You when things are bad when...........

Originally posted by Doug
...but was won over by the Fiat 128 instead. With a bit of Neil Young on the in-car and the window down I thought at the time"lifes not too bad" until I rememberd that Rust never Sleeps.
BTW, are Naim coming back to Japan at some point?
Originally posted by wadia-miester
Stebbo I'm touched, Wm

I am nothing but honest and fair.

You have done nothing wrong. Maybe you and Paul need to meet in a car park somewhere and sort it out!!!:cool:
Originally posted by Doug
Hey WM. Don't spend much if any time looking at these forums. Too busy doing what we do. It all seems good fun though as long as people don't take themselves too seriously. I mean, how could you?

As for The Sweeny well I nearly bought a Ford Crapi at one point but was won over by the Fiat 128 instead. With a bit of Neil Young on the in-car and the window down I thought at the time"lifes not too bad" until I rememberd that Rust never Sleeps. Should av bought the Crapi and a sheepskin (oops did, I work for Naim).

Anyways, there's always Bristol if any of you would like to drop the mask. I'm the nodding dog with the "I love the 80's" haircut. And you know what, I don't give a F*"K.


Arh the good old 128, thats means you had the fastback 1300 gt version then, the arches lasted at least another 18 months on those:D
I'm sure we'll be at Bristol, you weren't nodding at heathrow, when we talked, just tune demming the chair, which is why I thought Merlin was being a touch harsh :cool: and there's nothing wrong with being stuck in an 80's throwback postion, as you point out you do work for naim.
Prehaps you could ask Julain to see if any of the z/g's would like a visit to hq, I'm sure a few would be up for the experiance :) Wm
Originally posted by stebbo
I am nothing but honest and fair.

You have done nothing wrong. Maybe you and Paul need to meet in a car park somewhere and sort it out!!!:cool:

Staurt, Paul has visited Wm towers a while back, and is fact very little like his forum persona, I think a lot of lurkers and occational posters, don't realise that a good proportion of the forum do know each other & speak off forum, and that Paul Ranson, is an arwark son of cuss, he's also a useful contributor & part time sceptic as are an awful lot of the guys here, checks and balances, we may not all agree and it mans mans 'Jaw drop' to the others :bs:, were just a lot freer here, no over zelous moderators or manufactures 'concerns' to take into consideration. Tone
Originally posted by wadia-miester
Arh the good old 128, thats means you had the fastback 1300 gt version then, the arches lasted at least another 18 months on those:D
Now you're taking the michael, Tone.
Everyone knows the wheel arches turned back into refrigerators on the stroke of midnight. Tish.
Originally posted by wadia-miester
Nah Joel, they had plastic arch covers the '3P' Version had, that gave the illision that the 'real ones' were still there :D
Sorry. Must have been confusing the 128 with my uncle's 127, or even my Dad's 130...
Originally posted by julian2002
personally speaking i'd love to visit the naim factory, so merlin if you're thinking about taking doug up on his offer i'd be up for it too. how about a bit of a day out for those interested - if naim are willing of course?


May I please (pretty please?) join you on this pilgrimage?
Originally posted by Doug

Maybe you should come to Naim and have a look around so that you fully understand our manufacturing process. That way your comments could be founded on knowledge. It's just a phone call away



Doug, I would be delighted to take you up on your offer in the new year. I have tried to get the Naim thing, sat for a fair while on the Friday at Heathrow, just simply could not hear where the £25K had gone. Trust me I tried, wanted to be positive and all that.

The hostility is, I think you will find, directly proportional to the evangelical preachings of your internet flock and should not be taken too personally. I think you would agree that your equipment has a fairyldistinct house sound that tends to polarise opinions, the joy being that at places such as ZG, these can be aired without the threat of expulsion.

Any way, do PM me with a suitable date for a trip to Salisbury and I will pen it into the diary.

Do us all a favour. Book a day at Salisbury, hear the stuff somewhere sensible, not a bloody hifi show where nothing sounds good and then come back to us.


Oi you lot

Naim is growing faster than almost any other Hifi Manufacturer. If you lot reckon you have the musical genius and commercial acumen to make it grow even faster, I am sure Doug and Paul will be pleased to hear from you. After all, you do seem (or claim to be) a rather knowledgable lot.

On the other hand, I bet they are relieved that some of you don't work for their marketing departments.



I have obviously heard a number of Naim setups, both at dealers and at friends' houses, as well as at shows.

You never know though, I may be impressed by one one day. The best Naim setup I have heard was using Dynaudio Confidence speakers BTW.
Originally posted by merlin
You never know though, I may be impressed by one one day. The best Naim setup I have heard was using Dynaudio Confidence speakers BTW.
That's interesting because the best Naim demo I've heard wasn't a Naim demo but a Dynaudio one - the speakers were Contour 3.3 I think. My impression was that it was great with great recordings but you would still need a second system that was great with not-so-good recordings (one like mine :) ).
Sorry I've been away and missed all the fun. From my side of the fence Naim ain't going down the pan, as much as some of you would like to see it and secondly if it's set up right it does sound stunning ( and yes I can prove that even if it isn't to your taste).

Look it's late, why aren't I looking at porn instead of wasting time here? ;) Has anyone mention Seventh Veil recently?
From my side of the fence Naim ain't going down the pan, as much as some of you would like to see it and secondly if it's set up right it does sound stunning ( and yes I can prove that even if it isn't to your taste).


I dont think anyone here really disputes that. Its just that with the new classic range many of us feel you can do it better for a lot less money with other brands. Dynavector and Simaudio spring to mind, although there are others I am sure.

You do have to admire Naim's customer loyalty though, as most of them have no interest in finding out about the other extremely competent kit thats out there.
No problem with that. I'm glad I've completed my old olive kit as I certainly couldn't afford to go any further. And yes brand loyalty is strong because (uptil now) it works both ways plus buying and owning Naim is remarkably simple. You don't need to worry about cable or box matching. Oh and it sounds best ;)

You said

"You do have to admire Naim's customer loyalty though, as most of them have no interest in finding out about the other extremely competent kit thats out there."

You do not need to admire it but rather understand it.

The main advantage of Naim is that it is one of the few manufacturers who have provided an upgrade route irrespective of how old your kit is. You can progress slowly via PSU's or make quantumn leaps by buying in at the top.

Also, the cable issue is sorted, no need to agonise over brand A or brand B, Naim's cable suits their kit best.

If you like the Naim sound (big if I agree) then Naim will carry you from the cradle to the grave and hence the long term loyalty.

I do listen to other brands, but to date there is nothing else that does it as good for me as Naim.

