mick parry said:If someone is mug enough to spend vast amounts of money on cable, why be concerned about it.
Measurements are not claptrap. The point is to show whether or not there lies something beyond the accepted norms of capacitance, resistance etc.
TonyL said:This is the key point ââ'¬â€œ I'm sure cables that sound markedly different to one another do not measure the same.
On many occasions, such as between Naim A5 and Kimber 8TC, I was 100% accurate (and in this instance could actually name the cable, not just say A or B). I only said 'don't know' once when my friend flung in some other cable (which turned out to be Cardas) as a wildcard in an attempt to trip me up, i.e. I got that right too. Once I had worked out there were three players and it wasn't the A B I was expecting I could accurately identify all three. My friend had a similar success rate so to me when I had a go at switching. This is IMHO is conclusive that differences are real, and therefore it becomes a subjective choice like the rest of audio.
I do not have the electrical knowledge either to measure, or understand electrical measurements made by others, but I am prepared to bet that say Kimber 8TC and NAC A5 measure totally differently to one another, and therefore the sonic differences that IMHO are easy to hear are totally explainable. Same with say XLO to Chord Cobra ââ'¬â€œ they are made from totally different materials, have a totally different design and construction, and I am prepared to bet measure totally different to one another in certain areas ââ'¬â€œ how anyone expects them to sound identical is beyond me! I can hear a difference blind, and have proved it.
julian2002 said:so which one is the 'wrong' or 'broken' cable then? naca5 or 8tc? and why?
my contention would be neither, they are both legitimate (and very popular cables) yet once more a doubting zealot is fudging figures to suit his own agenda.
stickman said:And who defines "similar"?
stickman said:Does she use esoteric cables?
wadia-miester said:You lot still haven't answered any of my questions Yet
Not a clue/Mike B and Pete H, as all cables make little difference, you chaps won't mind swopping to 10mm T^E for a month shouldn't be an issue to you, as by your constant and unwavering beliefs, they make none or very little noticable audiable difference, Quad said at the show last year, so how about it guys
What about the cables with all the same measureable parmeters, are they going to sound any difference?
Come on you've been banging on about for long enough, thoughts suggestions, comments bring them to the thread, problems see Bub
julian2002 said:notaclue,
but naim cable is designed to work with a specific amplifier type so why is it 'broken' again?
Robbo said:Tone, you are wasting your breath mate, I wouldnt bother. Nothing is going to convince the sceptics/believers one way or another.