Sonic Impact T-Amp

I reckon at least one of you will not be 100% happy with it, so whoever, that turns out to be, I'll take it off your hands:D
I'm in: put me down for 2 :)

[edit] Make that 4 :D
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Have you found anywhere with them in stock??

Apparently a load of places have 200+ oreders backed up! :o
I might be interested in one or two of these. What would be involved in biamping?

You might want to do a zerogain search on horizontal and vertical bi-amping.

They do sound very different.

Of course as well as two power amps and two Y splitters, you will also need twice as much speaker cable and an extra interconnect.
Possibly a stupid question but I did search and never found an answer.. Does bi-amping double the power output to the speakers? Like with 2 t-amps you could have 10 watts into 8ohms instead of 5?
Hi Axe, no it just puts one amp to each speaker, or one amp for the bass drivers and one amp for the tweeters.

It just drives the tweeters and woofers with seperate amps effectively.
axebeatz said:
Possibly a stupid question but I did search and never found an answer.. Does bi-amping double the power output to the speakers? Like with 2 t-amps you could have 10 watts into 8ohms instead of 5?
Nope. As bottleneck says, it doesn't work that way - in fact AFAIK you hardly get any effective improvement in actual usable power because nearly all of your amp's power goes to the woofers in normal usage anyway.

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