Back onto 'pet hates', I'll add beggars to this, whether some of them are junkies or not I do pity rough is just that, rough.
I was out on the town on Thursday night with my girlfriend, some bloke comes up asking for money to by something to eat, and he's looking rather oddly at my gf, so I gave him £2 and walked off rather quickly. Come out of the pub later on, we're standing waiting for a taxi, and the same bloke comes and asks me for some more money...obviously I'm a soft touch. I said 'I gave you some money earlier, if its just for food you must have one good appetite', heck £2 can feed you for a few days if you're careful....
Then I was out on Friday night as well, a different bloke comes up to us again, starts telling us some sob story about how his wife had just kicked him out and he'd been on the streets for 2 weeks (I find that hard to believe, *every* bloke I have ever met, even total tossers, has at least one mate who'd take you in rather than see you homeless....). The real clincher that he was a bullshit merchant was what he was wearing...bloody spotless clothes, it was raining in town earlier on that night and I got soaked walking between pubs, this bloke was clearly bone dry, even his shoes didn't look wet in the slightest, if he'd been on the streets for even a day he'd look a bit worse for wear....