We can discuss it like this you know, he's not bothered what we think, I mean it's not bad, and for most people it 's bass is fine, quite nice even, but, the accuracy of the speakers is showing the shortcomings of the electronics, and the records even had more sibilance than cd copies, (although that may have been the vinyl), to be fair it's probably very good, it's just that I'm kinda used to so much innacuracy, and distortion, that I miss it when it's not there, the kinda distortion that gives me what I term Roundeness, and texture, I was listening closely the other night, and I find my setup to be extremely fast and pretty bright, some would say too bright, but that's the way i like it, but each note, whist haveing terrific attack and speed, also seems very rounded and real, with texture, like the breathy sound rasping the reed and it sounding just real, thats the kinda distortion I like, but then listening to DP the other day I never noticed what side IG had dressed on nor wether richi was wairing blue or red garters, no siree the distrtion time smear, and smampy bass, just let me getting on and listen to the music, I'm a bit like sabb, he gets his tennis rackets out, i beat the couch with my hands, while my feet are doing their best to keep up with the hihat, call it air drummin' if you will, but I'm too busy enjoying the music, to be bothered about the technicalities of the mix, and just a note to Mr Ranson, when talking about bass usually set in middle, I was off course reffering to primarily studio music, however I also believe that most live recordings are run through the mixing desk, now most engineers tend to have bass drum and sometimes guitar coming in equally through both channels, Some pa's are more or less mon are they not?, any way from the way you describe it Paul, it's as if you are saying that they recorded this gig through a Blunheim stereo setup, or have he engineers cleverly set up the mix to simulate this.