Another pointless Mana debate

So James your experiance with this 'Micky mouse recording session' at chez Bub has obviously given you a PHD degree in studio acoustics and record production & mastering, with all the assocciated knowledge that surrounds a professional engineer of 20 years + in the business
I salute you, you've brough a new meaning to fast-trak, forgive here me James, do you think that smacks of just a little of male cow exsrection ?
Hey Merlin, did you not know that the air is rareified in Bubbitts flat, the reasons for his lack of accoustics, I think all the air molecules had a discussion with the wall molecules, and subsequently all the local molecules got together had a conflab and came to an agreement thaat they wouldn't react as they normally do, "for years we have been behaving by the the laws of physics" they said "but now he has this magical angle iron, we may as well not bother" said a spokesmolecule.

Either that or he is talking P*sh.

I'll leave others to decide which one is closest to the truth.
most studios are either designed to be as accousically neutral as possible or are treated to be so. none of these treatments to my knowledge include stacks of resonant angle iron, sofas, pianos, chez lounge, etc.
my lack of 'experience', although you don't qualify with what so i'm at a disadvantage when arguing this point, doesn't preclude me from using common sense to come up with the fact that 2 sets of room distortions, one recorded and one from playback don't make a distortion free performance. the fact that you think it does proves my second point rather than undermining me.
if you want distortion free - buy a tact. if you want something you enjoy, stick with what you've got. that's what my 'limited experience' tells me.

nothing like a 2 mile walk and a bit of bub baiting to get the blood pumping on a saturday morning. i quite like bub actually, he sticks to his convictions and can take shit as well as give it.

julian2002 said:
i quite like bub actually, he sticks to his convictions and can take shit as well as give it.

Couldn't agree more, although I suspect some easily wound up members would rather see him take is convictions and and stick them next to his shit ;)
Wreckers of Civilisation is indeed a very good book, unlike most of these things, it's well-written and takes the group seriously.

What everyone really needs is the TG24 and TG+ live box sets. 34 hours of live TG, the real deal.

Fox, you didn't miss much not seeing PTV live. They promised so much, but never really delivered. Unless endless videos of Gen's heavily pierced knob floats your boat (does nothing for me!)

-- Ian
Ju I didn't say I didn't like Bub only that he is talking shit (as usual) and I'm kinda fed up replying to his "advice" when I never asked for it in the first place.
Merlin see my answer above, I'm not easily wound up, had a bad day yesterday what with work and traffic, and his drivel kinda just added to it.

The problem with James is he gives advice that we don't ask for for problems tha we don't have, then when we react he says he was only winding us up, the sad thing is he REALLY DOES BELIEVE HE IS RIGHT, and the rest of us don't have a different point of view.
fox said:
Joel, I was thinking last night I really need to transfer this tape recording to CDR before print through and Mice take its toll (along with loads of audience tapes I made of The Au Pairs, Kleenex, Blood Donor, and various Rough Trade stuff). I see no reason why I can't make 3-4 or even more copies. I do rather enjoy this brand of stuff...
Sounds very good indeed. TonyL has been educating me in the way of Au Pairs etc, so I'd happily go for some of that, too.
I have a few bits n bobs in this general genre I could send in return - nothing very DIY, though. I'll try to make amends.
I think you would like the "Pygmy and Thunder album".
PM/email if you're interested.
I always insert a mental 'IMHO' before any statement made as fact.

It becomes a lot easier to cope with statements of opinion stated as absolute fact when we know mentally that what people say is their own opinion and nothing more.

As a wise moderator once told me, we have to assume that the people who use the forum use a ''bullshit filter'' when reading forum posts. Im sure thats the case with anyone who's been here a while.

I only worry for new forum members and people browsing the forum wondering whether they should join. I feel a little disheartened when I see new posters only post a couple of times and then leave. I wish they were given a better welcome and made to feel at home. We need new posters to add diversity and interest to the forum.

analoguekid said:
the sad thing is he REALLY DOES BELIEVE HE IS RIGHT, and the rest of us don't have a different point of view.

Everyone believes they're right, surely? Why on earth do you let it bother you?

-- Ian
Fox, we should probably swap some stuff. I have hours of things you'd like, and it sounds like you have hours of things I like.

-- Ian
sideshowbob said:
Everyone believes they're right, surely? Why on earth do you let it bother you?

-- Ian

Ian everyone does believe they are right, the difference is the rest of us realise other people have a different point of view, we may offer advice, but do not rattle on about it if that advice is not taken.

Anyway I'm not letting it bother me anymore, had other issues yesterday and this was prolly a way of getting the frustration off me chest kinda "kick the cat" syndrome.
sideshowbob said:
Fox, we should probably swap some stuff. I have hours of things you'd like, and it sounds like you have hours of things I like.

-- Ian

This music discusion is a bit OT, shouldn't you be having it in the Music section :D
i think james does get the raw end of the deal sometimes. at the start of this thread he made a reasonable reply to the initial question based on his own likes. he was met with some light ribbing and things escalated.
this seems to be the way with his posts i've noticed. someone will ask 'what cdp should i buy', bub will reply 'don't waste your money try mana' and then a bunch of people will pile on with the anti mana sentiments. bub then replys with some absolutist absurdity and off we go.
from the clams of those who like it, mana is an acceptable suggestion to improve most of the replay chain. the fact that some love it and some don't is a subjective observation and therefore is pointless arguing about - it is fun to argue about though.

I haven't fallen out with James and what you say is true, Ive just decided not to read his posts regarding **** he's a bit over zealous in this regard, I have nothing against the use of mana, or it's suggestion, just the absurdity that it is a universal panacea coz Bub says so. Had a really shitty day yesterday, and I shoulda left answering him, and fox and Paul until this morning, when I wasn't so wound up, ah well another lesson learned.
fair enough. i was just saying that i think james' responses that mana is the be all and end all are magnified just to get a rise out of people after he feels he's been attacked for his liking it. having a shitty day happens to us all, i rekon you need to listen to some music ;)

That was from an unsuspecting Daily Mail review of Throbbing Gristle's 20 Jazz Funk Greats wasn't it? And they looked so nice and appealingly retro-trendy on the cover in their sweaters, jackets and smiles...

The cover worked - I found my copy (complete with the rare poster) misfiled and misunderstood in the 'jazz / soul' section of a second hand record shop for a couple of quid!

julian2002 said:
i think james' responses that mana is the be all and end all are magnified just to get a rise out of people after he feels he's been attacked for his liking it.

I used to think that too, i'm not so sure,

Some people are so wrapped up in their own beleifs that they fail to see that there are other points of view that contradict theirs, and have equal validity.
By expressing a point of view you are automatically implying that other points of view are wrong. Adding "IMHO" makes no difference one way or another.

Fact is, Bub genuinely believes what he believes about Mana, but he also likes winding people up, and you do seem easily wound up AK.

-- Ian

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