I formerly listened with Acoustat Three model electrostats driven by Kenwood LO7 monoblocks and a Counterpoint SA5 preamp. Moving into a another house with a much smaller 12X15X8' room necessitated downsizing.
I opted for a pair of Meridian M20 active loudspeakers with aftermarket stands so that the MTM tweeters are nearer to my ear level and as my preamp was in need of repair, added an Audio Research LS7 line stage. I use the product that I manufacture to remove diffraction effects from my speakers' delivery.
I have two analog and one digital front end- A Nottingham Horizon SE with a modified Rega arm and a Grado Sonata Reference cartridge and a Micro Seiki BL91 with a Premier MMT arm and a first edition Koetsu Black MC. In the former I use a Monolithic phono pre and in the latter a Marcof battery powered MC step up tranformer. For digital playback I have a mid range Sony DVD player into a Bel Canto DAC2 by means of a KCI Pegasus digital cable*.
Interconnects are Morrow Audio MA3's*.
With DIP switches on the back plate of my Meridians, I have DEQX capability for balancing the output of my speakers to my room and tastes via the crossovers.
My most recent purchase and last component is a PI Audio UberBUSS power conditioner*.
As the Meridians are time and phase corrected in their crossovers and devoid of diffraction effects, depth of field and imagery is three dimensional and convincing of real instruments being played in real time and space. Tonality is wholesome top to bottom and the speakers go surprisingly low (-3db at 37kHz). Speaker placement within my room and nothing between where they are and my seat is also an important part of that. I sit at the apex of an equilateral triangle plus 4" to the legs between me and the plane of the speakers.
Whether a recording is made in a concert hall, in a club, or a one room shack in Mississippi, I'm there, too, just about every nite. Thanks.
*from manufacturers who sell direct about which there is discussion on
www.audiocircle.com in the states.