Show us Your Kit!

My humble equipment list:-

TT: Townshend Elite Rock.
Arm: RB 250 rewired and foam filled by Audio Origami fitted with an Origin Live stub and weight.
Carts: Denon DL-110 and Goldring 1042.
CD: Marantz CD63 KI Sig.
Minidisk: Denon DMD1000.
Amps: Copland CSA-14 and Rotel RA-04
Speaker: Castle Howard and Castle Richmond 3s
Some revisions since the last time I posted on this thread, mostly at the front end:

Digital - Foobar2000 on Acer Revo 'net-top' PC with Seagate 1TB Expansion drive (CDs ripped to flac), M2Tech Hi-Face USB-SPDIF, Monarchy Audio M22C custom DAC (no volume control, full implementation of 'piggyback' DAC chips)

Analogue - Thorens TD160(mk. 1) with OL dc motor, Rega RB250/OL counter-weight, Goldring 1022, Cambridge 640P phono stage

Bent Audio NOH mk.3 TVC

Active XO:
Linkwitz Orion ASP/XO

Power Amps:
2 x DIY 5-channel chipamps

DIY Linkwitz Orion

Cables - various DIY
Room acoustics - DIY absorbtion panels to deaden the space behind the listening position
There's also a Rega headphone amp and Beyer phones (can't remember the number...DT540?)

Current goals: fit rear tweeters to the Orions and upgrade XO to Orion 3 spec.
Build a Twisted Pear Buffalo II DAC - mainly for the option of hi-res digital as it becomes more available, but also to hear how a more modern DAC compares to the aging but rather wonderful PCM63-based Monarchy

I will post some pics soon - never seem to get around to that bit. There are some old pics of the Orions here: Build/
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looking increasingly tasty PL!

Wish we'd arranged that meet when I used to live in MK. Maybe another time :)

A thread on your overall impressions on your Kondo pre would be interesting for me and I don't doubt others.
here's my kit:


bear with me - i know it's a table. i lift the table top, plug the power cable in one side and the rca that i keep coiled up out of view the other side and bingo!


technics sl1210 mkII decks
- stripped and painted in candy cherry red
- all blue leds
- de-notched pitch controls
- upgraded rca and earth cables
- fully calibrated

numark dm1001x mixer
- given to me as dead - rear case damage and motherboard corner snapped away. duly resurrected!

that playes through:


rotel pre/power that i purchased new many moons ago. never modified!
marantz cd83se - stage 1 mods so far, debating whether to go further. (£25 ebay bargain)
yamaha tape deck. doesn't get used these days. never modified.

that plays through:


pair of jamo gf25 speakers, £25 ebay bargain.
home made stands. (18mm mdf, spiked, sand filled. sodding heavy!)

the overall sound is clear, detailed, deep and comfortable loud. I love it.

there's a garage system too - cambridge audio cd4, rotel ra820 and acoustic research 112 speakers. very nice! pictures if you want/ask.

i have also a pair of richard allan dimension 3 out on long term loan and a pioneer a-300x that's just come my way that needs some work to make good. there's another post on here about that.......

it's all my own work.

bludclot (artatak)
My kit

Hello there,
Just signed up, so here goes with my list of stuff that brings me nearer my beloved records!

SME model 10 TT, Iv arm, Lyra Skala cartridge
E.A.R 834p
Consonace TVC pre
Audio Research 100.2 Power
Oyaide mtb xxx distribution box
Audio Note Sogon Inteconnect's
Elrod esp 2's feeding sme and phono stage
Harmonix studio masters feeding distribution box and power amp, with oyaide plugs and iec connectors.
Finite elemente cerapucs and ball's under power amp, phono stage and TT power supply.

Happy listening all!


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Hello there,
Just signed up, so here goes with my list of stuff that brings me nearer my beloved records!

