2 Power kords needed

Originally posted by sideshowbob
My take on this, having heard a few posh kettle lead tests is one of three things happens, depending on circumstance:

(a) There is no significant difference to the stock lead

(b) There is a subtle difference, but too small to reliably identify which lead is which

(c) There is a noticeable difference, but it's not clear - to me at least - that it's an improvement. It's just different. It may sound like an improvement in the moment (often the music gets fractionally louder, I've noticed, and we all know how that can make any of us think something's better). Different <> Better. In all honesty, I've never heard a posh kettle lead make things unambiguously better. YMMV.

-- Ian

Dat's m'boy! Cloth ears of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your wallet pains!
Originally posted by Paul Ranson
You could reproduce it for about £3000 including CDP without too much trouble. £3700 with entry level WM approved mains wire.
There you go again Paul. There is no such thing as WM approved mains wire :rolleyes: Yes, he does use some pretty pricey mains cables but before that he was using Eupen power cords and singing their praises. Eupens go for £48 a metre, so you'd need a hell of a lot of bits of kit to make them add up to £700.

I also use Eupens in my system and the difference they made is nothing short of stunning. Others have reported similar results.

Instead of dropping into the forum just to post confrontational and antagonistic garbage, would you kindly expand on just why items such those we are discussing are unnecessary, why they cannot improve the performance of electronics, and what constitutes properly designed hifi
You have it the wrong way around. You are making the apparently absurd claim, it's up to you to explain why and how. The confrontation and antagonism is in your and others responses to a bit of piss-taking. It's amazingly similar to the style of the Mana or Mains Spur evangelists.

Properly designed hifi isn't strongly dependent on expensive third party accessories for its performance.

Originally posted by michaelab

I also use Eupens in my system and the difference they made is nothing short of stunning. Others have reported similar results.


But not everyone, Michael - I tried one and heard precisely zero difference. Must be incredibly system-dependent, or perhaps the dreaded Tones the Unbeliever Syndrome again. In addition, the thing is so wretchedly stiff that it tends to pull itself out of the sockets in the equipment.
Originally posted by The Devil
Chortle. You've never actually tried out Mana in your own system, have you Michael?
No, I haven't. I have got a rack that I had made to order and it's a rip off of the IsoBlue rack (which apparently is loved by you flatties). However, I got that rack because I like the look of it, it's all made of wood and it's very practical.

I can't say I noticed any sonic differences when using it. I've also played around with Vibrapods and various cones and spikes under my CD transport and they've all had little or no effect - only the Vibrapods (which I still have under the transport) made any difference I would swear by.

Contrary to what Isaac thought, I didn't think the seismic sink made a huge difference at Dino's bake-off. I was however in a very poor position to make a judgement (crouched on the floor next to the right hand speaker).

My experience with supports/isolation etc. therefore leads me to think it wouldn't make a huge difference. Note however, that I'm not writing them off or suggesting that they are audiophoolery or anything else. They logically ought to make a difference but so far I haven't heard it is all I'm saying.

I'd certainly be willing to give a seismic sink or Mana a try at home if I could have a free home dem. AFAIK there are no Mana distributors or dealers in Portugal though ;)

Originally posted by Paul Ranson
Properly designed hifi isn't strongly dependent on expensive third party accessories for its performance.
...no, it's only dependent on even more expensive OEM accessories :D

There is no such thing as WM approved mains wire
So he wasn't advising on mains wire further up this thread? I'll rephrase as 'ZG' approved wire.

Eupens go for £48 a metre, so you'd need a hell of a lot of bits of kit to make them add up to £700.
The budget given back at the beginning of the thread was £100 a lead. I worked from this. Reduce it pro-rata. But you could add on the cost of ZG approved stereo phono-phono, dual phono-XLR and 6 XLR-XLR interconnects to get the cost back up. Plus of course a 75 Ohm digital interconnect. I'm sure we could spend another £1000 easily...

And in an equal opportunity confrontional vein perhaps another £3000 for Mana supports.

