TBH James I doubt I could tell the difference if they were playing live in front of me, so I just have to take your word for it.
I don't proffess to having all the answers, but no matter how many times you say it yer not correct, If your system is supposedly so accurate, then why do you need more Mana, you have already stated the physical imposibilities, of you system, when you recorded a live band, but NO amplification, is 100% transparent, the closest you'll get to live is LIVE, and if a singer is singing through the PA then that is not live it is actually a facsimilie, the only true live is unplugged.
James you have a nice system, be happy with that, the way you're going on you'd think you had all the answers, and an absolutely flawless sytem, you haven't, maybe in your opinion, but you have to remember that others have an opinion too, After listening to my setup, yours sounds a bit dull, but with a nice bottom end, top and mids were shut in and soundsage was small IMHO (before any of you jump to defenceand state you're own opinion as fact, this may be something other than the speakers which I have only heard in James' system)there are no absoulutes and it is all down to personal taste, if that means mines is innacurate then so what I couldn't care less, that's just how I like it.