Stand Up Roy Gregory!

Greetings Mortals,
Good to see your still arguing over non top flight systems, so how is your system James?
I'll take that mana challenge I still have 3 phases of angle iron Iassc, would you like to borrow it for a shoot out with other isolation equipment?
Prehaps we could a Z/G dinifitive 'scientific low down of isolation bullshit put to the test', give the white coat once over :)
Nice to see you guys in such high spirits outstanding top flightness :
The Devil said:
" a huge amount of distortion, that only you detected "

Paul 'noisy' or 'distorted' is a relative term. Most hi-fi people, particularly those without any Mana, wouldn't notice it because they are used to hearing it in their own systems, and the brain gets used to filtering it out. When it goes away, you will notice, and you will know what I mean.

I brought some CDs that I knew very well, so I could tell what your system made of them.

Was only jerkin' yer chain mate, I do agree that my room is pretty live, but I'm quite happy with the way my system sounds at the mo, (ignorance is bliss) once we get the home we want then I can go the whole room treatment bit, but while the system is in the living room I'll have to make compromises, I think I'm pretty fortunate, re what I'm allowed to get up to so can't really push it.
Yes, I'm sure that you will set it up very carefully, Tony. You seem to have a totally open mind about Mana.

OTOH, why should I believe that you set it up properly, and it takes a day or two to settle, and may even need to be tweaked after the first set-up.

Most of you can't be doing with it. That's fair enough.
So WM what did the ATC boys think of my sytem?:)

I've a funny feeling it's too Hifi for their tastes, James only sat in the "sweet spot" a coupla times, think he was frightened, he's not used to hearing music in 3d (distortion or not):)
I might take you up on that WM.

James - this has nothing to do with my system. I'm happy with my custom rack. And it has nothing to do with yours either, as it is a matter of supreme indifference to me what yours is on. What this IS about is you making unsubstantiated claims about technical benefits for mana (and this could be true of anything, not just mana). I don't know if it will reduce distortion or not, and the AP is the industry standard test method. There's a few other things that it would be interesting to evaluate with the AP (cable directionality, green pen, mains leads)also, in conjunction with an EMC analyser.
The thread is titled Stand Up Roy Gregory. Can't we stick to that subject - magazines, forums, that sort of thing? It was interesting for a while back there.

I suppose not having heard a real presence before must have come as a shock, still as you you rightly pointed out, frightened was a apt word.
Anyway, tis your system, and how you have it mate, is entirely down you.
But fair play to Bub, for making the effort 2 brownie points to the Doc :)
"What this IS about is you making unsubstantiated claims about technical benefits for mana"

I not making technical claims, I am saying that it reduces audible distortion - that's a completely true, and, to me, incontrovertable statement.

Audible distortion is, well, audible.
7_V said:
The thread is titled Stand Up Roy Gregory. Can't we stick to that subject - magazines, forums, that sort of thing? It was interesting for a while back there.

When do we ever stick to the REaL topic:)

PS all this banality has pushed my post count to just over 500. Ju do I get the invite down to the initiation with the Cheltenaaaaaaam Massive now?
oh dear, this is rapidly descending.
James, being a trained scientist, could it not be the case simply by logic that the systems were good anyway, the mana was just incidental.
Or perhaps, because it was on mana, you projected something in your subconcious that convinced you it was better?
Granted if you like it and are convinced, that's good enough for you, but I do think the idea of putting speakers upon 10 or more stands is a mickey take of gullible people in the extreme, its bizarre. As a 3rd party onlooker, and I have seen fotos, one just thinks, obsessive compulsive, almost paranoia.
Granted I cannot judge its effect, but I am an enormous sceptic.
Lt Cdr Data said:
James, being a trained scientist, could it not be the case simply by logic that the systems were good anyway, the mana was just incidental.
Or perhaps, because it was on mana, you projected something in your subconcious that convinced you it was better?
Yeah, could be. Quite likely really.
The Devil said:
Yes, I'm sure that you will set it up very carefully, Tony. You seem to have a totally open mind about Mana.

OTOH, why should I believe that you set it up properly, and it takes a day or two to settle, and may even need to be tweaked after the first set-up.

Most of you can't be doing with it. That's fair enough.

You must understand the scepticism with regards to mana (which seems rather stronger than with other support/isolation methods IMHO) is especially prevalent because of this exact line of reasoning - 'if it doesn't work, then it wasn't set up right'.

This, coupled with the 'more mana the better' mentality some of its proponents seem to have, tends to give the product an image of being a marketing mans wet dream, in that if it doesn't work, its simply dismissed easily as being not set up right, or the person not having enough of it, and the zeal with which you dismiss any scientific measurements as being un-necessary despite the fact that if the reduced distortion you mention with mana is so obvious as to be detected by the human ear, then surely some equipment designed to measure distortion can measure its effect.
Just getting back to the subject (sorry Steve!), what is a shame is that some of the replies here only support RG's claims.

We cannot say that all journalists and articles are subject to collusion, just point out the ones that clearly seem to be and request satisfactory responses from those involved.

The problem is that RG is unlikely to clarify his position other than through his self editted pages. That, and his reaction so far, can only increase speculation IMO.
expect to be kidnapped from your bed quite soon. you will then be taken to the secret cheltenham hq of 'the fellowship'. you will then have to undergo 'the ceremony' if you pass you will be inducted into the secrets of 'the fellowship' if not you will get a couple of roofies and wake up back north of the border with a sore arse.


p.s. roy gregory failed 'the ceremony' hance his bitterness.
If I told you that I broke my leg and it hurt, would you be giving me this grief? Why can't you believe that I am not trying to mislead you about my experience, especially as you haven't even experienced it for yourselves?

I've never broken my leg, btw, but I believe it hurts. I certainly wouldn't cross-examine someone about how they couldn't prove that it hurts.. I'm not sure why it is that Mana engenders this intense scepticism. I suspect that rather like the LP12 turntable, it gets up people's noses. Possibly because it works.

Hearing lyrics, new instruments, etc clearly enunciated and separated on records and CDs which were previously 'mushy' is pretty dramatic.

However, I really can't be bothered to argue with you any more, there's nothing in it for me.

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