Another pointless Mana debate

It's interesting Julian. I've posted two questions whose answers could show where the problems lie with Bub's room setup but he has yet to answer either. I can only summise that he would rather not know the answers, given his unwavering stance vis a vis accuracy.
Mike/Julian ccording to Bub he doesn't have any problems, mind you he didn't have problems before upgrading to P11, so I wonder why he upgraded, PPL usually upgrade when there system is lacking in something, like accuracy for instance, as his system was the best he had heard, I wonder what made him think there was any better sound available?

BTW James does have some room treatment, some accoustic tiles beneath large rugs on the floor and walls.

Surely the fact said gentlman uses a cds2/52 pre-amp already negates the accuracy quotaint by a fair margin, therefore pushing the premisis of 100% truthful reproduction ay every oppotunity, must trender the whole cornerstone of the matter into a state of quantum flux?
Quite frankly I'm shocked, its a bit like have a nissian micra engine powering your M3 lookalike most perplexing
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WM are you blaspheming, surely you are not calling into question, the most highly regarded pre and cdp on the planet, apparently. Not only that it's on substantial amounts of mana, incase you didn't know.
No sir indeedy, far be it from me to point out, the having an already thin and veiled, detail light source, that mechanical contrives the bass and puts the whole sound through a subjective mange, piled upon the best sound bleeching agent both demostic & commericaly available would generate the most prefectly accurate reproduction, just a wild stab in the dark I'm afraid

I'm sure Bub is convinced that there is nothing better out there but it's a bit like an agraphobiac telling people his home is the most beautiful place on earth.
merlin said:

I'm sure Bub is convinced that there is nothing better out there but it's a bit like an agraphobiac telling people his home is the most beautiful place on earth.
But the rest of you are a bit like Londoners who think only the Capital is worth visiting 'cos the countryside is so dull.

I'm on the offensive. I like my CDS2/52 and see if I care.
We can discuss it like this you know, he's not bothered what we think, I mean it's not bad, and for most people it 's bass is fine, quite nice even, but, the accuracy of the speakers is showing the shortcomings of the electronics, and the records even had more sibilance than cd copies, (although that may have been the vinyl), to be fair it's probably very good, it's just that I'm kinda used to so much innacuracy, and distortion, that I miss it when it's not there, the kinda distortion that gives me what I term Roundeness, and texture, I was listening closely the other night, and I find my setup to be extremely fast and pretty bright, some would say too bright, but that's the way i like it, but each note, whist haveing terrific attack and speed, also seems very rounded and real, with texture, like the breathy sound rasping the reed and it sounding just real, thats the kinda distortion I like, but then listening to DP the other day I never noticed what side IG had dressed on nor wether richi was wairing blue or red garters, no siree the distrtion time smear, and smampy bass, just let me getting on and listen to the music, I'm a bit like sabb, he gets his tennis rackets out, i beat the couch with my hands, while my feet are doing their best to keep up with the hihat, call it air drummin' if you will, but I'm too busy enjoying the music, to be bothered about the technicalities of the mix, and just a note to Mr Ranson, when talking about bass usually set in middle, I was off course reffering to primarily studio music, however I also believe that most live recordings are run through the mixing desk, now most engineers tend to have bass drum and sometimes guitar coming in equally through both channels, Some pa's are more or less mon are they not?, any way from the way you describe it Paul, it's as if you are saying that they recorded this gig through a Blunheim stereo setup, or have he engineers cleverly set up the mix to simulate this.
analoguekid said:
the kinda distortion that gives me what I term Roundeness, and texture,

unlikely to be distortion- more likely resolution. I suspect bub might hear the same if you put your source/pre into the ATC's.
analoguekid said:
...I find my setup to be extremely fast and pretty bright, some would say too bright, but that's the way i like it, but each note, whist haveing terrific attack and speed, also seems very rounded and real, with texture, like the breathy sound rasping the reed and it sounding just real, thats the kinda distortion I like, but then listening to DP the other day I never noticed what side IG had dressed on nor wether richi was wairing blue or red garters, no siree the distrtion time smear, and smampy bass, just let me getting on and listen to the music, .....
Wowee! What have you done?
merlin said:
unlikely to be distortion- more likely resolution. I suspect bub might hear the same if you put your source/pre into the ATC's.

I offered to do the very same, but James wasn't keen. TBH I just wanted to see what they would sound like on Mana, with proper speakers, also on mana.
analoguekid said:

Well I say nothing, added some of those granite thingys from argos, Just preffered my rack to have shelves afteral, but I don't think it has made any difference to the sound, and anyway as you always say James, other racks and things make little difference, only Mana works. Oh and I think since you were here I have played with positioning, now speeks are around 9' apart and around 16.5" from back walls, but this hasn't made a huge difference, either, prolly just emphasised soundsatge, and they are not toed in much at all, which also helps.

Still they are very fast and rounded, no make that,......what was it Merlin?....a yes,....resolution, yes they are very fast and resolved, come to think of it I'm sure it says something like that on the top of my poweramp, yes that's right i remember now, "High Resolution Power Amplifier".

Still James as long as we are happy eh?
It's funny, but you guys are strangely uncomfortable with the notion that Mana might actually do what Mana users claim it does, aren't you?

Paul, you'd be welcome to try your CDP here. The preamp presents a problem with connection to the ATCs - it's a five-pin DIN connector.

WM, I think that you are one of the few people on earth who doesn't rate the CDS2 and NAC 52. If you shout long & loud enough, I guess you might persuade some impressionable people that you are right!
Nice one guys. Nothing like having a new posters first thread turned into a 15 page battle of the old guard which has nothing to do with the original post :rolleyes:


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