Another pointless Mana debate

On the big condom for yer speakers, the collecting bit at the end, ohh never mind.

Well you see and enjoy yourself, and remember to 'old on with both 'ands. :)
So AK, been at those little pills you flog again?, you must remeber to do it after dark & in the presence of 45 year olds, (Incidently It was AK's handle Bubbit not one of my Torturious twisted concoctions).
Paul R,
I accquired the 98 remaster of Made in Japan this morning, been doing a little listening, they are quite different different mixes (Live in Japan), and then some
The 98 version, has been mastered 2-3db louder (6 digits on the Wad's Vol display .5db pre digit), the guitar is as you say back to the orginal wrong way round, its also very akin to the orginal, Dirty & Raw (in a great way), the gutiar & vocals & organ are more prominate on this mix, but its not a flowy or rhythmic, the 93 version has more going on in the deeper layers of the mix, the Bass & drums are far more dynamic and the interplay between Gillian & Blackmore in Strange Kinda of woman is far more incisive & real sounding, better presence too, while vocals are clearly better and deeper in the mix.
Also the 93 version gives a more ambiotic and higher soundstage, though its more polished.
It's been over 10 years since I heard the orginal CD (save for a brief blast earlier in the Year on Merlins VPI) so I could just prefer the 3 cd set as I've listened to it for a longer lenght of time. However its still a fantastic live album by ANY standards, the only winner is the listener, great music from another angle.
julian2002 said:
most studios are either designed to be as accousically neutral as possible or are treated to be so. none of these treatments to my knowledge include stacks of resonant angle iron, sofas, pianos, chez lounge, etc.
my lack of 'experience', although you don't qualify with what so i'm at a disadvantage when arguing this point, doesn't preclude me from using common sense to come up with the fact that 2 sets of room distortions, one recorded and one from playback don't make a distortion free performance. the fact that you think it does proves my second point rather than undermining me.
Julian, without being there and neither hearing the live event, nor the recording, you feel qualified to comment on the results?


To the others:

Nice to see you all reassuring yourselves. Giving me a would-be derisory nickname smacks of schoolyard bullying, and reflects more on yourselves than on me.

ak, the reason I asked what the retail costs were, was to try to put the sound I heard into some kind of perspective. If there's genuinely no bass in your floor, then things have changed significantly.

FWIW, your system isn't the worst I've heard at those kind of prices.
The Devil said:
Nice to see you all reassuring yourselves. Giving me a would-be derisory nickname smacks of schoolyard bullying, and reflects more on yourselves than on me.


Again Pot/Kettle/Black, your memory slipping these day? :D I seem to remember the **** flunkies rounding on one or 2 people, over their choice of weenie stands?, with yourself prominante at the forefront of the 'Ju-Ju stick' passing ceramonies.
Still I will congrate you, on withstanding the stick aimed in your direction over the last few days, you are making pleasing progess in that deptment James B- a good effort :)
James when giving advice, I always find it's a good idea to listen carefully, that way any advice can be tailored towards helping the individual, now you passed me some advice for which I was greatful, however when I gave you reasons, valid to me, for not wanting to take your advice, then I don't expect you to keep pressing the subject, you have found something that works for you and should be happy with that, you have to understand that ohter people have different ideas on what they require, I stated that I was happy with my lot, and I don't need you constantly driving home the point that to your ears, I'm missing something, and that consequently I couldn't possibly be happy, I have been into this hobby just as long as you and can make my own judgements, if I had wanted my system to be a flat earth one that's what I would have bought, the presentations of our systems are somewhat different, and I happen to prefer mine, FWIW I have said in the past, that your system was pretty decent, but these ears have heard others and prefer them, after all the hype James, I was expectingreally great things, and TBH, I disvovered you had taken a totally different path, and one the opposite to whatt I prefer, so although, you may believe your system and the things you have done to it to be the answer, then I'm afraid we both have asked different questions.

I really do not have any hard feelings and I will refrain from the petty name calling, you are still more than welcome to visit on the understanding that we discuss the music, not what it's played on.

I think the lesson is that most blokes are very competitive souls.

I did say, time and time again, that the important point is that you are happy with what you have, and it's really no skin off my nose that you don't want to try Mana. Why should I mind, really?
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no i wasn't present, no i haven;t heard your system. but i still find it difficult to believe that a room used primarily as a family living space is the equivalent of an anechoic chamber - unless of course your idea of good decor is egg boxes stapled to the wall (which i doubt).

julian2002 said:
unless of course your idea of good decor is egg boxes stapled to the wall (which i doubt).

I don't know Julian - have you seen those stand things he uses :yikes:
Re. Twenty Jazz Funk Greats, Throbbing Gristle.
The cover worked - I found my copy (complete with the rare poster) misfiled and misunderstood
I bought it new, when it came out, in full knowledge of the contents, and then it got nicked at a party.

I accquired the 98 remaster of Made in Japan this morning, been doing a little listening, they are quite different different mixes (Live in Japan), and then some

The 98 CD sounds a lot like the original vinyl. Which is I think the intention. I picked up the CD because the vinyl I have, while of impeccable 'Delta Pork' pedigree has lived almost as hard a life as Ian Gillan.

Anyway a definite candidate for 'Best Live Rock Album in the World Ever', whatever the format. "Everything louder than everything else".

Had read through the liner notes (most of which have been cobbed from Live in Japan Robinson again!!), seems they didn't tamper with it, just a wash & brush up. Were as LIJ was given 'the Full treatment' so I agree with you your feelings, they just wanted to keep the essence of the recording as close to the orginal master as possible.
Trying to find the matching recordings was fun SOTW on MIJ was taken from the first nite (the only nite which RB didn't fluff his lines) but its omitted on LIJ!!!!
SKOW is a fair bit better on the LIJ mix, so much more detail, background layers and dynamics, better vocals, but the orignal is still as it was, a timeless classic.
Are you at prestcott tomorrow?
julian2002 said:
no i wasn't present, no i haven;t heard your system. but i still find it difficult to believe that a room used primarily as a family living space is the equivalent of an anechoic chamber - unless of course your idea of good decor is egg boxes stapled to the wall (which i doubt).
Where have I said that it is anechoic?

Given the fairly enormous size of the room, I would guess that any room resonance (I can't hear any) is at a pretty low frequency and the instruments were acoustic guitar x 2, male vocal (tenor) x 2, and tambourine. If you think that those are going to "set off" my room, think again.
What's the RT-60 then Bub? I presume you've had it measured?
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if i'm getting my teminology correct an anechoic room will not exhibit any measurable reverb, echo, reinforcement or suckout at any frequency i.e. distortion. you've claimed that your system is distortion free. as there are no room treatments in place i would expect some form or reverb and / or echo and subtle reinforcement and suckout. this would be reproduced by the playing of the recording made in your room and then reinforced by the playing of it in the same room. thus distortion would be measurable / audiable. fine if you like that distortion but hardly distortion free.


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