The pet hate thread

Sid and Coke said:
The term 'Chav' is a fairly new one to me, in fact i seem to recall from my youth that Chav was a word for friend in some form of Gypsy/Tinker language.

I like the Scottish word for the same type of person namely a NED, even the first minister uses the phrase in the Scottish Parliament.

ned: noun. Derogatory Scottish slang: a hooligan, thug or petty criminal. [Etymology: acronym used in probation officers' official reports for "non-educated delinquent".] - Oxford English Dictionary.

I hate NED's.

You might have seen this before....
all this talk about how much businesses/economy loses in a day due to some event....who gives a damn, they get compensated.

oil price moaners, we all have to pay in the end, you have to have it, irrespective of price.

wasps ever since I got stung.

marks and sparks customers, esp. the middle class women, walk right at you and expect you to move for them grrrr.

power women, power men, useless twats who get obscenely overpaid for meetings with coffee

payoffs for corporate failure, milking the public purse

english rudeness, perhaps the continentals are right about some of us.

property profiteers

developers wrecking the country

tony blair's fraternising with rich types

adverts big style

most modern comedy bill hicks excepted what a dude

being 1/2 in the EEC, either all in or all out.

tailgaters, anyone that blatently aggressive and intimidating deserve to have an accident to realise how dangerous it really is.
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have a read of hick's biography. it gives a deeper insight into some of his routines, well worth it if you're a fan.
the man was a comedy legend.

davina mc-call- screamy bitch
buses- big annoying things which clog up roads and take priority at traffic lights and have huge lanes devoted to the things
CJ CRoss and the rest of the cable sceptics on HFC
uninsured drivers esp. the *unt who smashed into my car causing £1ks worth of damage
people under 65 who drive Novas
football and the besotted fans. whats so attractive about 22 sweaty men going after a leather (ok, ok, plastic) ball
i think the problem i have with them is that whilst i respect their views. their views preclude them accepting mine. it's a bit like the pro-life / pro choice thing where pro choice means it's down to the indivitual what path they follow whereas pro life forces you to go a particular way. needless to say i'm pro choice.

I thought we weren't discussing the hates? And I think naming CJ is a bit out of order MOself. :rolleyes:
I am just wondering why some people feel the need to get personal about it, when AFAICT nobody over there has got personal with anyone here?

Another pet hate: I hate sore throats. I seem to have had one for over a week now. MO, you have my sympathy mate.
Back onto 'pet hates', I'll add beggars to this, whether some of them are junkies or not I do pity rough is just that, rough.

I was out on the town on Thursday night with my girlfriend, some bloke comes up asking for money to by something to eat, and he's looking rather oddly at my gf, so I gave him £2 and walked off rather quickly. Come out of the pub later on, we're standing waiting for a taxi, and the same bloke comes and asks me for some more money...obviously I'm a soft touch. I said 'I gave you some money earlier, if its just for food you must have one good appetite', heck £2 can feed you for a few days if you're careful....

Then I was out on Friday night as well, a different bloke comes up to us again, starts telling us some sob story about how his wife had just kicked him out and he'd been on the streets for 2 weeks (I find that hard to believe, *every* bloke I have ever met, even total tossers, has at least one mate who'd take you in rather than see you homeless....). The real clincher that he was a bullshit merchant was what he was wearing...bloody spotless clothes, it was raining in town earlier on that night and I got soaked walking between pubs, this bloke was clearly bone dry, even his shoes didn't look wet in the slightest, if he'd been on the streets for even a day he'd look a bit worse for wear....
Tattoo's on girls, even small ones that are in places where normally they would be hidden. Small tattoo's look shit, across a room they just look like skin blemishes or large insects.

Large tattoo's on girls upper arms.

Tattoo's that are so old that they have lost their shape , definition and colour, especially if they are large and on the upper arms of women who are so old that they have lost their shape, definition and colour.

Blokes and girls who have Tatoo's in weird places and then wear clothes speciffically bought so that everybody can see their Tatoo's.

People who have small shitty little tattoos, because they where not brave enough to have big ones , who , when you look more closely at their Tattoo's to see what they are or say, exclaim: " What the **** are you looking at ?"
PBirkett said:
I am just wondering why some people feel the need to get personal about it, when AFAICT nobody over there has got personal with anyone here?
They might not get personal but you have to wonder the motives behind some of the posts, which appear to be merely provocotive and/or insulting and serve no purposes as far as debating is concerned, so raises tension and sometimes become personal. I must stress that I do not mean the majority of the sceptics, who are entitled to their views and were merely asking legitimate questions.

Anyway, back to the topic, Sceptics (cable and Euro) :D , for not having an open mind.
Saab said:
people who say "lets take that offline"
I'll add to that: all management/meeting jargon, especially people using it just because they think it makes them sound impressive :bub: .

Unfortunately, working for a company where I have to make many conferance calls with our New York office it's almost unavoidable. Only the other day someone ended a meeting with me with "I'll circle back with you once we've tackled the low-hanging fruit and then we can take another 30,000ft level view of the whole problem" :rolleyes:

I just cracked up. They were deadly serious :eek: .

Serial ringpieces who's sole purpose in life is to be professional asswholes, First class with honours, DS and Bar (with clusters). Bikerless Bikers, thereoy merchants who spout off calc after calc, yet NEVER trundle along to whitness the final results.
Music snobs, who consider everything other than their chosen Field beneath their intellect, Audio TT Owners, born defective.
The ability not to leave this piss hole of planet, that we've screwed up and not got the sense to rectify it

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