Originally posted by Paul Ranson
You have it the wrong way around. You are making the apparently absurd claim, it's up to you to explain why and how. The confrontation and antagonism is in your and others responses to a bit of piss-taking. It's amazingly similar to the style of the Mana or Mains Spur evangelists.

Properly designed hifi isn't strongly dependent on expensive third party accessories for its performance.


No sorry Paul, you have it the wrong way round. I can and will happily demonstrate the qualities a good AC cable will bring by providing a double blind comparison at any time.

I have no issues with that, and if there is magic afoot then surely you will not notice the difference. Trouble is Paul, you will. I really have better things to do than to educate people like you in the world of physics and electromagnetic fields. Why not do some research and come back when you are capable of debating this issue with me as an adult.

As for a pair of Active Briks being better than WM's setup......maybe you really believe it is, can't speak for you on that one. I can say categorically however, that I have yet to hear a brik setup that offers an uncoloured, natural midrange along with detailed and sweet treble and neutral balance, all qualities I beleive are important to getting across the full musical message.

Not a bad PA speaker for headbangers though I must admit, but about as refined as your contributions to our forum have been so far;)
Originally posted by Paul Ranson
So he wasn't advising on mains wire further up this thread? I'll rephrase as 'ZG' approved wire.
Come one Paul - now you're just being silly. There is no such thing as 'ZG' approved anything.

The original poster wanted some recommendations on power cords and a few people posted suggestions - what's the problem? Isn't that what HiFi forums are about? The thread starter is already convinced of the benefits of power cords - the only people doing Mana style evangelism here are you and Gary, trying to say they're a bunch of cr@p.

Sideshow's already summed up my take on kettle leads.

Either... little difference, no difference, or no difference that will justify ££WONGA££ from smithy's wallet.

If I had my time over, I'd make some big heavy duty armoured cable into mains cables, and spend about a fiver on each of them - job done.... just for icing on the cake, and because they look good :)

Modified my opinion on supports having just got my HNE stand. Solid stands look nice, and help with wobbly turntables. Worth buying a good un second hand for sure. Fannying on with plinths and cones and cups for the speakers was worth it too.

Getting the boxes right in the 1st place is my motto.. ''cant shine shit'' etc etc
OK enough I reckon.

What's the bloody point.

the ignorance which seems to have erupted on this place over the past week or so is mind numbingly boring and shows a complete lack of understanding on the part of people who should know better.

Also totally fed up with knob jockies who insist on having an opinion on things without having ever heard or experienced them. Ignorant, pompous, preposterous or what.

I will be saying adieu I feel.
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So you are really leaving because people have a difference of opinion. If everyone agreed with you, it would not be much of a discussion forum would it? :rolleyes:

Originally posted by michaelab

My experience with supports/isolation etc. therefore leads me to think it wouldn't make a huge difference. Note however, that I'm not writing them off or suggesting that they are audiophoolery or anything else. They logically ought to make a difference but so far I haven't heard it is all I'm saying.

I'd certainly be willing to give a seismic sink or Mana a try at home if I could have a free home dem. AFAIK there are no Mana distributors or dealers in Portugal though ;)
This was precisely my own experience with supports until about two years ago. I couldn't tell much difference at all, and ended up with an Ash designs jobbie bought on dealer recommendation and aesthetic grounds. I think that most of the non-Mana stuff out there does sound pretty similar.

I was very happy with it, and intensely sceptical about Mana. That stance has changed!

Back on topic, I use MusicWorks mains leads which were given to me. I couldn't tell any difference between them and the standard Naim kettle leads, so I've left them in. WM brought some sort of mains lead with him when he visited, but I didn't like it much.

Matching impedences may be important when it comes to power cables, but I don't honestly know for sure.
What's the bloody point of having a hifi forum if everyone who frequents it is happy with their shite little systems!

That's a bit strong, Merlin. Nothing wrong with being happy with your system, shite or not. Mine isn't, BTW (shite, that is), and I'm happy with it, what does that say about me? It's not perfect by a long way, but it plays music and gives me no desire to watch TV instead, or to spend hours tweaking it.

Power leads, isolation, interconnects, mains conditioning, separate spurs, CD anti-static devices, these are all areas of entirely legitimate disagreement, and always generate heated debate. No need for anyone to get too exercised about any of it.

