
Yeah ... I guess I do.

I think the core was more the reliance on gimmicks like miracles, the clash with our understanding of the physical world (which is actually a different matter), plus the propensity to go and slaughter and anyone who disagrees with you. Not all religions or spiritual paths take that approach but those that do end up with the same problems. If you seperate the spiritual and physical domains then the power for ill of religion largely disappears.

If you look in the bible, koran torah etc you will see that a lot of smiting in exactly that fashion is detailed at great length so its entirely in keeping with monotheisms role of social control.

Mods - can you take these posts to a seperate thread lest the turntable discussion get derailed?
Oh bub the irony!

I havent claimed any such thing anywhere on this thread or any other thread. I merely suggested that the sme was not perfect and could be bettered in some areas by some other decks. Dont trust reviews.
Dynamic Turtle said:
Guys, can I just say how lucky you are to be fighting over which is the better £5k turntable! Lucky sods!
Nice reality check there. There are problems to have and there are nice problems to have...

Of course, it's never ending. I've got a great idea, let's take the heat out of things by leraving aside BLG, Yorke and others and just stay with SME, after all it was the basis of the very first question. Does one remove yoke on an SME arm or not, Bub has said he won't, I think once he understands its purpose (or not) and its effect he will. Does one-use alternative phono cable. Is the 30 better than the 20 better than the 10. Is the 10 90% of the 30, is the 10 in fact better than the 20 or 30 as they take a diferent approach.

Now, we don't actually need answers to any of these if boredom set in a long time ago, in fact we've probably had the opinions along the way anyway. Bub drew attention to SME's general popularity and widespread respect, however even within this you will find disparate views on the hierarchy and individual elements that make up 'the/an' SME experience.
Well the topic of the discussion is "turntables..." - it isnt just about sme.

10 20 30 - in order of increasing ability.

Whats wrong with the yoke?
Unless someone can state otherwise it is purely cosmetic and serves no practical purpose, alas it has a detrimental effect on the 309/IV/V by dulling things and getting in the way. Remove it and the music has more life suggesting that energy is drawn round the top of the arm in this area rather than dissipated away underneath as it should. I may be entirely wrong but I've done the comparison myself and mine is removed.
brizonbiovizier said:
..I merely suggested that the sme was not perfect and could be bettered in some areas by some other decks. Dont trust reviews.
Well, you keep hinting darkly about problems with the SME, so, in your extensive experience, what exactly are these problems?
I didnt say "problems" and I havent hinted darkly I said what I thought its strengths and weaknesses were. Maybe its particular blend will be the one for you. Lets see.
You haven't said what these strengths/weaknesses are, or at least, not that I've noticed.

Unless you mean the alleged classical/rock dichotomy, which is obviously BS. The Linn plays classical music very competently, btw, but you wouldn't be aware of that.

the obvious weaknesses are that it is beaten by the La Ponce in all areas. Surely you have learnt that.

Oh and it's poor for rock, reggae, dance, and ll the other musical genres I enjoy.

But then I wouldn't realise that because I don't own a PMC/Bryston mastering system. My humble setup hides the failings. Let's hope your ATC's are equally humble.
Oh, the ATCs have been demonstrated beyond all possible doubt to be inferior in all areas to just about anything else.

And I really can't imagine what I'm thinking of, playing classical music on a Linn Sondek, using a Naim preamp.
Indeed - it has degenerated into willy waving, sarcasm and irrelevent comments on my system and fictitious dirt about me from dealers I may or may not have attended. But its still vaguely on topic even if its pointless. Unlike the posts on "the root of evil".

Bub I have said numerous times in the past but you dont notice. Arent I wasting my breath? We will have to agree to diagree about the linn I dont want to dredge up that old chestnut again. Same for atc, mana and naim. Let it go.
The thing is, BBV, you have a black & white view of all these things, which is based on paper-thin evidence - exactly like the religious fundamentalists discussed last night on Prof Dawkin's programme. If you actually heard the system, you'd get a Hell of a shock. Oh no you wouldn't, oh yes you would. Etc.

You are as bad as Steven Toy & whatsisname, who slag kit off based on the brand name, and little else.
I have no black and white view thats completely contrary to my outlook on life. Its your supposition, itself based on paper thin evidence. You have no idea what evidence I have about the sme. I agree I might get a shock ;). I am not slagging off the sme except to suggest that it might not be the very last word on vinyl replay. Which is a reasonable comment. I care nothing for brand names either way.

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