Strange that Paul, twas a good improvement over the stock power chord, again you see the theroy v's practice, also the lenghts here, I do agree with some of the theroy, however we had eupens of all lengths, from 2 feet to 8 feet, on the amps that were used for testing, little or no audiable difference were detected, to the listening panel, which didn't include myself or Timpy.
Have tried over 20 power cables on the B/c, with results ranging from a crippling of the sound to a almost a box swop.
The belcanto is a very fast and transparent amplifer, that doesn't use SMPS, however I found inital results with power chords better with FRI interfrerence rejection charactoristics, improved dynamics, more open sound, better scale and slam, upon making internal psu mods, the emphesis shifted to more cleaner faster current deliverly, (which goes against the theroy here), now I use an open juice tap, after common mode removal. the results are some what well pleasing.
CDP's are a lot more diverse, some a straight high current chord words wonders (with out removing the lid) I suspect a lot of attention has been paid to psu seperation and good regualtion and quality caps and bridges, others need as much mains shite removed before giving their true preformance.
We have spent time money effort and patients in the area, trying to find what ticks, it takes time and trouble, it throws up some very interesting and totaly unexpected results from time to time.
Paul, maybe the 5v sipply rail to the dsp chipset, may not what you expect it to be, hence a lot of the results we achieve, we do have very sophistacted measuring equipment and software to 'accquire' our data, and it is tested on a very wide range of kit and mains outlets in over 15 different places throught the county, so our data and corroalations are quite accurate.
Things have moved way beyond simple cable swops Paul.
One other little gem, frame/'e' type laminated multi core transformers, can produce upto 40 times more rfi, than torrodials, coupled with a smps, I feel this doesn't help matters. WM