 with heavy platter and samo motor SME4 arm siver wired
PS Audio DAC Digital link3
Music First Pre amp
SAC Glowmaster KT88 Power amp
Wharfedale Opus 3 Loudspeakers
Cables are all high ourity silver Mains Speakers and interconnect cables
PS Audio P500
Audiophile base under the glowmaster and feet of silence under the PS Audio P500
Arcam CD92T
Arcam A85
Arcam P85
Arcam T61
Arcam DV79
Panasonic TH42PX70
Dali Ikon 6 (lounge)
ProAc Tablette Reference 8 Signature (kitchen)
Tacima CS929
Merlin Tarantula
Merlin Black Widow
Russ Andrews Powercord
QED SA XT speaker cable
vdh 102 III interconnect
Furukawa interconnect
Ixos interconnect
Bespoke Oak stand

Looking forward to exchanging some views.


Quite an old system but still sounds nice :MILD:

Only managed to fit 1 channel in,great photographer that iam.

ML37 Transport/360S DAC
Pass X2.5/X350
Revel F52,
Acoustic Zen Silver ref XLR i/c's
Standard P/c through out.
Madrigal XLR aes/ebu digi cable,
Kimber 3035 8ft spades,


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My Kit

My kit compries of:
TURNTABLE TW Acustic Raven 3 Motor version
TONEARM Graham phantom B44
CARTRIDGE Clearaudio Titanium
PREAMP Cat Ultimate
POWERAMP Mcintosh 275

Speakers Podium Ones
CD PLAYER Marantz CD12 and CDA LE

NAKAMICHI 582Z Cassette Deck

Speaker Cables Walker Weld Special
Interconnect Peter Ellis Special issue

From the top down :
Michell Gyrodec + blue point special cart;
Meridian 206 + sorbathane feet + Base platform (QED co-ax);
Yamaha kx630 cassette (QED phonos);
Cyrus 2 + PSX + Base platform;
Meridian 203 + sorbathane feet (Vanden Hull);
Theil 1.5 (Kimber)
My system is almost 'upgraded' and is as follows:

Resolution Audio Opus 21 CD Player

finite elemente Pagode wall shelf

Nordost Heimdal balanced i/c

Classe CAM-350 monobloks

Nordost Heimdal bi-wire speaker cables

Ruark Crusader 2 speakers

One of the earliest Russ Andrews PowerBlocks

Russ Andrews PowerKable [for the CD Player]

Nordost Shiva [for the monobloks]

And that is it. As simple as it gets, the analogue volume control on the Opus 21 plus no other source does away with the need for a pre-amp. Means one box less which I think is a good thing. Photos to appear soon, I got a new Canon camera yesterday and need to RTFM and charge the battery.

Music is wide ranging from Piano to Blues, Country to Rock, Welsh choirs to Air, Abba to Rodrigo y Gabriella..............

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