The pet hate thread

amazingtrade said:
Bloody hell, I thought my spelling was bad until I read that. Also why does he feel the need to have such big writing? Does he automaticaly assume his car is so bad that only blind people will be interested in it?
hehe :) :) :D I wouldn't mind but its a Nova!

amazingtrade said:
I also like the way he has not mentioned tax, MOT or milleage.
Well he said
but that was abuot it, probably been around the clock a few times. Tax, probably worth more than the car!

amazingtrade said:
Cars like that should be crushed while their owners are in them. If the owner makes alive they should be forced to drive a 1.0 Nissan Micra with a CVT gearbox.

I mean if you going to do this right, you wouldn't choose a 1.3SR, use the 1.6 SRI, or if you knew what you where doing, dump the 1.8i engine from a Cav or Astra in it.
michaelab said:
- people with Nokia mobiles who leave them with the default ring tone, which is quite possibly the most irritating little ditty ever composed.

Thats just reminded me of another :D Those crappy jamster ringtone adverts you get on the music channels. In fact, why the f*ck do the music channels have half an hour of shite music and the other half hour of crappy ringtone adverts :JOEL:

Oh and one more: Kieron Dyer.
Andy, just chill OK. I've had to edit two of your posts in the last hour or so. One more and I'm afraid I'll have to give you a temporary ban.

michaelab said:
Sid, I have feeling you might be right about the direction this thread might take. I'm also glad to hear your comments were tongue in cheek ;)

I'm really sorry about your dog :(


1) Ref, Max the Dog. Thank you. He has left a huge gap and is a sadly missed.

2) My comments.
I tried to write them down in such a manner that they couldn't possibly be taken literally or seriously, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. I certainly agree with alot of the other posters pet hates, apart from the anti dog ones of course ;) .
Sid, sorry to hear about your dog, mate. It must be a helluva loss. I've just seen the pic you posted on HFC - looks like a great pet!

Agree with many of the pet hates here - most of mine that I can think of have been mentioned :)
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pet hates that aren't just pet

Bigots and Racists

some of the posts here made my blood boil over. oh yeah I forgot Daily mail readers generally piss me off
johnhunt said:
Bigots and Racists

some of the posts here made my blood boil over
Couldn't agree with you more. Some of the posters here clearly fit into the above 2 categories, but as I said, we'd better not get into a discussion about it because it will make the mana and cable wars look like childsplay in comparison :(

lhatkins said:
One more

Weather reports, it said it was cloudy today, right so that's why it pissed it down when I cycled home then a, don't know why I bother to pay any attension to these "predictions". Metoffice, Wetoffice more like.

NO COMMENT. When your employer makes a record loss, you have to start zipping your lip...

BTW - I'd go for that Nova if they'd give me a driving licence! I'd drive ANYTHING if they'd give me a licence!

As for the Daily Hate Mail, well, my folks read it; I don't. Live and let live doesn't always work though guys... (Let's face it - I *know* I'm one of the people being hinted at, and I don't care either)

One thing though - NO-ONE (surely) would mind me saying I'd like to savour the flavour of the most nasty murder ever - for that Nokia default ring composer. It's probably someone really well known - that's the worrying thing!
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ok another one from me...
idiot 4x4 jeep drivers that try to barge you out of their way when they are on the wrong side of the road and you're stationary (with the engine off). i'm just seeing if the pain in my shoulder gets any worse. if it does i think i'll phone one of those ambulance chaser places.

julian2002 said:
i'm just seeing if the pain in my shoulder gets any worse. if it does i think i'll phone one of those ambulance chaser places.

Christ! I hope you got witnesses - I bet they were on a mobile phone as well. Good luck with the shoulder though - hope it's not too badly damaged.

4x4 cars - the sign of the low IQ (I won't apologise to any 4x4 owners that reside here - if you don't like the label, get a less selfish motor)
not really any witnesses except for my kid who was also in the car at the time! i was coming out of a car park and he was entering. there were roadworks on his side of the road so he swerves round them and we both stop. as i have right of way i motion for him to back up. he starts gobbing off and then decides to try to bump me out of the way. as my kids in the car and traffic is starting to build up i back up just to get him out of my life. shoulder seems to just be a bit stiff - i'm going to give it till tomorrow and if it's still sore that's his insurance done for.

My pet hates of the week:

Letting agents that don't return phone calls (or anyone for that matter).

Landlord's who try to let a property through an agency but then bugger off somewhere so that the letting agents can't contact them, even when this is to say I've seen there flat and want to move in. This happened twice to me this week and as I had to find somewhere FAST, meant I had to look elsewhere.

Rain. Doesn't need justifying, but a sudden downpoor this morning whilst I was cycling to work meant I couldn't have got wetter if I'd jumped in a swimming pool. I'm now sitting here wearing the waterproof trousers I wish I'd been wearing earlier, while my jeans refuse to dry out draped over a chair. Really sets you up well for the day that.
julian2002 said:
i have right of way i motion for him to back up. he starts gobbing off and then decides to try to bump me out of the way. as my kids in the car and traffic is starting to build up i back up just to get him out of my life.

By "bump" do you mean he actually hit your car, while you had right of way? Right - simple - phone the police. In this day and age he could be done for attempted murder for that IMO. Bloody 4x4 drivers...
Still going well I see excellent, a couple more for the pot Computer phone ring check in stations, that pre-dail your number to check your in for that 'important cold sales call'.
New generation of Kef reference loudspeakers most embarassing dross.
yes contact was made. hard enouhg for my seatbelt to 'lock' but no damage was done - i got out and checked after getting his number plate. can't be sure it's worth the hassle of ringing the police - if my shoulder still hurts tomorrow then i'll have to.

The term 'Chav' is a fairly new one to me, in fact i seem to recall from my youth that Chav was a word for friend in some form of Gypsy/Tinker language.

I like the Scottish word for the same type of person namely a NED, even the first minister uses the phrase in the Scottish Parliament.

ned: noun. Derogatory Scottish slang: a hooligan, thug or petty criminal. [Etymology: acronym used in probation officers' official reports for "non-educated delinquent".] - Oxford English Dictionary.

I hate NED's.

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