
wadia-miester said:
I feel also it depends what you've brought up on too, like a lot of the TT boys (PFM squad et al), they have had a TT for nearly 20 years plus and most are not comtable with a cdp yet :D
Simpley because they are acustomed to a TT sound.
The same can be said for a long term owner of a cdp when trying out Vinyl. Niether one is wright or wrong, just how the said individual percives it.
This is true for Valves and Solid state IMO


the problem with that is that most people's first amplifier is Solid State and they move onto valves. IME this is because the insidious distortions present in designs like Bryston and Naim become tiresome with time.

I would say they is some truth in that sir :)
They other day at SM's we were listening to various records and cd's, The 70's music the vinyl was superior to the cdp without question, had that Vinyl thang.
Yet the best sound of the day (for me) was a Rory G. BBC session live track, I got up to look at the record sleeve only to be told it was a CD :D recorded 1986 I believe
Quite a few clients have a top TT and CDP in the same system, and I will agree to a large extent, the 2 do get a lot closer together the further up you go, however there are always exceptions.
A most graphical one being an SME 30 being made to sound broken by a Teac (Esoteric) combo.
Its all a personal issue nothing more. Wm

I will agree with you there, however I would say a lot go on a amplifier merry go round every few years or so, missed one thing or another from valves, then going back to SS, then valves again.
Funny old world innit?
I think that is a very good point WM. I have mainly been bought up on ss for Hi-Fi. First decent setup was a Rotel something with a big silver front and knob in the middle paired to an Akai reel-to-reel, a Sony TT with Ortofon cart and KLH speakers.

I have heard one setup that did not exhibit much distortion that I could tell. It was Titans main system. He uses Nestorovic Labs 200watt valve amps for his main speakers and I could not hear any 'valve' like distortion. He does have a Krell dedicated to the subs below 250Hz though so this might be a good reason why..

Listening to his second McIntosh system though, I could hear distortion, though only a bit. This system let the McIntosh do the full frequency.
Sm - can you give me some measurements for that insidious distortion that brystons have? People tend to start cheap in their teens and then move up. By the time they hit their 40s or 50s they have nothing better to do and too much money to spend and valve amps cost much more and have pretty lights. Plus the 2nd harmonic papers over the cracks in their system. Its easier to add some syrup to a cheap bitter tea then to select the right one with a smooth taste.
brizonbiovizier said:
Its easier to add some syrup to a cheap bitter tea then to select the right one with a smooth taste.
I can't believe you just said that Nick, arguably that's what stops some folk letting go of certain turntables and choosing neutrality. I know what you're getting at though, just that it doesn't mean you're right. In fact, it's rather an emotive and unsubstantiated post for you IMHO.

Perhaps it's a bit like the source comments in the last page or so, perhaps ss or valves should be devoid of the sins you highlight if done properly and operated within their performance parameters. Of course, limited budgets and lack of absolute objectivity on partnering amps, speakers and rooms opens one to which sets of compromises one is best able to live with on the way to that mythical nirvana.
A lot of hifi sounds edgy especially SS. Its a design issue not a problem with SS per se. Same as valve designs can be very low distortion but often arent. It doesnt have to be that way but people are often counteracting a deviation in one piece of equipment with the opposite deviation in another. You are exactly right with your comment. Each path has different compromises and at the lower end they will therefore sound quite different as they are more compromised. A perfect valve amp and a perfect SS amp should by definition sound identical. I suspect a lot of valve afficianados wouldnt like the sound of a perfect valve amp.
BBV, I have owned two Bryston amplifiers and found that the Rotel RB981 sounded more authentic and less wearing.

As the Rotel is on paper more or less perfect, it would be hard to justify the additional expense for the Bryston (unless of course you are swayed by the 20 year warranty. But that assumes you could actually live with that sound for 20 years without bleeding to death through your ears).
I asked first ... and you said the bryston has insidious distortion first. Stop trying to wriggle off the hook. Tell me what type of insidious distortion is present and what the measurement of its level is.
brizonbiovizier said:
Plus you need your akiva which doubtless costs more than £1400 new even with a discount. I paid £7.5k new for arm, cartridge and deck so they are almost exactly the same.
The Akiva cost me £600; I'm not telling you what the SME is costing me, because you will be sick.
What I am referring to is the RRP minus normal discount.

Seems they cant shift them then to offer at such a knock down rate?
Who is still reading this? Bub, congratulations with your SME and now b*gger off, because I'm jealous... ;D
I bought mine before the big price rise at a normal 10% discount plus the "complete package" saving. :P

So there is very little real difference in price for a complete SME v Brinkmann package.

Nice one bottleneck - I am chuckling over that ;)

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