Stand Up Roy Gregory!

The Devil said:
There's palpable but not audible vibration in the speaker stands, driven by the cabinets.
That's interesting. Please try draping a blanket over the speaker stands when you get a moment and see if you can detect any difference in sound.
and back to the original thread...................I have just read the mag,both the editorial and the response in the letters page,and his opinion seems to have been toned down.He believes that someday a forum will be sued,its only a matter of time.This I don't he saying he can't publish a bad review for fear of litigation? Surely a reviewer can state why he thinks a product is poor,and still not be sued? he seems to insinuate that a forum poster can be honest and he can't,and its almost as if he wants a manufacturer to sue a website,to level the playing field.

Clarkson single handedly almost put 800 people on the dole,he certainly dramaticaly effected sales when he wondered around the Vectra and famously said he had nothing to why don't mags do that,be that direct,or is there genuinely only great HIFI on sale nowadays?
You can't be sued for expressing an opinion about something. That's the whole point: it's an opinion.

You might be sued for saying 'reviewer x is taking kickbacks from manufacturer y' if you couldn't prove that it was true.
yup,thats what I thought,so i can't understand what he keeps wittering on about every month.He hasn't used an example,he has just referred to the freedom with which posters can express opinions on the web,so I assume he means product reviews.
Saab said:
is there genuinely only great HIFI on sale nowadays?

FWIW Dave I don't think there is any bad Hifi on sale, lets face it even the budget kit sounds reasonably good (in isolation), what I would like to see is getting rid of the rating systems, or modifying them so that say, kit which was thee median whithin it's peer group scored 50% ie if it did what it said on the box, and was priced at the correct level then it should be 50% that way you wouldn't get all this 90% stuff with the same superlatives, being used until stupendous means average. Better still why not just give the dry facts, what did it sound like, but keeping references out of it, ie it sounded bright, not brighter than amp B just Bright, then possibly say if it should be added to your shortlist, and what the build quality was, instead of all this fawning, which only really fools the newcomers to this hobby, after a while you develop your own bullshit meter.
7_V said:
Oh come on. It should only take a few seconds to drape the blanket round the stands and could give some interesting results.

It's funny Steve but thats what has been suggested making little skirts for the mana, out of lovely chintzy fabrics
which only really fools the newcomers to this hobby, after a while you develop your own bullshit meter.

incorrect,I had one to start with:) you are right though,although,all said and done,I have read HiFI+ for years and never had reason to doubt their integrity,in fact,its graced my toilet with honours,it always gets picked up before the others at dump time (although the others have more ads to read nearer the end of the month)
Saab said:
,it always gets picked up before the others at dump time (although the others have more ads to read nearer the end of the month)
are we related....., thought I was the only sad f**k that read the adverts. It's the only place to get some peace.

Mags HIFI+


HF news


TG sometimes


F1 Racing.

The odd New Scientist, though shite adverts in that one!
HIFI+ (better than pot pourri)
HIFI Choice
HIFI World (haven't a clue what they whitter about most of the time though,but it looks good when I get brainy visitors)
Amateur Photographer
Evo (just gave first 50 away,wifes orders)
Empire (sadly,I own every one,14 years worth,one notable edition stayed in the downstairs loo for 4 years until it got re-decorated)

edit to add i once spotted a bloke sold his amp 3 years after his last one,how ****ing great is that! I spotted an upgrader in the small ads
Saab said:
stayed in the downstairs loo for 4 years until it got re-decorated)[/QUOTE

What the mag or the loo

HIFI plus smells good due to fact that it's prolly Gravure printed (inks with a lot of solvent as vehicle), and the matt varnish on the cover. (TS Printer)
Jizz? are you asking me if I like felatio,or is it a spelling mistake?

If its a spelling mistake,Rock,getting into Classical,love Jazz live,don't own any cds though
No spelling mistake was reffering to redecoration of a particularly notable copy of mens mag!, who doesn't like felatio,

As for the music, well ye rock, clever dance music(ie unkle etc), guitar and drum jazz, although not as much as i'd like, getting into classical but have to be in the mood, listen to more classical in the car.(on radio) soem days am driving for 4-6 hours in total.
Saab said:
Evo (just gave first 50 away,wifes orders)
Sacrilege! Off with his head! :D

I have every issue and it's one of the few car mags worth holding onto and which I've delved into past issues for to read a road test of a car I might be interested in. When I'm in the UK I also get Autocar (easily the best weekly car mag and IMO better than all the monthlies except EVO) but that gets binned after reading. Also get "BMW Car" which is excellent.

HiFi mags it's now just HiFi+ and HiFi News. I like both (despite what I think of RG) and HFN has some interesting technical articles by Keith Howard. HFC is as bad as WHF these days and HFW rarely has anything that interests me in it.

evo is ok and i used to be a regular reader however my interest in cars has waned over the past couple of years. in fact i think the last car mag i bought was actually max helmet :shame: purely as i was about to buy a new head unit for my 'new' car and it seemed to have the most adverts for ice dealers in it. fortunately i remembered i had an old sony head unit lying about and fitted that instead.
hi-fi mag wise i'll buy hf+, hf news and hf w. world mainly due to the adverts.


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