Another pointless Mana debate

michaelab said:
Nice one guys. Nothing like having a new posters first thread turned into a 15 page battle of the old guard which has nothing to do with the original post :rolleyes:

:D :D :D

I bet the poor sod never realised what he was starting and now has probably left this forum for good :( . Has he posted anything here since?
James it's not the use or effectiveness of Man per se it's your insistence that my system lacks in some way and that only mana will cure it, when in fact I have said time and again that I'm happy with the sound and don't feel the need to upgrade, Mana may well work as well as you say, and one day i may try it, but i'll make the descision on that myself thanks.
adopting a martyred position is the last refuge of the losing arguer.
as ever it's not that we don't believe that you think mana does what you say it does. its the assertion that it has the same effect in all systems to all listeners that the majority of people take issue with. i for example would advocate the use of an isotek mains conditioner for source components however i'd not presume that the effect would be to everyones taste.

wadia-miester said:
James, in land mass terms for sure, in Audio not so sure
I believe Glasgow has at least four quality Hi-fi stores plus sundry shops like Sevenoaks etc. How many does Cheltenham have?

This "I know better than you" opinion is beginning to get me down.
wadia-miester said:
I wasn't referring to retail outlets Tom (private systems), there are only 2 decent one in this area, neither are in Gloucestershire
You mean there are only two decent private systems and neither are in Gloucestershire. Shurely some mistake.
Well, you're better off than me. No dealers at all and no one with in 50 miles with an interest in decent reproduction. However James is in a considerably more fortunate position. He may have a somewhat entrenched view but I suspect he has had enough exposure to other setups to know what else is out there.
To be Honest Tom, I find dealers OK nothing more, the only true repersenation for myself (and quite a few others) is comparing equipment in your own home, were you are familar with your 'sound' at dealers (good ones anyway) there is (should be) a wide choice of kit from which to select something suitable for home demo.
The 2 dealers from us arn't that close either 35+miles to each, but we are a little closer to civilisation than yourgood self.
julian2002 said:
adopting a martyred position is the last refuge of the losing arguer.

To WM: What Tom said. I love the way WM tries to portray Naim users as ****ing idiots who have never been exposed to any other systems.
This is because I, and others like me, present a mild-ish threat to Tony's snake, er sorry, audiophile cables business, which he's promoting via this forum. By continuously trying to discredit my views, he seeks to neutralise the threat. Fair enough...

So, Paul, bring your high-resolution CDP, and its power-supply (does it have one, or does it just plug straight in to the wall?), over to my place if you like. I think it might be quite good on phase 11. I would doubt that it would be quite as good as a Naim CDS2, but we don't know until we try it, do we?
I've only read the last 2 pages of this but am I right in saying its turned into another pointless argument about whether Mana is from heaven or not. I think we've covered this on one or two threads before. Theres only so many ways of presenting the same argument before it gets a bit dull.
It's funny, but you guys are strangely uncomfortable with the notion that Mana might actually do what Mana users claim it does, aren't you?


By continuously trying to discredit my views, he seeks to neutralise the threat. Fair enough...

have an overtone of self pity / martyrdom. come on bub, buck up, don't go all flaccid now, just as things are getting interesting.

i notice that once again you focussed on something other than the assetion i made that there are more than one point of view when it comes to 'tweaks'


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