Stand Up Roy Gregory!

7_V said:
... And forum members have no axes to grind? No 'religious' preferences of their own - Mana, Naim, Merlin, Meadowlark, Seventh Veil, Wadia, etc., etc., etc., etc.?
So I'll just take that as a 'Yes, they do have axes to grind." shall I?
nope if you pass then it's coke and hookers all arround.

i think it would be more true to say that you are claiming that a broken leg is the WORST pain there is. this is a subjective statement and in your case may be very true however for others it may not be. it's the absolutism of your stance on mana that some people may have a problem with.

everyone champions kit they like however most have no financial interest in that kit. via a tortuous route all magazines owe their existance to advertising and so there is the possibility of opinions being swayed. it goes with the territory and rg should know that. personally i think that rg is a little zealous in his support of nordost however no more so than some poeple are of certain bits of kit on this forum. whether this is down to financial inducements i have no idea.

julian2002 said:
i think it would be more true to say that you are claiming that a broken leg is the WORST pain there is. this is a subjective statement and in your case may be very true however for others it may not be. it's the absolutism of your stance on mana that some people may have a problem with.

Hi, I'm not being 'absolutist' - I've suggested in this thread that you shouldn't take my word for it, you should try it out - but only if you are interested. I have been extremely reasonable about it.
it's the absolutism of your stance on mana that some people may have a problem with

But to be fair,its absolute for him,and he has been been very consistent with that point.I think its become quite bizarre that someones own personal opinion should be challenged with a scientific test.How can that change what he says he can hear?He wouldn't get this much grief if he claimed he had found the Arc Of The Covenant.
I found Mana removed a great deal of noise and distortion. Unfortunately, half the noise and distortion it removed was the actual music. Nonetheless, its very impressive if you want to hurt people's ears with a display of audio pyrotechnics.
Saab said:
But to be fair,its absolute for him,and he has been been very consistent with that point.I think its become quite bizarre that someones own personal opinion should be challenged with a scientific test.How can that change what he says he can hear?He wouldn't get this much grief if he claimed he had found the Arc Of The Covenant.

:D . I would add that Bub gets grief partly to do with his unflinching desire to morph every thread into the same debate. I do think it has gone beyond repetitive and is taking on a surreal life of its own. Yes I know he is often only responding to a jibe, but it is starting to drive me MAD MAD I TELL YOU :JOEL:
at that point it's into the realms of philosophy yes it's an absolute for bub but then we may all be figments of his imagination. if you accept that we are all individuals then there are no absolutes when it comes to subjective judgements as everyone is different and finds different things pleasing / painful.

your statements about mana have been absolute though. at times implying that if your system isn;t on mana then it's got to sound terrible.

The Devil said:
I've never broken my leg, btw, but I believe it hurts.

I broke my arm just over 1 yr ago, trust me, it does hurt, not as much as the blasted orthopaedic guy resetting it 4 days after, even loaded with lignocaine and adrenaline. I dind't think bones could hurt so much.
Must be to do with all the tendons and bits and muscles getting stretched and torn, too. I think joint breakages can be the worst kind.
As if that's not enuff, the blasted cast itched like hell. Always get a sock put on. I don't know why they don't do that as standard practise, its torture.
Hint, don't have a bone reset concious. Bad idea.
Tell me James, if you get a ballistics injury, and it totally shatters and splinters the whole bone, does that hurt, or is there nothing left to feel :D
Are you orthopaedic, James, hope you didn't get the idea it was a personal attack, more a rational questioning of mana marketing.
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The Devil said:
There we have Alex with a nice balancing statement. Want to find out which one of us is right? We can't both be.

Yes you can both be correct as it is subjective, if you measured things, using tools with acronyms that only Issac (and other clever people) know then that is objective, and then you would possibly contradict each other.

Put it another way if what you hear James can be measured by AP then that is an absolute measurement, if upon hearing the measured results, your brain translates that into lower distortion, but Alexs' brain interprets this as "removing much of the music", or WM's "bleaching", then you are still all correct, just that you see it different subjectively.
Fair point AK. Maybe, if you alight on kit that's free of noise and distortion in the first place, you don't need Mana. I think that's my problem.
FWIW Alex I thought I had gone down that route, but James insists he heard some very minor distortion on some female vocals from Requiem, He knows the disk well, Dunc and I not at all, really, but both of us could not detect it, and it sounded great to me, also James never really sta in the sweet spot, and that's how I've got mine setup, to sound best in the sweetspot, Dunc sat in the hotseat, for most of the day and he was tappin' along to every track, so the music must have been there, and James did say that it wasn't tht bad Just that IHO it needed Mana. At least he sticks to his principals.

PS I think if there is any (Clearly audible)distortion at all in my system, it's prolly down to the room, I have a timber framed construction, and the whole house vibrates if you have it loud enough, It's not something that can easily (aesthetics) or cheaply (ie no TACT) removed, something for the next house methinks
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at that point it's into the realms of philosophy

Indeed,as it has been since the early days of this thread.If cables have mythological status,then isolation can become philosophical,makes perfect sense.Who is too say that been philosophical about what the music is doing in your head is any less an arguement than trying to prove what is happening with scientific tests?

<disclaimer>I think I might have just posted pure bollox,if so,please ignore<disclaimer>
Alex S said:
Fair point AK. Maybe, if you alight on kit that's free of noise and distortion in the first place, you don't need Mana. I think that's my problem.
I see that your sensayuma is alive and well. I'd been worried that you had been getting far too serious on the forums lately. Nice one.

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