your dead sound ,Dom.
This stupid cow went on tv to slate the govt. and schools as letting her down. Its all her fault, noone elses, mind you she has nothing to be mad about, she's getting 31k from the taxpayer and a house and wants a bigger one, she loves it really.
She needs punishing somehow for being a total failure of a mother, and being so dim as to think its not her fault
I say take kids off young mothers under 16, its illegal to have sex, so they shouldn't be allowed to have kids, ethically dubious I know, but what can you do?
We don't need more education, education is everywhere, we have more than ever b4, we now have more problems than ever b4.
Its the media scum that are responsible, they ought to be taken from their jobs and put to work on a tesco till, clearly they can't be trusted to 'share information' on things that matter, they are responsible for greed, murder, violence. They tell people what and how to do bad things.
The media IMNSHO is one of the most dangerous forces for evil in this world, it can also do some good in the right hands.
The BBC are going down a very sad sorry road, they are TOTALLY obsessed with image and looks, ratings and figures.
I propose putting me in charge of it, I would
1 sack all the pretty faces,
2 scrap reality tv,
3 scrap soaps
4 scrap the shitty game and most chat shows and only show
good comedy inc old stuff like carry ons, morcambe and wise, harold lloyd, chaplin, laurel and hardy, dick emery, benny hill, new cutting edge like bill hicks, etc.
replace the journalists and news readers with ones known for their integrity and experience like John Pilger,
rerun all the old films classic ones, and newer ones
make cutting edge drama,
show cartoons for kids.scifi and nature progs. star treks, dr who's,
sack all those useless tarts of weather prestenters with the shrill voices and replace with good ones like rob mckellwee and john kettley.pure decent experience, not dumbed down bollux appealing to the soap mentality.
That's my idea of good tv