-- Ian
Originally posted by merlin
Also totally fed up with knob jockies who insist on having an opinion on things without having ever heard or experienced them. Ignorant, pompous, preposterous or what.
I agree quite agree, but it's possible to ignore them.

I will be saying adieu I feel
If you do go it will be a sad loss :( Even more so if it's because of ignorant trolls :bub:

Originally posted by PBirkett
So you are really leaving because people have a difference of opinion. If everyone agreed with you, it would not be much of a discussion forum would it? :rolleyes:


Actually Paul that is not the case. I am basically fed up with idiots posting on subjects of which they have no experience. They've never heard it, never borrowed it, but it's shit, although they don't know why.

Why waste my time reading drivel like that. By all means disagree, but offer me a reason for this disagreement and examples of your experiences. Then we can debate the subject like adults, in an intelligent and reasoned manner.

Most of you know that I am at least prepared to try out other things, and post my opinions based on my experiences. That seems a better way of doing things, but there are a number of users of this forum who choose to express their opinion without the benefit of experience or knowledge. How fuckin' stupid is that:mad:

I do agree that the first paragraph about shite systems does not read as it was intended so sorry for any offence caused, I have editted the post.

I won't however take back any comments about the opinionated unintelligentia.
Christ, all i wanted was some recommendations :( .
Well, I've decided to make them myself - I'll save some money ("You'd save more if you didn't buy them !" :SLEEP: :SLEEP: :SLEEP: ) and have an enjoyable time putting them together.

Thanks y'all (especially Esther ;) ) :rolleyes: .

Leave lot alone for 5 mins and see what happens :D,
Paul, just because you can't do your usual 'keyboard pitbulling', give some of the guys a little credit, maybe they have actualy tried it, may not of liked it, BUT tried it, we all can make bellden mains cables from rs, even put extra rf shielding on it to, bang on a marinco hey yes it works, no quibble, some us want more :)
Even James tried the Eupen on his system, it did the same to his, as it did to JU2002's hifi'd it up, took away some of the drive and PRaT, but gave more defined bass and cleaner tops, not what the earthy guys want, fair enough, but don't for minute think, all the other Power cables do the same, even with Naim :D
I agree, about the costs of things, and Matt F does share a very good point :) why, do the electronics manufactures put a cheapo lead, instaed of a proper one, most of them don't even sell leads :rolleyes: however on the side of the boxes or in the manual it usually reads, to get the best out of your new amp/cd/pre etc, "please use a good quality mains lead, your dealer will advise you"
A lot of the very top chords are they just space age bullshit or do they really work, only you can decide, I have tried an awful lot, and some of the best all rounders arn't the dear ones, some are just well, you'll never know till you listen.
Now virtualy every cd player gives off RFI the clock is apositive fountain sprayer for it :D even Naim/Linn's too, don't believe me eh?, next week I'll send you some foo foo dust so you can try in your own system, see what you think, plus if you promise not bite anymore posters, a couple of digital cables.
Interesting Paul comment on hearing my system last year was, is it in mono ?, your sound stage is very small, and there's was me thing it was the timing they were after :) WM
Merlin, there is the 'ignore' option on this forum, only three people qualify for it IMO. There's also the 'ignore' option in your own head.

The vast majority of people who 'don't like' my own hi-fi panacea (Mana) have never tried nor used it. This used to bother me, now I just think "poor things".

WM heard my system and didn't like it too much (although he did say it was the "fourth-best" he'd heard, from which I derive a little snivelling satisfaction - tiny crumbs of comfort from the high table).

Since it's among the very best systems I've ever heard in my life, we must be looking for different things.
Originally posted by The Devil
Since it's among the very best systems I've ever heard in my life, we must be looking for different things.
I think you've hit the nail on the head there James :D With respect to Mana, I've never had anything against it. I haven't tried it but then neither have I tried any other exotic form of isolation. The only thing I've ever been against is the evangelism of those that do like it as if it was the only one true way.

It would seem now that you've also realised that it's "different strokes for different folks" :)


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