The Devil
3DSonics said:Hi,
I am not sure who claimed fame. I merely mentioned that I have been around a lot and for a long while in Pro Audio, have written enough reviews not to want read them and do the occsaional little bit of design and consulatncy for a HiFi Distributor. And I mention this when people ask me about my experiences or views (like on Reviews), I prefer normally to keep a low profile.
Hmmm, MEG has been in the busines of making serious studio monitors since the 80's, K+H since the 60's. If no-one had ever heard of them I doubt they would still be in business somehow.
Of course, it seems your definition of "WhichNo-oneHasEverHeardOf" seems to equate yourself with "no-one", a rather fatal error of judgement IMHO.
And even more who did choose other manufatcurers products. The very fact that ATC is one of fairly substantial number of makers oh high performance monitors and that ATC monitors are likely to be even in the minority comnpared to the big guns in the branche (like JBL) when you consider the world wide situation in studios.There are probably 3 Genelecs, 10 JBL's, 1 - 2 Westlakes a handfull of Dynaudio & KRK Monitors in studio's for every ATC one and most of the really big names do not select ATC. If you make popularity the prime criteria then ATC must be worse than even I think (BTW, I'd probably take ATC most days over most Genelec's and JBL's and definitly over ANY Dynaudio as a monitor). This suggests that MAJORITY of studio owners and sound engineers actually do not like ATC enough to part with their own money.
You do of course and so be it, but stop arguing the old flat earth adage of "the only sound", just shifted from the Linn/Naim paradigm to ATC.
Ciao T
Are you absolutely certain that you don't like ATCs?
I ask because you seem a little uncertain.
P.S. I've been interested in Hi-fi for over 20 years. I'm terribly sorry, but I've never heard of either you or your favourite speakers. This makes you seem quite exotic and new.
Do you have any more advice for us? Please try to keep it short.
Best regards,
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