Leave lot alone for 5 mins and see what happens

Paul, just because you can't do your usual 'keyboard pitbulling', give some of the guys a little credit, maybe they have actualy tried it, may not of liked it, BUT tried it, we all can make bellden mains cables from rs, even put extra rf shielding on it to, bang on a marinco hey yes it works, no quibble, some us want more
Even James tried the Eupen on his system, it did the same to his, as it did to JU2002's hifi'd it up, took away some of the drive and PRaT, but gave more defined bass and cleaner tops, not what the earthy guys want, fair enough, but don't for minute think, all the other Power cables do the same, even with Naim
I agree, about the costs of things, and Matt F does share a very good point

why, do the electronics manufactures put a cheapo lead, instaed of a proper one, most of them don't even sell leads

however on the side of the boxes or in the manual it usually reads, to get the best out of your new amp/cd/pre etc, "please use a good quality mains lead, your dealer will advise you"
A lot of the very top chords are they just space age bullshit or do they really work, only you can decide, I have tried an awful lot, and some of the best all rounders arn't the dear ones, some are just well, you'll never know till you listen.
Now virtualy every cd player gives off RFI the clock is apositive fountain sprayer for it

even Naim/Linn's too, don't believe me eh?, next week I'll send you some foo foo dust so you can try in your own system, see what you think, plus if you promise not bite anymore posters, a couple of digital cables.
Interesting Paul comment on hearing my system last year was, is it in mono ?, your sound stage is very small, and there's was me thing it was the timing they were after