Originally posted by merlin
I really should not post I agree
However, I would love to debate ths issue.
To begin with, do you accept that, most digital electronics emit RFI? if so, are you aware of the radiation pattern and potency of these stray fields? Would you also concur that most analogue equpment, particularly off board PS, are affected by RFI and EMI?
Would it also be true that these radio waves are transmitted between components by the cabling employed? Do you accept that EMI has an adverse affect on perceived sound quality, and that RFI is typically emitted at differing frequencies from different components in the chain, such as SMPS and digital clocks?
You see, answering these kind of questions can lead to an intelligent debate. Posting dismissals quoting magic and foo foo dust is simply misleading and annoying.
So let's debate
Hiya Merlin
My comments werent particularly directed at you - I just didnt like what I was seeing from a few parties.
On your points on RFI and EMI, I could give my opinion on each.
Im not a scientist though. I have no more than GCSE in science subjects behind me.
My knowledge of audio equipment comes to me purely from my ears really, although Ive read a lot of magazines over the years.
It would be remiss of me to pretend to have scientific knowledge that I dont have - so all I can do is speak of my own experiences.
Ive tried power cables on seven occasions in seven different systems now.
The systems varied from £2,000 to £30,000.
The mains leads varied from £40 to £1000.
I could sometimes hear a little bit of a difference. I could not hand on heart say that the difference was an improvement. It certainly wasnt a change that I would have been prepared to spend significant sum to achieve.
Other peoples mileage varies of course, but my take is that I dont believe mains leads to be a universal means of sound improvement - more of a subtle way of tweaking the sound.
I believe its something worth exploring when all other items in the system are at a high level already. On cheaper boxes - Id reccomend anyone put the budget for say 3 x £60 mains leads (£180) towards improving their system in other ways.... for example - selling a budget amp for £150, add £180 we now have £320 to buy a second hand amp - massive improvements can be made....
but its not just budget systems where the maths doesnt stack up..
In my own system, I have £10 interconnects, and mains cable that is barely 1 up from stock mains leads. Its just heavy duty industrial cable thats £3 per metre.
Chaning interconnects to say £60 leads and power cords to £60 each would cost £640. For £640 I could upgrade my gyrodec to full Orbe status, AND have my pre-amp modified by Border Patrol. Id scratch my head in disbelief to anyone who might think that the money might be better spent on cable than the above.
As I said earlier, YMMV of course.