Another pointless Mana debate

The Devil said:
It's funny, but you guys are strangely uncomfortable with the notion that Mana might actually do what Mana users claim it does, aren't you?

I think that you'll find most people are fed up with being told how good Mana is, even if it doesn't have anything to do with the start of the thread.
julian2002 said:
i notice that once again you focussed on something other than the assetion i made that there are more than one point of view when it comes to 'tweaks'
Julian, your posts display such amazing arrogance - you've told me what the result of the recording session sounds like, even though you weren't there, and haven't heard it (!)

Yes there are many points of view about tweaking. Most are incorrect.
The Devil said:
Julian, your posts display such amazing arrogance - you've told me what the result of the recording session sounds like, even though you weren't there, and haven't heard it (!)

Yes there are many points of view about tweaking. Most are incorrect.

thats better, there's the bub we all know and love. damning someone for arrogance in once sentence and then displaying an astonishing amount of it in the next. back on form no more of this namby pamby flaccidity for you.

i haven't said i know what the recording sounded like. just that i suspect that the replay of the recording will not be as undistorted as you claim. also that mana... blah blah blah.

penance said:
Could you not split the thread and leave stuff relevant to Matt@Nearfield's questions?
Thread has been split. The first 5 or so posts that were relevant to the original question have been left there. The remaining 17 pages are now this thread :rolleyes:

This posted by TonyL just as I was splitting the thread. Sorry Tony :)

That was Michael Keane's club wasn't it? The guy behind the breathtakingly shambolic/manic and brilliant antimusic racket-merchants "Royal Family and the Poor".

I didn't know that! I do however remember drunkenly standing on Julian Cope's foot at the Dalek I gig, I kind of tripped over something and heard a loud girly screech from behind, looked round at what I had stomped on and recognised him in all his pop star glory.

I saw Royal Family and the Poor somewhere, possibly Plato's supporting someone else. The only stuff I have by them is their side on Fact 24 - A Factory Quartet, and your description is bang on. It's good stuff, kind of like early ACR without the tunes or grooves!

julian2002 said:
i haven't said i know what the recording sounded like. just that i suspect that the replay of the recording will not be as undistorted as you claim.
Why bother saying that you suspect something about something else, when you have no evidence to base this on? If you choose not to believe my description of what we heard, that's entirely your prerogative. If you think I'm inventing stories, just say so.

My room was used as the recording venue because it has exceptionally good acoustics. Anyone who has visited will confirm this, apart from WM and analoguekid, who seems to have got himself into a peeing contest because I noticed that he had a lot of bass in the floor, and a lot of audible distortion and muddle in the midrange.
Sgt Rock said:
I think that you'll find most people are fed up with being told how good Mana is, even if it doesn't have anything to do with the start of the thread.

True indeed. I dont fear the idea that using Mana might have the benefits James so over states but I am fed up by his repetition. In fact on reflection I WAS open minded to its potential benefits (though aware certain people consider its effects, whilst noticable, to be undesirable). However I am less open minded now simply due to the extent James has polluted the forum with his sociopathic postings on the subject. In fact I have found I have used the forum less as a result of most threads becoming hijacked in this way.

James - I must say I cant see any evidence that Tony uses the forum to push his cables, in fact when I have talked to Tony directly, I find he is very reserved on the subject and if he is trying to sell to me he is far too subtle about it :). Also I can see no reason why he might see your pushing of Mana as a threat of any kind. I think he, like me and many others, are becoming irritated by the subject and perhaps he feels its his duty to counter post.

James - In the interests of both the forum (and humanity generally) please give us all a break!
greg said:
James - In the interests of both the forum (and humanity generally) please give us all a break!
Why read a thread that you aren't interested in? All I'm doing is answering points put to me. If you've nothing to say, say nothing.
But if people really don't want to debate M**a, just don't respond. I think the fact that this thread has loads more views and responses than any other recent one suggests most people do 'enjoy' these threads.
notaclue said:
I think the fact that this thread has loads more views and responses than any other recent one suggests most people do 'enjoy' these threads.

Hmm yeah like looking at a car crash. Impulsive.
The Devil said:
Why read a thread that you aren't interested in? All I'm doing is answering points put to me. If you've nothing to say, say nothing.

The original thread was called "Hi" wasn't it, how was Greg to know that its was about Mana & recordings.
The Devil said:
Why read a thread that you aren't interested in? All I'm doing is answering points put to me. If you've nothing to say, say nothing.

I responded prior to submit before Michael split the thread. When I have nothing to say I say nothing - but pertinent here - when I have said something once I generally avoid saying it again.
speculation about things especially when these speculations are based upon past experience and physics is part of human nature.
i'm not saying you didn't hear what you heard. i am saying that possibly there is a degree of subjectivism in your posts that are not subjected to a disclaimer at the start.
you bastard, now i sound like cj and adb - ****er.

notaclue said:
But if people really don't want to debate M**a, just don't respond. I think the fact that this thread has loads more views and responses than any other recent one suggests most people do 'enjoy' these threads.
Yes, I suppose they do, but only in the same way that people enjoy watching a fight in a pub...and they're about as useful.

Possibly gets some more punters into the forum though :JOEL:

notaclue said:
But if people really don't want to debate M**a, just don't respond. I think the fact that this thread has loads more views and responses than any other recent one suggests most people do 'enjoy' these threads.

I'm happy to acknowledge that the more argumenative debates are entertaining, however the process by which so many debates become a rerun of James' pro Mana posturing has become somewhat irritating - they pop-up everywhere and I think it has started to spoil things a bit. James has thoroughly expressed his views so many times, so often retreating to the position of "I dont care what anyone thinks - I'm right". Well there comes a point where there is no benefit to anyone to loop through it all again. i dont think my position is very contraversial really.
This thread isn't 'about Mana'. It's about ak being hypersensitive to (constructive) criticism of his very expensive but under-performing hi-fi.

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