That big VPI that Michael has noted was used by Kevin Scott in the Living Voice room at the Bristol Show last year. A number of people enjoyed the music from that room.
Hi Devil,
As for which turntable to go for, it is down to personal choice. To be truthful, you have to live with a deck to get a feel for it's strengths & weaknesses. The easy option, would be to paint the deck black or get a black plinth. as suggested.
The Orbe is a very good deck & will last a long time. I do think there are better new decks but they cost more. But an Orbe fitted with a Morch arm would be very nice.
Other black turntables include the SME 10/ 20/ 30, a very well built deck.
The Simon Yorke S7 which is very rare.
The Roksan TMS which will put in a very good performance.
The Verdier turntables look real old school but I have heard them performing well.
The Well Tempered turntable has a lot of ex LP12 fans & maybe this is the one.
The Kuzma Stabi reference with the new Airline arm may take your fancy.
This should keep you going. The Nottingham decks are good, they are not in black anymore but dark colour. The Avid has some black but mainly silver or gold.
How about a 2nd hand Voyd reference or ref 0.5 in black or an older 2nd Nottinghan Mentor in black.
The big downside is trying to get to hear all these decks. Time comsuming.
Here is a site with most of these decks &
more. Turntable porn. A site for sore eyes.
But the deck you really need is this
P.S. What is the Ninja LP12? There must be someone who has looked at one in detail. I have heard one at a hifi show in london some years ago.