I'll have to ask an expert to be certain but as far as I am aware the Tubaphon / Einstein (who are these people) mods are just the removal of the headshell and outer body of an an EMT xsd/tsd* 15 cartridge.
My TU2 is loaded capacitively**, you can see the small green capacitors on the side of the body. I don't think the Brinkman one is, I certainly can't see the capacitors on the side of it. There was a discussion on here some time ago about that subject I think. The Brinkman is also supposed to be different structurally, with a mounting plate above the main body and integral cartridge tags. It is meant to make it more rigid. It also makes it cost 1795.00 quid. Details can be found at:
Here's a picture for comparison:
The Brinkman weighs in at 11gm. I measured mine using my Clearaudio Cartridge scale at around 7 grams so there is indeed a fair bit of extra material in there.
I've heard that they are both similar to the Roksan Shiraz which is also a slightly modified EMT. Be nice to see a picture of that if anyone has one. Mounting it was fine, the DV505 has a detachable headshell thank god. Don't think I'd have fancied doing it in a one piece non - removable arm tube though. The little guards either side of the stylus are a great idea.
*The XSD and TSD cartridges are the same cart but with a different headshell mounting for EMT (XSD) and SME (TSD) type head shells.
** I know what a capacitor is and does but don't know what 'loaded capacitively means.'