Originally posted by Lord
The reference is almost any other deck from the humble Regas to the 5 figure decks namechecked in this thread.
Lord, you miss my point; I said reference
criteria, i.e. not the hardware, but rather the methodology used to gauge the accuracy (or otherwise) of the Linn's mid-bass 'bounce' - accurate to what exactly?
Don't get me wrong, if one perceives that to be the case, in actuality, it is as 'inaccurate' as any other perceived notion in hi-fi, but that doesn't mean (in actuality) other decks achieve greater 'accuracy' than an LP12. For example, if the reference criterion is a live musical performance, how does one know for sure how the music sounded at the event when one only has access to a recording? Even if one attended the event in question, there are still many anomalies liable to skew one's ability to make viable judgements on how accurately a hi-fi system (or in this case a vinyl source component) is able to replicate that sound at home. Furthermore, if you're going to play the coloration card, then ALL hi-fi equipment is 'coloured' in some aspect or other. Believe it or not, sometimes it can actually be enjoyable!
The point I'm making is that, in my opinion, the term 'accuracy' has only the most tenuous of associations with hi-fi equipment, and people frequently use it as the ultimate benchmark with which to judge the standard of equipment, when in reality, it is something that cannot realistically be attained.
Therefore, with hi-fi equipment, it's simply a matter of choosing what type of coloration you prefer, and then building a system on that basis. When it comes to vinyl replay, I prefer my coloration in the form of an LP12.