SME model 10 TT, Iv arm, Lyra Skala cartridge
E.A.R 834p
Consonace TVC pre
Audio Research 100.2 Power
Oyaide mtb xxx distribution box
Audio Note Sogon Inteconnect's
Elrod esp 2's feeding sme and phono stage
Harmonix studio masters feeding distribution box and power amp, with oyaide plugs and iec connectors.
Finite elemente cerapucs and ball's under power amp, phono stage and TT power supply.

Happy listening all!

Seems odd... all that great gear... but no speakers to actually hear it with
A couple of changes at Gromit Towers:

My little Thorens TD150 arrived on friday, so have spent the last couple of days (where possible - Mrs Gromit gave birth to a little girl on thursday) setting it up and spinning a few tunes. Works well, is in lovely condition, and doesn't sound half bad - nothing earth-shattering (not surprising when it's got a nigh-on 30 yr old Grado fitted) but very listenable nonetheless, in fact it reminds me of listening to an older-vintage LP12...strange that. ;)

Anyway - here it is, not ideally sited of course but it'll do until I get the Audiotech out of the garage...



Plans are to get a Series II 3009 (have one coming soon as it happens) and have managed to find an original SME-fit Thorens armboard for the 150. The last word in sonics isn't really the goal here, just something which is good to use, sounds fine and will be just nice to own.

Rest of the system is as it was, except I'm now using Avondale Blacklink speaker cable. Phonostage duties are courtesy of my Creek 4040s2, using the tape outs into the Exposure pre.
The very nice Mr Postman delivered this yesterday...




This will, if all goes to plan, be on the Thorens in a few weeks once the armboard's arrived. I've ordered up the new c/w stub rubber from SME and the arm's due to go off to Johnnie7 at AudioOrigami in the next week or so. It'll be a full re-wire, conversion to the right-angle SME arm wiring base, and a general once-over.

Thanks to Roger (TheMoon) for being such a top chap and getting the arm to me so quickly. It's a gorgeous piece of kit (that's the arm...not I'll get my coat). :)
I've met Roger the Moon. IIRC Tony L bought a TD124 and Roger delivered it to my place.
Nice guy and has a museum full of great old kit it seems.

Be interested to see what you think of that SME. Looks like it should be better than the later version of the S2 which I was never that keen on TBH.
Just joined Forum, my system built up over last 10 years is:-
Acoustic Precision Eikos dual psu latest model
Vibe preamp with Pulse power supply
Linear B monoblocks and Pioneer a300s converted by TEAD to monoblocks
Garrard 401 t/t Origin Live fully modded Rega 250 Kontrapunkt B English oak plinth on 25mm Corian slab.
The Groove phonostage.
All interconnects are Groove Tube with Eichmann Silver Bullets
Living Voice Avatar OBX2's on sand filled plinths on Nordost Pulser points on Corian slabs.
I think that is about it.
Tom currently has my Linear B's for lastest update / new valves.
Electrofludic 20/20 speaker cable.
I've met Roger the Moon. IIRC Tony L bought a TD124 and Roger delivered it to my place.
Nice guy and has a museum full of great old kit it seems.

Be interested to see what you think of that SME. Looks like it should be better than the later version of the S2 which I was never that keen on TBH.

Nice bloke is Roger - been over to his place a couple of times and been introduced to ESL57's and some very old, and extremely fine valve amplifiers.

Really looking forward to getting the 3009 onto the Thorens - as I say I'm not expecting huge things, just something which is very listenable and nice to use. A bit of nostalgia in other words...although both the turntable and arm are about the same age as me. :D

The older Series II does seem to be thought of more highly than the later, Improved version. It's got twice the mass (about 13g as opposed to 6.5g) so should suit slightly more modern cartridges.
Gromit, does the middle rubber between the front and back section of the arm need replacing it looks awfully pitted?
Gromit, does the middle rubber between the front and back section of the arm need replacing it looks awfully pitted?

It is indeed - as I said above the new c/w stub de-coupling rubber's on order from SME which will put everything back in-line, once fitted. Refreshing that it was only about a tenner. :)

The arm's off to Audio Origami for a re-wire soon, where Johnnie will fit the right-angled output socket; at present the arm's too tall for the Thorens' plinth.