Another pointless Mana debate

The difference Ian is you beleive cables are a bit snake oil, but you also accept that some believe in them and make their choices accordingly, you don't then rattle on spouting Sh*T as if it's fact, FWIW my floor doesn't vibrate any more than his, FACT, and all this without £9K worth of snake oil, TBH apart from nice grumbly bass, the sound he is acheiving is a bit ordinary to these ears, I had just as good with an MF system, I have since moved on though.

I think his beef is he couldn't beleive how good the sound was at my place one of his first questions was "what are the retail prices?" when you come over to someone's gaff to hear some music, it's not polite to bring your most difficult recordings and then try and disect the system to show it's inadequacies, we were supposed to be listening to music, not the Hifi, and TBH he was the only one that noticed these inadequacies, he then goes on to spout all this rubbish as if it were fact.

I know he wound me up yesterday and yes I did rise to the bait, for reasons already mentioned, but the fact remains that he is a boor, how are we meant to respect his opinion when he has no respect for ours.
AK - out of interest, you say that your speakers are on the floor.

Have you tried to decouple them with a seismic sink, a stone block or anything else?

Ive found with a wooden floor worthwhile gains were made in my system.

You may well have tried this, I just wondered because criticism has been levied at the way your speakers are coupled to the room.

If the original poster is still reading, I'd reccomend starting a new thread on reccomended systems in your price range (giving room dimensions etc) if thats something you'd like advice on. You will get 100 different answers though!


I have a concrete floor, this has well insulated laminate flooring, that has subsequently been covered with thick carpet and underlay, TBH i don't have oddles of bass going through my floor, I tried some paving slabs but could detect no difference, my speakers are pretty inert and are spiked into alu legs that are affixed to cabinet (they are made this way), the only time I have a bass problem is a silly volume and with this being a timber framed house the walls can vibrate in sympathy, I know my room isn't perfect, but it's not something that isolation can sort out, I will be looking into room treatments when we move and I have a dedicated listening room, My rig takes over enough of the living room without resorting to room treatments, I like the way it sounds at the mo so not really worried about it.
Would you guys mind letting others in on this, else refer to PM Puleese! :confused:

EDIT: Hang on just re read it, with you now.

Andy, you're not thinking in trying something like on that radio clip, are you? :yikes:
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TonyL said:
I really must get some more Cabs, I've only got 2x45 and a couple of other singles, which is frankly quite embarrassing - I saw them live somewhere around 1980 in Liverpool though, a good gig.

Was that at the Empire?
If so I was there too - I remember sticking my head in the bass bins (who knows why, yoof n'all!)
Anyone remember Essential Logic?
bubbit is a corruption of hobbit. a well know underground (or under EARTH) dwelling creature from literature,
as bub primarily subscribes to a FLAT EARTH point of view in his choice of equipment this somehow got corrupted into calling all flat earthers hobbits. et viola there you are. the twisty tortuous path wended by tonys brain to get to calling bub - bubbit.

And a torch, some cheese, oh and some string to tie round it's neck for easy retrieval.
nearly forgot, better add 2 small pairs of rubber booties, one those claws are bound to be pretty sharp, and two your're gonna need a fine nail brush if ye don't cobver the gerbils feet.
Cause it might walk over yer butty as you are filming, causing you to panic, dropping the camera on your pint knocking it over and drenching the camera and sloshing a big gloop of lager onto yer newly finished record deck, at this point you grab the hamster and drop kick it straight through one of the cones on your new meadowlarck, as you are sobbing, merlin looks up causing wm to fall over into your other speaker sendit crashing down onto whats left of your hifi, all this commotion wakes up the missus who comes down the stairs to find, her room trashed, you sobbing whilst holding her now very limp gerbil, wm wearing rubber gloves and surgical mask, holding a maglight in his mouth, and muttering over and over "musta chewed through the string, next time need to use that O***A, steel wire from our hotrod, gtinutterbas**rd full fat model, that'll hold him", and of course Merlin on the floor with his trouseies round his ankles.

Not a true story, but it could get messy, best stick with protection.

This also applies to single rubber booties usually supplied in packs of three, don't use these at yer peril, as it gets messy, real messy :D

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