All aboard the atheist bus?

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I'm implying that the course of the recurrent laryngeal nerve shows pretty conclusively that we are not the product of "Intelligent Design".

Also, that churches are hotbeds of sex abuse.

What did you think I was implying?
You can`t tar christians with this as being solely responsible. I am sure there is abuse in all sectors of society.
well done to the church for taking action against it.

Yes, hurrah for the good old church, eh? These people set themselves up as arbiters of morality, right?

Christians aren't solely responsible. Muslims routinely sexually mutilate baby girls and suppress women's rights. Most religions have daft rules about sex, and persecute homosexuals, women, "adulterers" and non-believers. Religions are man-made instruments for social control & the suppression of human rights, which use "god" as the justification for their ridiculous and inhumane activities. Some of us have had quite enough of this nonsense, thanks.
Hegelian Dialectic?

A (thesis) versus B (anti-thesis) equals C (synthesis).

For example: If (A) my idea of freedom conflicts with (B) your idea of freedom then (C) neither of us can be free until everyone agrees to be a slave.

Some of us have had quite enough of this nonsense, thanks.

You obviously feel very strongly about this so to make a real difference, rather than keep banging on about it in the cosy confines of this forum, why don't you take it to those who are really responsible for it - like Tehran for example?

Then I'd believe you were serious about it rather than just being a bit of a "keyboard warrior" and hobbyist agitator.
No need to go that far to find disgusting intolerance.
Here will do

why don't you take it to those who are really responsible for it

I have written to Mr Green telling him exactly what i think of his nasty little hate organisation.
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And besides. Not all religious fundamentalist nutters are *all* bad.


Note, this is not a serious vid at all.
So it's not "a code", any more than 4 sets of coloured balls is "a code". And it can't "encode text". We can encode text and then transcribe it to DNA bases (or balls IOW).

Bub you are unbeleivably dense - there is no point your partaking in this topic until you learn what codes and information actually are and how dna works. Its like a blind man trying to explain a painting.

The genome encoded on the medium of the dna (said dna being comprised of coding blocks) contains information. In other words the dna strand in its entirety is a coded sequence that contains information. That being the point of dna and the basis of life itself. Cellular mechanisms read the information on the dna in a way analagous to a cpu executing a sequence of computer instructions to create output. Any A-level biology text book should set you on the right path. I find it very worrying that a medical consultant in proctology is so ignorant of basic biological facts. Just goes to show!

Just for the record writing is a coding system for communication - it too has an information content that can be measured without understanding of the code being required.

Bub is no better morally or more open minded than any christian. And certainly not any smarter.
why don't you take it to those who are really responsible for it - like Tehran for example?

Then I'd believe you were serious about it rather than just being a bit of a "keyboard warrior" and hobbyist agitator.

What would be the point of talking to a bunch of old fools in frocks? I have neither the time, nor the inclination. What you believe about me is a matter of indifference.

I see mr hazyknowledge is back.
I have neither the time, nor the inclination.

Indeed. How could you fit it in when you're so busy dispensing your nuggets of Wikipedia wisdom and spitting your bile at the world outside your little bubble?
I bet you're an absolute hoot at parties.

Well, I hope so, because you're an arrogant boor online.
With buboe the old adage has never been truer - you can take an Ass to water but you cant make it drink.

Frightful bores like him abound where ever men congregate to drink coffee. Usually they discuss cars touting BMW endlessly and pretending to be experts. On just about everything. It came as no surprise to me when Bub admitted he drove one. Priceless ... simply priceless. What an oaf!

Deep down its all a cry for attention from a man having a very deep mid life crisis.
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