All aboard the atheist bus?

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The common gene in every example of the eye for example.


I'm sorry, but I don't understand this comment. (Along with a lot of other things!)

Are you saying that the genes in the dna of a cell in the eye are different to the genes in the dna of other cells in the same organism? But they have a gene common to the dna in other eye cells of other organisms?
This sounds to be what you are saying, but I thought that the genetic structure of the dna came from the inherited characteristics from both parents and were common to all cells in the organism.
Are you saying that the genes in the dna of a cell in the eye are different to the genes in the dna of other cells in the same organism?

But they have a gene common to the dna in other eye cells of other organisms?

but I thought that the genetic structure of the dna came from the inherited characteristics from both parents and were common to all cells in the organism.
Take your ancestry back 400 million years. What did your progenitors look like?

The thing I was thinking of is sort of covered

but I thought that the genetic structure of the dna came from the inherited characteristics from both parents and were common to all cells in the organism.

Take your ancestry back 400 million years. What did your progenitors look like?

So my genes were not inherited from my parents?

The reference is too complicated for me to follow (and I suspect for most people to follow), other than it seems to state that genetic mutation of a specific gene seems to be responsible for many disorders and diseases.
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So my genes were not inherited from my parents?
Of course they were. And theirs from their parents. And theirs from theirs and on and on. About 400m years in the past you have a common ancestor with a fish. Today's fish shares a gene that helps your eyes form.

I think if I go back far enough, my ancestors probably looked very much like me, but better. I'm not a 'creationist' in the sense that the term is used of the fundamentalist groups in USA, but I do think that the similar gene is more likely the result of a common designer, rather than common ancestor.

But at least we can discuss it without resorting to insults, which, as 'the Devil' said, is a sign that the argument has been lost.
...I do think that the similar gene is more likely the result of a common designer, rather than common ancestor.

Why? There's no evidence at all to support a common designer, whereas there is a lot of evidence to support the theory that fish and mammals had a common ancestor.

The recurrent laryngeal nerve is another good piece of evidence in this regard. In mammals, this nerve branches off the Vagus nerve in the neck. It supplies motor fibres to the larynx (voicebox). But instead of travelling straight to the larynx, it takes a long, looping route down into the chest, then back up again, all the way to the larynx. There are evolutionary reasons why this should be. The alternative hypothesis is that god was having an "off day" when he designed this nerve! Or that he was trying to make life difficult for Med students.
Going back to the very first post, our favourite Christian nutter, Stephen Green is incandescent with rage that the ASA have refused to give his tinpot organisation permission to take out adverts claiming that the cervical cancer vaccination programme will lead to sterility.

He really is a dangerous extremist.
Going back to the very first post, our favourite Christian nutter, Stephen Green is incandescent with rage that the ASA have refused to give his tinpot organisation permission to take out adverts claiming that the cervical cancer vaccination programme will lead to sterility.

He really is a dangerous extremist.


Is there a religious objection to cervical cancer vaccination???

What a disgusting individual he is. As if any god would have lots of arbitrary rules about sex.
The Devil

Your next post Sir

It is bizarre that proponents of modern Christianity are seemingly obsessed with sex. If they are not denouncing it, they are fiddling with small boys.

You go to far. I am sick of your vile and your insults aimed at many. By what you say here you are making serious statements/accusations about all/many Christians. James I am so angry and disgusted I can't say anything else, but i will. So only Christians are child sexual abusers. This is what you are saying. I hope you have evidence for your attacks on Mr Green. As in the context of what you have just wrote, by association that is what you are saying about him. Never mind others....
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I find your comments most offensive. I am a Christian who has never done anything of the sort of thing that you imply.

You are being extremely offensive and abusive in making such generalizations and do your cause no service. Indeed, as you yourself said, insults are a sure sign that you have lost the argument.

To quote Jesus:
Your father is the devil, and you do exactly what he wants. He has always been a murderer and a liar. There is nothing truthful about him. He speaks on his own, and everything he says is a lie. Not only is he a liar himself, but he is also the father of all lies.
Just as all doctors practice medical experiments on innocent victims?
Just as all scientists create weapons of mass destruction?

It is so easy to generalize - after all it is the basis of all hatred, racist and otherwise.

You bring the whole discussion into disrepute.

I understand that you are supposed to be in the medical profession, so the fact that German doctors committed atrocities in the concentration camps means that you are tarnished with the same fault? I would hope that if I needed medical attention, I would be attended by someone sympathetic to my beliefs and needs, rather an arrogant 'know-it-all' who rides rough-shod over their patients' rights.
Just as all doctors practice medical experiments on innocent victims?
Just as all scientists create weapons of mass destruction?

It is so easy to generalize - after all it is the basis of all hatred, racist and otherwise.

You bring the whole discussion into disrepute.

I understand that you are supposed to be in the medical profession, so the fact that German doctors committed atrocities in the concentration camps means that you are tarnished with the same fault? I would hope that if I needed medical attention, I would be attended by someone sympathetic to my beliefs and needs, rather an arrogant 'know-it-all' who rides rough-shod over their patients' rights.

Whatever: child abuse is endemic in the Christian church. Just one of the reasons why any thinking person should oppose it.
That is a lie.

–adjective Also, en⋅dem⋅i⋅cal.
1. natural to or characteristic of a specific people or place; native; indigenous: endemic folkways; countries where high unemployment is endemic.
2. belonging exclusively or confined to a particular place: a fever endemic to the tropics.

Such blatant lies show you are from your father - aptly named.
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Come off it bub, by that reasoning you could easily say that experiments on innocent victims is endemic in the higher medical profession.

BTW, i'm not Christian or religeous in any way, but respect others beliefs.
Such blatant lies show you are from your father - aptly named.

Wow - you've really got it bad. Did I touch a recurrent laryngeal nerve?

Dr. Shupe suggests the 70 allegations-per-week figure actually could be higher, because underreporting is common. He discovered this in 1998 while going door to door in Dallas-Ft. Worth communities where he asked 1,607 families if they'd experienced abuse from those within their church. Nearly 4 percent said they had been victims of sexual abuse by clergy. Child sexual abuse was part of that, but not broken out, he says.

James Cobble, executive director of CMR, who oversees the survey, says the data show that child sex-abuse happens broadly across all denominationsââ'¬â€œ and that clergy aren't the major offenders.

"The Catholics have gotten all the attention from the media, but this problem is even greater with the Protestant churches simply because of their far larger numbers," he says.

Of the 350,000 churches in the US, 19,500 ââ'¬â€œ 5 percent ââ'¬â€œ are Roman Catholic. Catholic churches represent a slightly smaller minority of churches in the CMR surveys which aren't scientifically random, but "representative" demographic samples of churches, Dr. Cobble explains.

Since 1993, on average about 1 percent of the surveyed churches reported abuse allegations annually. That means on average, about 3,500 allegations annually, or nearly 70 per among the predominantly Protestant group, Cobble says.
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