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Lovely kit.

Those are the tallest speakers I've ever seen.

Hi Rob, all double stacked Acoustat's are 94 inches high each panel is 9x45 inches the smallest model is called the 1+1 one panel in the bottom ad one on top, the bigger one is the Spectra 8800 this model as four panels in the bottom and four on top, these speakers where made in the U.S.A. in the 80s then sold to the Italians then to China and now out of business, my friend buy's them used and rebuilds them.
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I've got a Technics SUV 900 amplifier, a pair of TDL 0.75M speakers and QED speaker cables. I've separated from my hi-fi for 9 years but now I've bought a flat and I want to invest in a new hi fi. As I've got a large collection of CDs, I'm going to buy a Brennan JB7 and copy them all onto it's hard drive. For the moment I'm going to keep the TDL speakers with a view of upgrading them in the future. I listen to all sorts of music from classical to heavy metal, what speakers should I get? My budget is up to £1000,
And I guess, marc, the Quad amplfication is working perfectly.

Have you had it from new?

Have you considered the Netaudio or other upgrades?

What speakers are you using?
Thanks guys.
The 303 has had its power supply upgraded with a net audio power supply, next the 33 will be upgraded.
The ortofon 2m red has now been replaced with a goldring 1042 and what a difference!
As to speakers i have a lovely pair of early spendor BC1s. :MILD:
I formerly listened with Acoustat Three model electrostats driven by Kenwood LO7 monoblocks and a Counterpoint SA5 preamp. Moving into a another house with a much smaller 12X15X8' room necessitated downsizing.

I opted for a pair of Meridian M20 active loudspeakers with aftermarket stands so that the MTM tweeters are nearer to my ear level and as my preamp was in need of repair, added an Audio Research LS7 line stage. I use the product that I manufacture to remove diffraction effects from my speakers' delivery.

I have two analog and one digital front end- A Nottingham Horizon SE with a modified Rega arm and a Grado Sonata Reference cartridge and a Micro Seiki BL91 with a Premier MMT arm and a first edition Koetsu Black MC. In the former I use a Monolithic phono pre and in the latter a Marcof battery powered MC step up tranformer. For digital playback I have a mid range Sony DVD player into a Bel Canto DAC2 by means of a KCI Pegasus digital cable*.

Interconnects are Morrow Audio MA3's*.

With DIP switches on the back plate of my Meridians, I have DEQX capability for balancing the output of my speakers to my room and tastes via the crossovers.

My most recent purchase and last component is a PI Audio UberBUSS power conditioner*.

As the Meridians are time and phase corrected in their crossovers and devoid of diffraction effects, depth of field and imagery is three dimensional and convincing of real instruments being played in real time and space. Tonality is wholesome top to bottom and the speakers go surprisingly low (-3db at 37kHz). Speaker placement within my room and nothing between where they are and my seat is also an important part of that. I sit at the apex of an equilateral triangle plus 4" to the legs between me and the plane of the speakers.

Whether a recording is made in a concert hall, in a club, or a one room shack in Mississippi, I'm there, too, just about every nite. Thanks.

*from manufacturers who sell direct about which there is discussion on in the states.
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After many years using Cyrus equipment and upgrading thorugh bi-amping and adding PSX-Rs, I invested in the following kit.
TEAC P1 CD Transport (secondhand)
Chord DSC1500E DAC with PULSE card
Wilson Benesh Act 1 Speakers

I was using a DNM 3C-Six pre but took it out of the system this weekend as I've moved the record player to the secondary (Cyrus) system and all inputs are now digital.

It took ages to get the amp/speaker combination to achieve the tone and projection balance I was looking for; the DNM PA3S was the key to unlocking the ideal balance and despite the 23amp output it drives the Act 1s fine.
After many years using Cyrus equipment and upgrading thorugh bi-amping and adding PSX-Rs, I invested in the following kit.
TEAC P1 CD Transport (secondhand)
Chord DSC1500E DAC with PULSE card
Wilson Benesh Act 1 Speakers

I was using a DNM 3C-Six pre but took it out of the system this weekend as I've moved the record player to the secondary (Cyrus) system and all inputs are now digital.

It took ages to get the amp/speaker combination to achieve the tone and projection balance I was looking for; the DNM PA3S was the key to unlocking the ideal balance and despite the 23amp output it drives the Act 1s fine.
I think I can relate. I feel ya, in other words, and well put. Nice speakers unless I am less smart than I think I am.
Hey all

Newly registered to this forum but have been reading for a while, thought it was about time i registered and showed my new system off!

Let me know what you think!




Long time lurker, first time poster

Just a few images of the mixture of kit I use and design, have yet to take shots of my Arcam gear as they are in a shameful Ikea cabinet, once they are sat atop a nice new glass AV rack I will oblidge!

The speakers are designs of mine, through my hobby site 8 ball audio. The round ones were an early design, using solid walnut, hand turned, and yes they do sound good!

The floorstanders use identical configurations internally, but one sports a fabric covered baffle, and the other a coloured acrylic skin.


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Avid Acutus , SME V, Airtight PC1 Whest PS 30R
Wadia 861
Unsion Research Unico DM Pre/Powers
Kharma 2.3 Ceramiques
They are Dutch and made by OLS industries . A full 3 way speaker with single binding post. Ceramic tweeter and mid range driver sourced from Accuton and a 9 inch Nomex Kevlar bass driver .

Had them for about 3 yrs now . Very transparent with nice seamless delivery and holographic midrange .

Price : An arm and a leg

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