Originally posted by garyi
All this chat about how hi end Tag is, and now they have sold out to Wharfdale.
High end hifi companies have been taking the p*ss out of rich punters for far too long and it's not surprising that the gravy train is running off the rails
Originally posted by HenryT
..and strangely enough, it was heard on a system used by a manufacturer *at a hi-fi show* who neither imports nor has any other financial connections with Koetsu...![]()
They arn't chucking out the same old stuff in smaller numbers, naim increased sales last year as they have done year in year out.
Merl, I knew all that mate.Originally posted by merlin
Henry I should just point out that I don't have any financial connections with Tact, nor do I import it (Sadly)
Originally posted by HenryT
Now, a dem that played the potential customer's own choice in music rather than the guy running the dem deciding what the audience should hear - that would have been rather a novelty at Bristol 2003....
OK, I know the invitation has been open now for quite some time. Will recipricate soon... bit busy this month, but perhpas next month (assuming you're weekends aren't as unpredictable as they used to be?).Originally posted by merlin
Now you know you are always welcome to bring your entire CD collection up towards civilisation![]()
I see no problem with taking risks with audience's own choices of muisc at hi-fi shows personally, if the manufacturer/distributor truly has faith in their kit's ability to play ALL music then why not? What with the recent goings on, the industry needs to reach out and appeal to as many folk as they can, and not alienating those who are perceived as the great un-washed or who could not possibly earn enough money to finance one of "our" set-ups. It's not just the 45+ year olds who have the necessary disposable incomes, although what with this year's lack of available jobs for high earning contractors in "The City" in favour of retaining fewer and lower paid permanent staff, I'd guess that even these young and upwardly mobile types will not be spending so friviously on high-end audio items either.Originally posted by merlin
It took months mind, so I guess it's taking risks trying to play a system to the massed unwashed and letting everyone try their own favourites that sound great at their home.
Originally posted by HenryT
I see no problem with taking risks with audience's own choices of muisc at hi-fi shows personally, if the manufacturer/distributor truly has faith in their kit's ability to play ALL music then why not? What with the recent goings on, the industry needs to reach out and appeal to as many folk as they can, and not alienating those who are perceived as the great un-washed or who could not possibly earn enough money to finance one of "our" set-ups. It's not just the 45+ year olds who have the necessary disposable incomes, although what with this year's lack of available jobs for high earning contractors in "The City" in favour of retaining fewer and lower paid permanent staff, I'd guess that even these young and upwardly mobile types will not be spending so friviously on high-end audio items either.
I as good as bought my t/t at a hi-fi show dem. A friend and I hogged the system for at least half a dozen tracks between us, but we couldn't see any evidence of anyone getting annoyed. In fact, all seats remained taken during our time there from what I remember. The guys running the dem were very obliging and didn't hurry us along.
I overheard one or two people at Bristol mutteirng as they walked around about the choice of music in the dems and the apparent lack of open request fielding from the audience, and that's not just from people who post on this forum either.
I think that's a bit harsh Gary. OK, the rebranding exercise of old Audiolab gear was a bit cynical but in the AV arena their processors have really pushed the technological boat out and they have certainly done a serious amount of very expensive R&D there.Originally posted by garyi
Costs money? Of course it does, but unlike Tag it has good reason for charging what it does. R&D at naim really means something.
Seems a fair point, a case of will the price tag (bad punOriginally posted by merlin
In addition, those 45 year olds with major amounts of disposable income might well prefer not to sit and listen, as they are often just there to be impressed rather than to listen to music![]()
In that case, they are just digging their own graves and deserving everything they get! :JOEL: :bub:Originally posted by merlin
I too have been apalled by the attitude of many retailers, and their predjudices. I simply refuse to buy from the likes of Radlett Audio and Riverside, having been treated as an intrusion when I actually visited their stores armed with real cash. Sadly there are only a few exceptions to this attitude in the hifi industry.
Totally agreed, but only add it to my shortlist if it "sounds interesting" of course.Originally posted by merlin
But HiFi shows are just that to me, a chance for he manufacturers to show their wares. I would take a trip around, then shortlist products which sound interesting to warrant further exploration by arranging a personaldemo, either at home, or a an authorised dealer.
Originally posted by HenryT
Totally agreed, but only add it to my shortlist if it "sounds interesting" of course.![]()
Originally posted by michaelab
IAs has already been mentioned, Tag's problem was that they didn't know what they were trying to do. Michael.