ATC studio monitors

analoguekid said:
I never said what he used at home, Read my post agin, I said he seems to REVIEW flat earth kit favourably.

So what he likes to listen to and what he likes when reviewing are two totally different sounds? What are you smoking these days AK.
Unlike you Merlin, I don't profess to know everything, when reading his reviews he seems to favour aspects of the presentation that would be considered Flat earth, as I don't know him or his personal preferences these are the things I go on.
merlin said:
AK, I know very little. I do know a stupid comment when I see one though ;-)

No doubt, you've had plenty practice of writing them.

Why you back on "zeromates" (your words not mine, anyway, makes you a bit of a hypocrate dontya think. Nobody playin' with you over there.

My comments on JK were an observation based on his reveiwing style, this makes it an opinion, you are very self opinionated, thought you might understand that. Or are you just being argumentative as usual?
analoguekid said:
My comments on JK were an observation based on his reveiwing style,

What exactly is his reviewing style AK and how does it compare with other contributors? Sorry, I don't feel the need for "those" types of magazines at my advanced age ;-)
merlin said:
What exactly is his reviewing style AK and how does it compare with other contributors? Sorry, I don't feel the need for "those" types of magazines at my advanced age ;-)

From memory, his reveiwing style seems to favour "flatter" kit, lots of superlatives, maybe he likes it, but not all do, I suspect that some manufacturers would ask for him personally, BTW this is not to say Jason is wrong, his review is afterall his opinion, but when i read his review of these speakers (was in several mags if i'm not mistaken) I wasn't surprised that he praised them.
Here is the very man's profile as found on the internet, along with a list of his kit clearly showing his flat earth bias.
And your point is?

I said he reviews flat earth kit favourably, what he buys is his own business and has nothing to do with what he reviews.

BTW i seem to remember you doing a lot of slagging off of these monitors a while ago, then you decided to buy the anniversaries, (I know where from) then on hearing a poor demo and seeing poor quality amps, you decide not to bother, yet you still defend what is obviously an overpriced loudspeaker, At least others are consistent, I reckon your just arguing cause you enjoy it.
Christ Deja Vu or what!

FWIW, I am not a fan of ATC speakers in general, although I can fully apreciate their undoubted strengths in certain areas. I find this a more balanced approach these days than randomly attacking certain products simply because I have a beef with the manufacturer or owner. I find it more constructive to be honest. Hey maybe I'm becoming more mature!
I have no beef with either ATC or their owner, I just find them not to my taste, an opinion granted, but thats what these fora are for, unfortunately some folk can't accept that we have different tastes.

Not sure where the Deja vue comes into it. Unless you mean your constant contradiction of those who take your fancy.

Mind you it's funny how you don't argue back with WM when he slags them off, and TBH he's a lot more scathing than me. Have a listen to ART expressions with a good valve amp, then compare them to ATC actives through an ss pre, when you hear the differences in both presentations, then you'll see where I'm coming from, Chalk and cheese. Not that I'm right, but then neither is the other guy.
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analoguekid said:
Have a listen to ART expressions with a good valve amp,

I did recently AK and I'm afraid to say they did not impress me given their horrendous cost. I would accept that they are reasonably uncoloured but to my ears, the seperate drive units just did not gel into one cohesive and believable whole in the way some of their competitors do.

They are no better or worse than any number of loudspeakers out there (let's face it, there aren't that many bad ones these days) - that's why I find all this constant willy waving rather concerning TBH.
Thats fine Merlin, thats your opinion, I also reserve the right to disagree with you, they also do detail and microdynamics differntly toATC (and others no doubt)but the point of my quote was, this is the type of sound I look for, and ATC actives are way different. therein lies the basis of my views.

Who is willy wavin' ?

BTW sure you don't mean the impressions, they have 3 seperate drive units.
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ART whatever-they-are-called are a long way behind Linn Isobariks. I really don't see why anyone would buy them, but it's a strange world.
Yep Bub, thought you'd say that, it's your opinion and you are entitled to it, at least you stick to your guns, and don't chop and change as the mood takes you.

See ya
I have listened to both ss and valve pre's though atc50's. There is a MASSIVE difference in the resulting sound with both. SCA ss pre is clinical, cold, tight and flat. Valve pre is huge, entertaining, energetic and 'live' sounding, but not so tight on the bass.

Asking someone to compare system A comprising a valve pre, to system B with an ss pre, to evaluate speakers is utter nonsense. :rolleyes:
analoguekid said:
Thats fine Merlin, thats your opinion,

No AK, if you read what I said, it is actually fact.

Anyway, the thread was about ATC monitors, not these ARS thingies or whatever.

So unless you have something constructive to say about the topic in hand, why not leave it there?

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